
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, November 23, 2024

City of LaSalle Streets, Alleys, and Traffic Committee met March 21

City of LaSalle Streets, Alleys, and Traffic Committee met March 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairman Bacidore called the Meeting to order at 6:10pm


Present: Chairman Bacidore, Alderman Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane Excused Absence: Alderman Ptak

Others Present: Deputy Clerk Brent Bader, Superintendent of Public Works Patrick Watson, Economic Development Director Leah Inman, Alderman Demes, Finance Director John Duncan, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, Treasurer Virginia Kochanowski, City Attorney James McPhedran.

A quorum was present. 

Chairman Bacidore began the discussion of adding “No Parking” signs in the south city diamond between Second, Third, Bucklin and Lafayette Streets. Bacidore spoke with Kevin Keeney, diamond resident, who works for LINK media. Bacidore shared his suggestions about turning the dumpster to make it quicker and easier for the Garbage collection company. Bacidore stated that Keeney agreed with this suggestion. Demes then stated that he spoke with Keeney, and he is not in agreement with Bacidore’s suggestion. Demes stated that cars are not parked there usually because five residents need access to their drives. Kenney was unable to make the meeting because he had to work. Bacidore believes that Kenney agreed, while Demes believes otherwise.

Janelle Manfredini, resident of the alley diamond, spoke in regard to the parking issues in the diamond. She stated that the signs came down last fall and people started blocking their driveway access. Manfredini did state that they will be regraveling their drive to make it look more proper. But they do use this drive to access the garage that is attached to the brown building. Demes referred to some pictures that Clerk Bader had on file.

Mayor Grove asked why the signs were even taken down in the first place. Gary Hammers asked Bacidore awhile back if he would be able to park in the diamond. Hammers was unsure why the no parking signs were even there. Bacidore looked into it and saw that there was no ordinance even allowing the signs to go up. Bacidore put a work order to have them removed and they were removed shortly after.

Mayor asked how long Manfredini and her brother had owned their property. Manfredini’s brother had lived there since 2013-14 and Manfredini lived there since 2016. The signs were always there since she lived there for the 5+ years. The signs were just removed last fall.

Demes stated that he has owned his property since 1985 and there have been 3 sets of signs there. Three signs were put up at one time when the Lamis building was there and the IVCC basketball players were having parties often. One of those signs wasn’t put back up because a resident kept knocking the one down. The signs were then replaced at one point for just newer versions but put back in the same locations. Demes stated that he just always remembers there being signs in that diamond.

Bacidore refers back to the pictures and states that there is access and all kinds of room in the alley diamond.

Crane suggested paving and striping the alley diamond if it does get used daily and there is plenty of space.

Attorney McPhedran wanted to clear up that there were basically two parking spaces that are part of this dispute.

Craig Vickery, resident of 38 years, stated how all residents deserve ample space. He stated Hammers has his own parking for his business. Vickery has found liquor bottles, beer cans, and cigarettes around the alley diamond.

Bacidore is upset because the city approved Hammers and all the work that he wanted to put into this area but now issues keep popping up and the city keeps knocking him backwards. Hammers is basically requesting two spots. Demes stated that when they did approve Hammers to open up, he was the one that made the motion to vacate the diamond. Ptak was not present but Demes did mention how both him and Ptak were concerned with the lack of parking when they did approve Hammers to open for business. Hammers stated at the time that there would not be an issue with parking. Demes wants to know why now Hammers wants to take the south side of the diamond for the parking.

Demes recalled a couple diamond ordinances. One was in regards to who can use it and who has the right to use the diamond with language of anyone that borders the diamond is allowed to. The other ordinance he mentioned was a city diamond ordinance where there was no parking in any city diamond from Canal St. to 3rd St.

Hammers did ask how many diamonds are in the town and how many diamonds have no parking signs in there.

McPhedran did ask for the city to do a check on how many diamonds and how many stop signs throughout the city.

Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to table this discussion for two weeks. Herndon asked for the council to do a little investigation of proper evidence that people are parking there.

Mayor asked for few more examples to show in two weeks when this topic is discussed again. Hammers suggested maybe parking a couple of his vehicles there on garbage collection day.


AYE : Alderman Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane, Chairman Bacidore

NAY: None

Absent: Alderman Ptak

Abstain: None


There were no more questions or comments from the public.

Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Herndon to adjourn the meeting.

Pro-Tem Chairman Lavieri adjourned the meeting at 6:32p.m.
