Peru Elementary School District 124 Board of education Building & Grounds Committee met Aug. 30.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Present: Simon Kampwerth, Josanne Bruins, Rob Ankiewicz
Others Present: Superintendent Jamie Craven, Principal Sara McDonald, District Architect, Jacob Been.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Simon Kampwerth at 1:00 p.m.
∙ The committee reviewed and discussed the Early Childhood Construction Grant. District Architect Jacob Been provided an overview of possible classroom expansions and repurposing of existing spaces. Mr. Been also provided a rough estimate of adding two classrooms, a library, repurposing the existing library, and renovation of classrooms and office spaces.
∙ Jamie Craven and Simon Kampwerth shared a summary of work that needs to be done at the base of the ladder on the Northview Roof. Sterling Roofing Company has submitted a bid for $1,600.00 to complete the needed repairs.
∙ Simon Kampwerth provided an overview for the need to install 14 30”x30” walking pads on the cafeteria roof to prevent damage.
Pursue Early Childhood Construction Grant
MOTION: Moved by Rob Ankiewicz, seconded by Josanne Bruins to pursue the Early Childhood Construction grant. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Approval to Install Roof Walking Pads
MOTION: Moved by Josanne Bruins, seconded by Rob Ankiewicz for Sterling Roofing Company to install 14 walking pads on the Northview Roof in the amount of $850.00. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
The committee adjourned at 2:07 p.m.