
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Oglesby City Council met Nov. 7

City of Oglesby City Council met Nov. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Opening of Meeting

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public Comment on Agenda Items only

5. Approve and discuss how bills will be presented as a part of the city council minutes.

6. Approve Minutes from the October 17th, 2022 regular meeting.

7. Approve bills in the amount of $ 166,964.65 as presented for payment.

8. Approve recommendation from Oglesby Plan Commission for amendment to Zoning Map made by NOVA-SEN LLC.

9. Approve 1204-110722 an Ordinance Regarding Appointments & Lateral Transfers to Oglesby Police Department.

10. Approve Proclamation in Support of the LaSalle County States’s Attorney and the LaSalle County Sheriff in Regard to the Legal Challenge to the Statute Commonly Known as the “SAFE-T” Act.

11. Review Amended and Restated Fire Protection and Ambulance Service Agreement.

12. Approve revised agenda, minutes and ordinances that were incorrectly numbered on the October 7th and October 21st, 2019 City Council meetings.

13. Approval to go out for bids to tear down home located at 620 S. Columbia Avenue, Oglesby Illinois.

14. Approve parade route request from We Are Oglesby Association.

15. Old Business

16. Public Comments

17. Commissioner’s reports

18. Mayor’s report

19. Adjournment
