
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Board met Nov. 17

Webp hall

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Board met Nov. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Jim McCabe called the Waltham Elementary School Board meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Roll Call: Board Members present: Kathy Jereb, Allison Nichols, Brian Phillips, Brian Shofner, and Jim McCabe.

Board Members Absent: Skip DeMaso (arrived at 6:11 after Action Items), and Nicole Mertes Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Eager, Superintendent, and Mrs. Melanie Lukacsy, Principal

Pledge of Allegiance: All

Visitors: Tom Collins (Shaw Media), Dan Gustafson (Teacher), and Kylie Mattioda (Parent & PTCC Treasurer)

Approval of Consent Agenda: Nicole Mertes moved, second by Brian Phillips to approve:

· Regular & Executive Board October 20, 2021,

· Regular & Executive Special Board October 26, 2021,

· District Bills,

· Treasurer’s Report.

Roll Call Vote: “Yeas” – Kathy Jereb, Allison Nichols, Brian Phillips, Brian Shofner and Jim McCabe “Nays” – None. Motion carried with 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Reports, Updates and Informational Items:

5.1 Facilities: Mrs. Eager reported: Capital projects report showed some payments for the North building demolition project; still working on the timeline for the project; will be sending out letters to neighboring landowners with information about the project; and fencing will be put around the site to keep it secure.

5.2 Enrollment: Current enrollment is 205; one student moved, and another will be starting after Thanksgiving.

5.3 FOIA Request/Response: FOIA request from Vince Espi asking if we contracted with Panorama.

5.4 Tax Abatement Resolution: Annual resolution due to the new building to identify the money being abated from our bond.

5.5 Tentative FY2021 Tax Levy: The Levy rate this year will be 3.1131% and we do not have to hold a Truth in Taxation hearing.

5.6 2021-2022 Seniority List: Is posted for 30 days and will be approved at the December 15, 2021 meeting.

5.7 Contracts over $25,000: Annual report, Johannes bus company, BCBS of Illinois and Selective Insurance were added.

5.8 PRESS Policies - 1st Reading: More clean-up by ISBE; 5:330 added Juneteenth and 2022 Election Day as paid holidays.

5.9 MOU of Understanding for Social Media Professional Relationships:


1. Mrs. Eager is redoing the Risk Management plan and it will need to be approved at the December meeting.

2. Two Board members are unable to attend the Triple I Conference so Mrs. Mitchell should be going (has contracted a bad head cold so unsure), and Mr. Gustafson will be going.

Action Items Prior to Executive Session:

7.1 Approve Tax Abatement Resolution: Skip DeMaso moved, second by Brian Phillips to approve the Tax Abatement Resolution as presented.

Roll Call Vote: “Yeas” – Skip DeMaso, Kathy Jereb, Allison Nichols, Brian Phillips, Brian Shofner and Jim McCabe “Nays” – None. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

7.2 Approve Tentative FY2021 Tax Levy Resolution: Brian Phillips moved, second by Skip DeMaso to approve the Tentative FY2021 Tax Levy Resolution as presented. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

7.3 Set Truth in Taxation Hearing: Not needed

7.4 Approve Contracts over $25,000: Brian Shofner moved, second by Brian Phillips to approve the 2020 Contracts over $25,000 report as presented. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

7.5 Waive 2nd Reading of PRESS Policies: Brian Phillips moved, second by Brian Shofner to waive the 2nd reading of the PRESS Policies. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

7.6 Approve MOU of Understanding for Social Media Professional Relationships: Brian Phillips moved, second by Allison Nichols to approve the MOU of Understanding for Social Media Relationships as presented. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays

Executive Session: None

Motion to Adjourn: Brian Phillips moved, second by Skip DeMaso at 6:46 p.m. Motion carried with 6 yeas, and 0 nays.
