
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Peru City Council met Aug. 29

City of Peru City Council met Aug. 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A regular meeting of the Peru City Council was called to order by Mayor Ken Kolowski in the Peru City Council Chambers at 7:15 p.m.

City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo present; Mayor Kolowski present.

All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


Ms. Jessica Kreiser, Executive Director of Lighted Way Children’s Developmental Center in LaSalle addressed the council and provided the following:

“All of the information I have to share today is about our students, which is why you have each been provided a picture along with my business card, our agency brochure, and photos of our current and future homes. All of the details I am about to share reflect 64 years of agency excellence in service to students, families and school districts across the Illinois Valley. Before you learn a little more about Lighted Way, I would like to have some of our current board members introduce themselves.”

“Lighted Way Association, Inc is a 501 (c)(3), Non-profit, Non-public, Special Education School for students with Multiple Disabilities located in the heart of LaSalle County in the city of LaSalle and is accredited by the Illinois State Board of Education. Lighted Way is home to students ages 3 to 22 who are not able to be educated by their home school districts due to significant learning, physical, and medical needs. Students with Multiple Disabilities, Developmental Delays, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, and Other Health Impairments are provided an individualized education program, where certified school staff work together to meet students where they are and develop a specialized program for success. Forty-five Lighted Way students from 20 school districts are packed into a structure that started as a 2 story house with a detached garage. The original building was constructed in the early 1900’s with 5 building additions added since 1963. Lighted Way is a beloved institution in the county and impacts the community and its citizens in many ways as our sole responsibility is to teach the most fragile child entrusted to us.”

“Lighted Way students have been through a lot the last few years yet we continue to educate and grow. Similar to public schools, The Covid-19 Pandemic impacted our students tremendously. “At home” or “Remote” learning is difficult for an average student; imagine the impact on a student with significant needs! Weekly packets with instructional materials delivered to homes and Zoom meetings with the lack of face to face exposure to real life teaching and hand-over-hand guidance made learning difficult. In addition to regression of skills, deterioration in relationships, lack of sensory integration, and the absence of exposure to materials that cannot be duplicated, students have been affected greatly. Students have been slowly returning to their LW safe haven, while the more medically fragile continue to remain at home for now. Homebound students continue to receive “At Home” instruction.”

“The financial burden of Covid is well documented: Cleaning supplies including 55 gallon drums of sanitizing solution, protective materials and additional supplies that needed to be purchased and replenished frequently. Keeping the school building properly sanitized to reduce the chance of infection to students and staff was labor intensive and costly. Transportation costs to continue “At Home” instruction for the medically fragile is an additional weekly expenditure. Lighted Way is not eligible for any State or Federal funding provided to public and private schools to offset these ongoing and increasing expenses. These costs have been dispersed through the Lighted Way budget.”

“If you build it; they will come.” Lighted Way is excited to have purchased the 33,000 square foot, single story commercial property, formally known as Heritage Manor, which has been abandoned for 11 years. Plans have been drawn to include: larger specialized classrooms, age appropriate sensory rooms, learning classroom for self-care, cooking, etc, commercial kitchen, handicap accessible bathrooms and walkways, auxiliary classrooms for all related services (ie; OT, PT, Speech & Language, Vision, and Hearing) and a larger, appropriate playground.”

“The new site will offer more jobs to residents, provide more space for individualized learning, create spaces for more impactful services for our most fragile and special population of students, and restore an abandoned facility, improving the neighborhood and the entire community. Lighted Way currently has a list of students waiting to be accepted so they can receive the appropriate, quality education they deserve without riding for many miles on a school bus out of the immediate area.”

“Peru City Council, we look forward to working with you as we move forward making our new home a perfect fit for our students, staff, families, and both the LaSalle and Peru communities!” “Please let me know if you are interested in a tour of our current facility, I would be thrilled to share our school with you!” “If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them!”

“Thank you for your time tonight and we look forward to being neighbors!”

The Mayor and Council thanked Jessica for the important work that do.



Mayor Kolowski presented the Regular Minutes of August 15, 2022; Treasurer’s Report for July 2022 and the Peru Volunteer Ambulance Service Inc. Activity Summary for July 2022. Alderman Waldorf made a motion the minutes and reports be received and placed on file. Alderman Payton seconded the motion; motion carried.


Alderman Buffo presented the following disbursements for payment on August 31, 2022:


   General Fund                 $367,405.05

   Utility Fund                       707,849.22

   Landfill Fund                      12,391.00

   Airport Fund                       44,445.52

   Total                            $1,132,090.79

Alderman Buffo made a motion the disbursements be received, placed on file and the bills be paid in the usual manner. Alderman Tieman seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Payton made a motion to approve $1,000 contribution to Illinois Valley PADS. Alderman Tieman seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Payton made a motion to approve expenses for city officials to attend the annual IML Conference in Chicago September 15-17, 2022. Alderman Buffo seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.


Alderman Ballard made a motion to approve the north water tower logo design. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Waldorf made a motion to approve the purchase of streetlight and walk light pole standards in the amount of $189,492.00. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Lukosus made a motion to approve quote from Pabian Enterprises LLC, in the amount of $29,800 for a 5-horsepower dewatering pump for detention pond behind Menards. Alderman Waldorf seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Lukosus made a motion to approve quote from Evans Electric in the amount of $29,777.00 replacement of traffic signal cabinet and batter back up (Rt. 251 and Route 80). Alderman Waldorf seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Lukosus motion to seek bids for 3 reels, 1300 ft each of 15 kV 500 MCM aluminum wire to replace stock. Alderman Waldorf seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.


Alderman Edgcomb made a motion to approve service agreement with Saltus Technologies for 10-unit digiTICKET program with annual amount of $12,662.00. ($13,300 annual fee minus $638.00 discount if paid in full). LaSalle County Circuit Clerk to reimburse City $12,000. Alderman Buffo seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Alderman Tieman made a motion to increase parking violation fines; parking from $10.00 to $20.00; snow ordinance parking fines from $25.00 to $50.00. Alderman Buffo seconded the motion. Deputy Police Chief Sarah Raymond reported he is looking for more compliance and hopefully raising the fines will help. Deputy Chief Raymond also stated fines have not been raised since 2006. Mayor Kolowski stated raising the fines is not to take money from citizens but encourage people to follow the rules. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.


Corporate Counsel Scott Schweickert presented the minutes of Planning/Zoning hearing held on August 3, 2022 regarding the petition of Michael Lock concerning property located at 400 5th Street, Suite 199, in the City of Peru, IL. Alderman Tieman made a motion the minutes be received, placed on file and concur with the recommendation. Alderman Ballard seconded the motion; motion carried.

Corporate Counsel Scott Schweickert presented a proposed ordinance entitled:



Alderman Tieman made a motion the ordinance be adopted as written and read. Alderman Buffo seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Corporate Counsel Scott Schweickert presented a proposed resolution entitled:



Alderman Waldorf made a motion the resolution be adopted as written and read. Alderman Payton seconded the motion. Corporate Counsel noted Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.





Clerk Bartley presented a communication from St. Bede requesting permission to hold a homecoming parade in the City of Peru on Friday, September 30th at 4:30 p.m. (Splash Pad to St. Bede). Alderman Waldorf made a motion the communication be received, placed on file and permission granted. Alderman Edgcomb seconded the motion; motion carried.


PSM/Fire Chief Jeff King reported on the upcoming retirements of Firefighter Engineer Dennis Lemmer (42 years) and Electric Department Foreman Kye Kaszynski.

Human Resource Director Kim Reese reported on the Health and Wellness sponsored golf outing on Saturday, September 10th with a 10:00 a.m. start time. Ms. Reese stated proceeds from the event will go to the United Way. Ms. Reese stated the committee is looking for sponsors and donations. Entry fees are $75.00 and include lunch.

Mayor Kolowski IT thank you.

Adam Thorson, Director of Parks, Recreation and Special Events reported the next Music in the Park will be September 16th with Demolition Men performing.


Alderman Waldorf made a motion to go into closed session to discuss litigation “when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting, meetings held to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Alderman Payton seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo voting aye; motion carried.

Closed session began at 7:49 pm and ended at 9:04 p.m.

Alderman Waldorf made a motion to reopen the meeting. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion. Clerk Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Ballard, Tieman, Payton, Edgcomb, Waldorf, Sapienza, Lukosus and Buffo present; Mayor Kolowski present.



Alderman Buffo made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Alderman Tieman seconded the motion and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m.
