
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, November 22, 2024

Earlville Community Unit School District 9 Board met March 14

Earlville Community Unit School District 9 Board met March 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Earlville Community Unit School District 9, DeKalb, LaSalle and Lee Counties, Illinois, held at the Earlville School, was called to order by School Board President Mrs. Barbara Meloy at 6:32 p.m.


The following members answered roll call: Mr. Carl Zimmerman, Mr. Adam Browder, Mr. Jeff Maly, Ms Jennie Smith and Mrs. Barbara Meloy were present. Mr. Gregg Pfaff and Mr. John Eager were absent.

Administrators: Mr. Rich Faivre and Mrs. Jenette Fruit were present.


Ms DJ Abreu from the Earlville Post and Ms Elyssa Albers were present.


A motion was made by Mr. Zimmerman to accept the resignation of Carol Denham effective June 1, 2022 and commend her for 37 years of service to the District. Mr. Maly seconded the motion. All members voted aye by voice and the motion carried.

A motion to hire Kirsten Sweeney as Assistant Junior High Track Coach was made by Ms Smith. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Zimmerman to approve teacher tenure contracts for Elyssa Albers, Laura Barnes, Lisa Harness, Nathan Mata, Charlotte McWade, Josh Sarver, Brandon Skolek, Kristi Stout, and Sarah Turinetti. Mr. Maly seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.




A motion was made by Mr. Zimmerman to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of Minutes, Bills, and Payroll. Ms Smith seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith and Mrs. Meloy The motion carried.


A motion was made by Ms Smith to approve the Financial Reports. Mr. Browder seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.


School Leadership Team – Mrs. Fruit reported the team met and had a short meeting to discuss Panorama data.

Transportation Committee – Mr. Faivre reported the Committee is recommending leasing two full size gasoline buses and one Activity Bus. This would give the District a total of 4 full size buses on sight.

Building & Ground Committee – The committee met to discuss the building addition. The plan is to have the foundation poured this summer, remodeling done internally of the Ag room and hallway through edge of band room, bathroom work, and two storage room areas before the 2022-2023 school begins in August. The weight room could be moved to the current library temporarily closing the library while the new addition is built. Ms Abreu questioned the closing of the library. Mr. Faivre explained the books will move to classrooms and once the new project is finished the library will return.


Mr. Faivre

Enrollments: EELC- 17 students, Before/After School Program – 11 students, PreK-12th grades is at 397 students. Home school enrollment is at 25 students.

Intercom system – The system is in need of an upgrade. Rather than replace the entire intercom system, Mr. Faivre found a company that will work with current phone system substantially lower in price. The Board gave Mr. Faivre permission to have this taken care of and will bring a formal motion back to the April meeting with pricing and contract.

West Gym floor- The gym floor, which is over 20 years old, needs to be sanded and refinished. The cost is approximately $25,000. The Board gave Mr. Faivre permission to bring designs and a contract to the April meeting.

The Board also gave permission to seek pricing and a contract on bleacher repair in the West Gym. Mr. Faivre will gather that information.

Mrs. Fruit – Announced the Student of the Month is Brynn Guelde




A motion to approve the administration to execute the lease of one full size gas bus for three years, one for five years, and one activity bus for four years was made by Mr. Maly. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.

A motion to approve the Scope Change Request with GEP Wegman to include the East Parking lot was made by Mr. Zimmerman with a second by Ms Smith. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.

A motion to approve hiring GRP Wegman as construction managers for the Building Addition was made by Mr. Browder with a second by Ms Smith. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.

With the current AP/AD resigning, Administration has made a list of administrative duties for next year. A motion to transition the position of assistant Principal/Athletic Director to K-5 Principal was made by Mr. Zimmerman. Ms Smith seconded the motion. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted aye: Mr. Browder, Mr. Maly, Ms Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Meloy. The motion carried.


Mr. Maly made a motion to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. with a second by Mr. Zimmerman. All members voted aye by voice and the motion carried.
