Seneca Township High School District 160 Finance & Personnel Committee met April 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Present: Ron Frye, Rich Hamilton, Jason Eltrevoog, Dan Stecken, and Stacey Gould
A. Public Comment - None
B. Finance
1. Capital Projects Fund- Dan Stecken reviewed the status of the capital projects fund and the potential to transfer $750K in the next fiscal year from transportation and working cash.
2. Gymnasium Project Certificates - Dan discussed a call with John Vezetti regarding debt certificates to finance the gymnasium project. John ran numbers for $5M in debt with a 4-year and a 5-year amortization schedule. Dan stated the debt certificates would be paid completely out of the building fund and depend on the finalization of the deal with Exelon.
3. Milk and Bread Bids - Dan reviewed next year's milk and bread prices received from Beth Miller. Both prices are going up slightly.
4. 2022-23 Lunch Fees - Dan stated we have not been charged the past two years for lunch and breakfast but that will change at the end of this year. Stacey Gould mentioned this is being challenged by school nutrition associations across the country and could change. Regardless, lunch prices will remain the same. 5. 2022-23 Registration Fees - Dan reviewed registration fees for next year and how they will remain the same, with the continued discount for parental participation in student-parent academic meetings.
6. Non-Union Salaried Staff Raises - Dan presented a list of the non-union salary employees and recommended a flat 3% raise for all except for one employee who received a significant raise during the year for a change in job description. Dan mentioned the 3% is in line with the teacher contract as they move off the schedule. Ron Frye, Rich Hamilton, and Jason Eltrevoog all agreed.
7. Reflective Leaming Update-Dan shared an email between himself and Sherry St. Clair regarding services. Dan mentioned that although the m_oney was well spent and the evaluation training was great, the district will no longer need the services which will save the district about $20K next school year.
8. Health Insurance Renewal EBC & Comps - Stacey Gould presented the final EBC renewal numbers and explained the banding formula. Stacey mentioned that although the district's loss ratio was 116.1%, the district will still receive a renewal rate of 7.5% since it is the first year in the co-op.
9. Delta Dental Renewal - Stacey presented the new Delta Dental contract for next year. Stacey stated the district had two options and decided on a 12-month renewal at a 2.7% increase.
C. Personnel
1. Summer School Teacher Update - Dan went over the list of summer schoolteachers and stated there will be no BRIDGE program or Algebra 1 this summer due to lack of interest. Dan mentioned trying something different next year to revive the program and regain interest.
2. Updated Co-Curricular List - Dan presented co-curricular list for next year. Dan listed open positions including assistant girls' basketball and assistant track. Dan also presented the idea of a student incentive sponsor that would be paid the lowest coaching rate and would require a memorandum of understanding with the teacher's union. Ron Frye, Rich Hamilton, and Jason Eltrevoog all agreed to add the position.
3. Administrative Contracts
a. Principal - Dan presented the principal's contract for next year. There are no changes compared to the current contract except for the pay. Next year will be the base year in the principal's retirement track.
b. Superintendent - Dan presented a list of current area superintendent contract comparisons and requested a 5-year contract of similar circumstances as the prior superintendent. Ron Frye, Rich Hamilton, and Jason Eltrevoog all agreed with the rationale and discussed long term options. It was agreed that they would discuss with the whole board of education at the regular meeting.
4. Athletic Trainer/Maintenance Job Description - Dan presented a new job description for the athletic trainer/maintenance position. Along with this description, Dan also presented a termination agreement from the district attorney that would allow the district to hire the position. Dan stated the district must continue to advertise ATI and recommend students to ATI services when needed.
5. Dua1 Credit Adjunct Nursing Professor Contracts - Dan presented the potential contract for the school nurse to teach a dual credit course next year. Dan stated that since the nurse has a master's degree, the district would no longer have to hire an outside instructor. Stacey Gould mentioned that the district is still waiting on the updated rate from IVCC.
6. IMRF Preliminary Rate 22-23 - Dan presented the preliminary employee rate from IMRF for fiscal year 2023, showing the rate to decrease significantly from 6.42% to 3.44%. Stacey Gould stated this rate is still preliminary and could change.
D. Other - Dan presented a final look of the FY 23 school calendar that will be approved at the next Board meeting.
E. Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.