
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Ottawa Playground & Recreation Board met May 12

City of Ottawa Playground & Recreation Board met May 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Recreation Board Members Present: Alex Spencer, Phil McNally, Brent Roalson, Ryan Cantlin, Randy Bretag, Kari Hilton Josh Moore, Steve Brenbarger (Dave Marvin, Director of Ottawa Recreation)

Others attending the meeting: Steve Kuhn, Tami Koppen,

Recreation Board Members Absent: Maribeth Manigold

I. Phil moved to approve April Recreation minutes. Brent second. Motion passed.

II. Phil moved to accept the April Recreation and Pool Financial Reports. Josh second. Motion passed.

III. Commissioner’s Report –

a. Thornton Park almost done

b. Tennis courts – overlay coating

IV. Pool Manager’s Report – (NA Until further Notice)

V. President Report – Alex, Brent, met to discuss procedure for future Maintenance money distribution.

a. More In-depth during New Business

VI. Director’s Report

a. Adult Softball –

i. Slow / Low Registration 4 total teams as of 5/10/22

1. Newspaper

a. Ad – paper and online

2. Sport section JT has dropped it o the sports section

3. Community Calendars - several outlets

4. Social Media –Facebook…..Please Share if you see it

ii. Softball Website page – (running on the old website)

1. Has Online Registration

2. Has Online payment

3. Walk up night in Rec Office

4. May 18th 5:30 -7:30

VII. Summer Parks

a. Hiring - Maya was waiting on one last person response.

b. Brochure – at the Printer

i. Start distribution ASAP

c. Registration - website could possibly be holding us up a bit

d. Grand Ridge – Paid up /on board.

e. Marseilles Pool / Parks Agreement

i. Copy of it.

ii. Agreement was made with Marseilles Rec Board

iii. Phil made a motion for the Rec Board to accept the agreement of services with Marseilles Rec and sending it for City council for approval. Randy Second. Motion Passed

VIII. Website – Issues with getting domain switched over

a. Is supposed to be up and Running by the 15th

IX. Old Business

a. Youth Sports / Maintenance Money

i. Want to be able to tell where money is sent

ii. If the youth program left / what remained behind is what we are paying for

iii. No concession stand items

iv. Need Receipts

v. Motion was made by Brent to pay Ottawa American LL, Ottawa National LL, OGFA, and Jr League programs $2000 maintenance money per field this new fiscal year. Josh Seconded. Motion passed. 5 Yes 1 No 1 abstain

X. Long Range Planning and Board Goals

a. Construction in Progress -- None

b. Park Inspection – Parks list completed given to Steve Kuhn

c. Long Range Plans & Review – Peck Park looking at a Grant

XI. Committee Reports

i. By-laws (Maribeth, Kari) – None

ii. Financial/Budget (Ryan, Josh) – None

a. Parks (Randy, Steve, Kari) –

i. Updated on Disk Golf course – Diagram

1. Put on the website

ii. Varland Park (Pour and play) instead of Mulch $50,000.

b. Programs (Phil, Maribeth, Brent) –

i. Phil discussed Field usage

ii. Scoreboard at Whitney\

iii. Pool (Maribeth, Steve) – None

XII. New Business –

a. Clarification Clarification of Billing

i. What is Recreation’s Responsibility?

1. All structures in a City Park?

2. Only Parks used for Recreation Programs

3. Park used by youth Sports

a. What is should they be responsible to pay

b. What extra should Rec be responsible to pay after we have giving the requested money for maintenance to each youth group?

b. Skate Park Email – Added Skate Park to Long Term plans

1. Need for funding, Donor, Grant, etc

c. Pool – Marseilles Pool inquired about items that would be thrown out before demo of the facility?

d. Interested in anything they could use at their pool.

XIII. Adjourned – Phil made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Brent Second. Motion Passed


a. Allen Park – Brent

b. Dayton Bluff –Maribeth

c. East Side – Kari

d. Fox River - Maribeth

e. Hollywood – Phil

f. Kiwanis - Randy

g. Lincoln Douglas – Alex

h. Peck Park - Randy

i. Rigden – Steve

j. Skate Park – Josh

k. Thornton Park – Steve

l. Turnberry- Brent

m. Varland – Josh

n. Walsh – Kari

o. Washington – Ryan
