
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Sept. 7

Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Sept. 7

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Miller called the public hearing meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, and Ken Miller. Also in attendance were Superintendent Christopher Spencer, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo, and member of the press Ann Gill. Board members Steve Rogers, Quint Harmon, and Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel were absent.


President Miller led the Board and other members present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Miller stated: The Board of Education approved a tentative Budget on Wednesday, July 6, 2022. A legal notice was published in the Coal City Courant newspaper on Wednesday, July 6, 2022. The tentative budget was on display for public inspection and as of this writing, no one has requested to review or copy the proposed budget documents. President Miller asked if there were any guests who wanted to make a comment on the tentative 2022 - 2023 budget. President Miller also asked if there were any further questions. Since there were none, President Miller considered the public hearing on the 2022 - 2023 Budget closed.


After the public hearing meeting, President Miller called the regular meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, and Ken Miller. Also, in attendance were Superintendent Christopher Spencer, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Instruction and Curriculum Tammy Elledge, Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo, and member of the press Ann Gill. Board member Steve Rogers, and Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel were absent. Board member Quint Harmon arrived at 6:36 p.m.


1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. – none.

2. Building Principals were in attendance and introduced the following new certified staff in their buildings:

Early Childhood Center 

Ashley Jackman – Kindergartner Special Ed. Co-Taught Teacher

Emily Halliday – Speech/Language Pathologist

Tyler Schoonover – 1st Grade Teacher

Kristen Strunga – Reading Specialist

Elementary School 

Cristina Schultz – K-5 Counselor

Intermediate School 

Sara Bohac – 4th Grade Special Ed. Co-Taught Teacher – not in attendance, would like to come to the October meeting

Sonja Minnick – Special Ed. Cross Category Teacher

Joey Rivera – 4th Grade Teacher

Tracy Schmitz – Reading Specialist – not in attendance, would like to attend the October meeting

Middle School 

Amanda Gibson – 8th Grade ELA Teacher

Michael Kren – 6-12 Music/Choir Instructor

High School 

Sarah Bell – Special Ed. Transitions Teacher – not in attendance, would like to attend the October meeting

Sarah Cyrkiel – Math Teacher

Adam Macholz – Industrial Arts Teacher – not in attendance, would like to attend the October meeting

Richard Taylor – Science Teacher

Student Services 

Lyndsey Mettille – was not in attendance

3. A thank you was received from the Wills Family to the Board of Education for the floral arrangement sent for the loss of their loved one.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.


President Miller asked if there were any items that the Board would like to remove from the consent agenda. Hearing none, President Miller asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda, and the following building requests:

Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mr. Lander seconded to approve the consent agenda.


Activity Fund Reports – July 2022

Treasurer’s Report – July 2022

Monthly Manual Check Report – August 2022

Payroll Report – August 2022

Accounts Payable Report – September 2022



• Katie Easton – full-time 1:1 Special Ed Aide at the High School – Ms. Easton’s last day will be September 14, 2022.

• Lisa Hootselle – full-time 1:1 Aide at the Elementary School - Ms. Hootselle’s last day will be approximately September 9, 2022.

• Jennifer Rolley-Stroner – full-time 1:1 Aide at Early Childhood Center – Ms. Rolley-Stroner’s last day will be August 19, 2022.

Employments - pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements – see superintendent’s report 

Leave Requests 

• Danielle Gubelman – Pre-K Teacher at the Early Childhood Center – Ms. Gubelman is requesting a fifty-six (56) day paid sick leave, with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement, from Friday, August 12, 2022 through Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Ms. Gubelman plans to return back to work on Wednesday, November 2, 2022.

Retirement Requests 

• Greg Wills – English Teacher at the High School - At the June 6, 2022 Board meeting the Board of Education approved Mr. Wills retirement request for the 2025 – 2026 school year. At this time, Mr. Wills will like to rescind that request.

Extra-Curricular Assignments 

• Middle School Principal Travis Johnson is recommending Sandy Sanburg as the Before School Assistance Program 8th Grade Sponsor.

• Athletic Director Dan Hutchings is recommending the following persons as volunteer coaches in the 2022 – 2023 school year:

Adam Rodriguez – High School Football

Bob McGuinn – High School Football

Justin Hayse – High School Tennis

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Chuck Lander, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller


Absent: Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.



Principal Davidson Reported:

Calendar of Events:

September 1st - Specials Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 2nd - Super Hero Day!

September 5th - No School

September 6th - A Team @ 2:55 p.m.

September 7th - SAP Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 9th - Coaler Day!

September 12th - Red, White, Blue Day

September 13th - CPI Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 14th - Early Dismissal (AM PreK attends)

September 15th - Picture Day

September 19th - Support Staff Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 20th - A Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 21st - PreK Team Meeting @ 10:45 a.m.

September 21st - SAP Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 22nd - PBS Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

September 26th - September 30th - Homecoming Week!

September 27th - Kindergarten Team Meeting @ 11:15 a.m.

September 27th - 1st Grade Team Meeting @ 12:15 p.m.

September 30th - First Day Dismissal Time @ 1:15 p.m.

September 30th - Homecoming Parade @ 2:30 p.m.

Current ECC Enrollment for 2022-2023:

PreK: 133

Kindergarten: 131

1st Grade: 146

Total: 410 (in PowerSchool as of September 1st, 2022) 


• August is already over and that is unbelievable! Kindergarten students started the school year coming every other day for the first ten days of school. The teachers loved being able to teach the routines of school to half of the class. The entire Class of 2035 began attending together on Tuesday, August 30th. The Kindergarten students are doing a phenomenal job at learning the rules of being at school and learning in the classroom!

• Our PBS program kicked-off with Super Hero Day on Friday, September 2nd! Students were able to earn Super Tickets for Being Responsible, Being Respectful, and Being Safe at school.

During the last week of each month, students can “shop” at the PBS store with Super Tickets. A grand prize drawing will be held on Friday, September 30th during morning announcements! • We LOVE having the “big kids” come and say good morning on Fridays. We welcomed the Coaler Football team, Coaler Cheerleaders and Coaler Soccer players this month. Our students loved seeing the high school students and treated them like celebrities at the building!


• A tremendous thank you to Julie Hutchings. She has stepped in to cover a 12 week leave in Preschool and she is doing a phenomenal job! She is working with our youngest and sometimes most challenging students and is truly making a difference. Her hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed and I wanted to take this opportunity to give her the credit she deserves!

• Congratulations to our new staff members for jumping right into this school year and doing a phenomenal job!

• Thank you to the ECC staff for always being willing to jump in and help cover where needed! It has been a great start of the school year!


Principal Trotter reported:

Calendar of Events: 

September 5th: Labor Day - No School

September 7th: ES Picture Day

September 14th: Early Dismissal

2nd Grade: 146 students

3rd Grade: 137 students

Total: 283 (enrolled as of 8/31/22) 


● Cristina Schultz, our School Counselor, has been an amazing addition to the CCES staff. She comes to us with a great deal of experience and some fantastic strategies. We look forward to working with her this school year.

● Tricia Smith has joined our staff as a full-time aide in our autism room. Tricia does a fantastic job working with our students and collaborating with the staff.

● We have two student-teachers in the building this year.

○ Angelina Incavo will be with Miss Bruzzino this fall. Angelina and Miss B. are working great together. Angelina comes to us from Trinity Christian College.

○ Savannah Jacobs will be spending the entire year with Ms. Terrel. Right now, she is only here Fridays but that will begin to increase as the year goes on. Her advisor from University of St. Francis has already been in to meet with the cooperating teacher.

CCES Happenings and Recognitions:

• The students returned to school on Tuesday, August 16th. It is great to see all their faces and so far, it has been a smooth transition back to school life.

• Once again, thanks to the ES custodians, Julie, Lynn & Tim. The building is looking great and the custodial staff is on top of any issues that may arise.

• I also want to thank the office staff, Anne and Alison. They go above and beyond to help the students, staff, families and especially me. They definitely make sure everything runs smoothly. 

• Our Second Graders have adjusted to the procedures and the Elementary School with even lunchtime happening with only a few hiccups. The Third Graders are pros by now and have been a big help.

• Arrival and dismissal times have been smooth so far this year. The staff does a great job of helping the students in and out of the building and the parents have shown a great deal of patience with the process.

• We had our first Fire Drill on Wednesday, August 31st. Thanks to Chief Wexelberg, Chief Seerup and Lieutenant Doerffler from the Coal City Fire Department for helping out. The CCES along with the Early Childhood Center will hold our McDonald’s Fundraiser on October 18th. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

• Our Librarian, Kathy Jiskra’s last day of work is Friday, September 2nd. Kathy is retiring after being with the district for over twenty years. She plans on remaining busy with many trips and her son’s wedding in November. She is going to be missed but we know the next chapter is going to be amazing for Mrs. Jiskra.


Principal Carlson reported:

Calendar of Events: 

8/26 - Coaler Spirit Day

8/29 - A Team 3:00 p.m.

8/30 - Band Lessons Begin

8/30 - TALC 3:00 p.m.

8/31 - Student Council Meeting 7:30 a.m.

8/31 - New Student Pizza Party 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

8/31 - BLT Meeting 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

9/1 - Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness

9/1 - Full-time Aides Meeting 3:00 p.m. -3:15 p.m.

9/2 – Coaler Spirit Day

9/5 - No School ~ Labor Day

9/6 - PBS Meeting 3:00 p.m.

9/7 - Picture Day

9/7 - 5th Grade Team 3:00 p.m.

9/8 - 4th Grade Team 3:00 p.m.

9/12 – Intervention Groups Begin

9/12 - SAP 3:00 p.m.

9/13 - TALC 3:00 p.m.

9/14 - 11:35 a.m. Dismissal Day

9/15 - Custodian Meeting 3:00 p.m.

9/19 - A Team 3:00 p.m.

9/20 - PBS Meeting 3:00 p.m.

9/21 - CCIS Back to School Pizza Night 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

9/22 - Specials Team 3:00 p.m.

9/26-10/6 - AIMSweb Fall Benchmark Testing

9/26 - SpEd Team 3:00 p.m.

9/27 - TALC 3:00 p.m.

9/28 - BLT 3:00 p.m.

9/29 - CPI 3:00 p.m.

9/30 – Coaler Spirit Day

9/30 - 1:25 p.m. Dismissal for 2:00 p.m. Homecoming Parade

Current Enrollment: 

4th Grade 137

5th Grade 158

Total 295 This includes one 4th grade student and one 5th grade student who are enrolled in other special education programs outside of CCIS. As of 8/26/22:

New Students = 11

Moved = 5

Private School = 1

Emergency/Crisis Drills Completed: 

Evacuation/Fire 8/17/22

Shelter-in-Place/Storm 8/18/22

Lockdown 8/19/22

Previous Month in Review: 

• We had a huge turnout for our 4th grade and new student orientation on August 8th. 

• Everyone appeared excited, and it was wonderful to see so many smiling faces. 

• New families were given a private tour of the building that morning.

• Our Back to School Night on August 15th went very well. Students were able to meet their teacher, bring their school supplies, and decorate their locker if they chose to. The Coal City Public Library set up a table, which almost everyone stopped at since they were giving out candy and book marks. Mrs. Bontrager set up a special table with band information, and we had a few more 5th graders sign up for band that evening. Currently, we have 62 students in beginning band!

• We are off to a fantastic start this school year. The students are happy. The parents are being supportive. The teachers are working very hard and have done a great job getting to know their students.

• CCIS created a Welcome Back Video for students that we showed at an assembly on the first day of school. Big thanks to Nikki Boresi and Amy Gaffigan, who produced video for the first time this year!

o https://bit.ly/3dPFulvCCISvideo2022 We are feeling good about this school year! • Sarah Veronda and Kassie Marsala visited each homeroom to introduce themselves and tell students they are here to support their social/emotional needs.

• Tracy Schmitz, our new reading specialist, visited each classroom to introduce herself. She has been busy the last 2 weeks giving reading and phonics screeners to many of our students and preparing for her intervention groups.

• During the first week of school, we practice 3 safety drills.

• During the second week of school, students rotated through 4 different common area (cafeteria, hallway, assemblies and bathroom) stations where we shared our behavioral expectations with them.

Staff Recognition: 

• I want to recognize and thank Nikki Boresi and Amy Gaffigan for producing our Back-to-School Video.

• I want to recognize and thank Katie Ludes for meeting with and training our new reading specialist, Tracy Schmitz.

• I want to recognize and thank Carol Budde, Stacey Wills, and Kassie Marsala for helping me with our student expectation rotations.


Principal Johnson reported:

Calendar of Events: 

Sept. 2 First CCHS Football Game – Home vs. Bishop Mac

Sept. 5 NO SCHOOL – Labor Day

Sept. 7 Board of Education Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – Unit Office

Sept. 12 CCMS Before School Assistance Program (BSAP) Begins

September 14 CCMS Picture Day

12:00 p.m. Early Dismissal – Staff Development Day

September 28 Board Study Session – 6:00 p.m. – Unit Office

September 30 Homecoming Parade

Personnel Report: 

CCMS is proud to welcome the following new support staff members to the building. 

• Nick Peters is a new Special Ed. Classroom Aide in 6th Grade.

• Keegan Clampitt is a 1 on 1 Special Education Aide.

• Jody Jackson is a 1 on 1 Special Education Aide.

• Ashley Meyerhoff is a 1 on 1 Special Education Aide.

CCMS Attendance: 

6th Grade 168

7th Grade 165

8th Grade 168

Total 501 

This is a slight decrease in enrollment from 2021 - 2022. We are down about 6 students from the beginning of last year. We had 25 new students register and 10 students who left the district.

Month in Review: 

• CCMS held 6th Grade Orientation on August 8th. Mrs. Jackie Larson led over 30 eighth grade students through WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Leader training on August 4th and 5th. Students participated in cooperative learning activities in preparation for 6th Grade Orientation. Our WEB Leaders for this year did an outstanding job preparing and did fabulously working with our 6th grade students at their orientation. 6th grade students were divided into two groups for 6th Grade Orientation. Our CCMS 6th graders have gotten off to a great start to the school year.

• CCMS also held New Student Orientation on August 8th. Special thanks to Mr. Monbrum, Mrs. DePersia, and Mrs. Kempes for their help with welcoming our new families to our district. A short Parent/New Student Meeting was held in the gymnasium at 11:30 a.m. that day and building tours were given to new 7th and 8th grade students and their families.

• CCMS Softball and Baseball seasons are in full swing with the teams scheduled to play a game almost every night through the middle of September. Coaches for our CCMS Teams are:

A Softball Brad Schmitt            A Baseball Greg Wills

B Softball Stephanie Vucsko   B Baseball Nate Wills

C Softball Laura Basham        C Baseball Mike Pfeiffer

Best of luck to all of our CCMS teams and coaches this fall.

• CCMS teachers attended Teacher Institute on August 12th and 15th.

• CCMS students returned to school for the 2022 - 2023 school year on August 16th. We had a great first day of the school year and are looking forward to great year of teaching and learning for all of our students and teachers. Staff members reviewed the rules for our Positive Behavior System (PBS) with the students on the first of school.

• CCMS hosted Back to School Night on August 23rd. It was great seeing the students and families in the building once again this year. We had an excellent turnout of students and family members (mostly 6th grade). I heard a lot of positive comments from parents and guardians about the teachers and how nice the building looked. Thanks to the CCMS staff for their work on Back-to-School Night.

• CCMS held the following drills in the month of August:

Thursday, August 18th – Fire Drill

Wednesday, August 24th – Tornado Drill

Thursday, August 25th – Fire Drill


Principal Kenney reported:

Calendar of Events: 

September 5 – No School

September 14 – Early Dismissal

September 22 – Post High School Fair

September 26-30 – Homecoming Week

September 26 – Staff vs. Students Football Game

September 26 – McTeacher Night

September 27 – Singo Competition

September 28 – Spirit Night

September 29 – Homecoming Parade

October 1 – Homecoming Dance


• Thank you to the entire staff for making our opening day a positive and exciting experience for all of our students.

• Thank you to all of the teachers and students that played a role in our Expectations Video that we made for our students. We would also like thank Mr. Micetich for taking the time to edit the video for us!

Month in Review: 

• This year opened with a bang! We celebrated the first day with an all-school assembly. Teachers were introduced to the students featuring a walk-out song of the department’s choice. We then did the victory cry to award the spirit stick to the loudest class, which happened to be the Seniors!

• Day 2 of school was our Expectations Video and assembly. During CCTs we played the video for our students showing them what is expected and what we do not expect them to do. Students found the video entertaining and we felt that it set the stage for a successful year.

• We held our first student sock hop after the pop scrimmage. Students had a great time dancing the night away. A special thank you to the Athletic Boosters for sponsoring the event. 

• Fall sports are well underway. Boys’ soccer, boys golf, girls’ tennis, football, and volleyball are partially into their already successful seasons. Go Coalers!

• Students are already showing positive behaviors and attitudes and are being rewarded for through Mr. Boresi and Mr. Hutching’s Coaler Coins. These coins are given to students that stand out above the rest in sporting events. They can turn the coins in for snacks and pizza at the concession stand.

• Club Coaler Day was held on August 30th. All clubs were represented in the hallway in the morning to show students what we have to offer at CCHS. As always, students loved the event and many signed up for clubs that they wanted to be a part of!

Enrollment as of 9/1/22 

Freshman – 183

Sophomores – 148

Juniors – 142

Seniors – 163

2020 – 2023 Page 43

Total - 636 


Director Krippel reported:

Preschool Rating: 

Our district was recently informed that our Preschool Program has been recognized for achieving the “Gold Circle of Quality” from the ExceleRate Program and the Illinois State Board of Education. This is their highest rating and is awarded to programs that “meet or exceed specific quality benchmarks on learning environment, instructional quality, and all administrative standards; group size and ratios; qualifications; and professional development.” Mrs. Davidson and her preschool team deserve the highest praise and recognition for their daily efforts with our preschool students and families!

Orientation and Mobility Services: 

Orientation and Mobility Services are required for a student within the district. Therefore, last year’s contract with Julie Yglesias, who is a licensed service provider, will be continued to meet the needs of this student. The updated contract for the 22-23 school year is attached below: J. Yglesias Contract 22-23.pdf

Preschool Numbers: 

Our preschool sections typically become full or close to full by the end of each school year. Our preschool program is beginning this school year with very high numbers compared to the previous years. Most concerning, is our availability of IEP placements at this time which is currently eight (5 blended and 3 EC). Each district in Illinois is required to evaluate students who qualify for Early Intervention Services by their 3rd birthday for special education services. This year’s list of students who receive Early Intervention Services is also larger than past years and includes several students who must be evaluated before winter break. This topic will be discussed further at the meeting on September 6th.

Title I Schoolwide: 

Each year, “Schoolwide Waivers” must be submitted to and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. The Illinois State Board of Education recently approved each of our schools’ plan to use Title I funding “Schoolwide” rather than the targeted method. This approval allows the district to use Title I funding for all students rather than specific demographics.


Anticipated full-time 1:1 aide: Coal City Elementary School

Anticipated full-time 1:1 aide: Coal City High School

Special Populations Data:

Coal City Schools IEP Data

ECC ES IS MS HS District







-14 since 


+4 since June +9 since June -2 since June +8 since June +5 since June

Coal City Schools 504 Data





-2 since June +2 since June -5 since June +1 since June +4 since June

Coaler Academy Data

Full Time Hybrid Intervention Total Students Pending Referrals



Out of District Placements

Elim Morris HS (ELL) Oswego SD308 High Road Total Students


Miscellaneous Student Data

ELL Homeless



Preschool for All Grant (PFA)

Current Students Open Spots



Overall Preschool Numbers

Current Students IEP Openings At-Risk Openings Waitlist




G. CURRICULUM REPORT Director Elledge reported:

Professional Development: 

Much of our focus during this Spring semester will be to provide adequate time to teachers teaching science. Trainers are working with grades 1 through 5 and then the science teachers grades 6-12. The building principals will also be given time to work on initiatives they are working on with their staff.

Mentoring Program 

Our 16 new staff members are working with their mentors and department leaders as they settle into our Coaler community. Our new staff continue to be appreciative of the support they receive from the program but especially from their mentors.

State Information 

House Bill 3296/Public Act 102-0917 was signed into law in late May of this year. The Act builds on the PWR Act and enhances and builds on some of the requirements we will need to have in place for our students. Below is a list of just a few of the items from the Act that we will need to be focusing on:

1. New PaCE approval – state will be pushing their PaCE down to 6th grade so we will need to revisit our approved PaCE or adopt the state PaCE. Our current board approved PaCE Framework:

a. Page 1 https://4.files.edl.io/cf00/07/30/21/144535-a1d3ae9d-d45b-4e40-a932- c887138f3cf3.pdf

b. Page 2 https://4.files.edl.io/b676/07/30/21/144539-4aef6965-cc9a-4874-9f4d 5bc9795a3805.pdf

2. Create at least one College and Career Pathway Endorsement (CCPE) in place by 2025. The class of 2027 will need at least 1 endorsement, class of 2029 will need 2 and the class of 2031 will need 3.

a. Individual Plan (post-secondary planning, financial aid, resume, personal statement etc.)

b. Professional learning

i. At least 2 career exploration activities or 1 intensive experience

ii. At least 2 team-based challenges with adult mentoring

iii. 60 cumulative hours of paid or credit supervised career development experience with a professional skills assessment

c. Career-Focused Instructional Sequence (At least 6 hours of early college credit) d. Academic Readiness (ready for non-remedial coursework in reading and math)

The state website can be found here: https://www.isbe.net/pathwayendorsements as new information becomes available.


Mr. Spencer reported:

1. At the July 6, 2022 Board meeting, the Board authorized the Superintendent to employ personnel as needed in order to start the 2022 – 2023 school year fully staffed. This authorization will sunset on September 7, 2022. The following will be employed for the 2022 – 2023 school year, pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements:

Support Staff: 

Nick Peters – Classroom Aide at the Middle School – Mr. Peters is replacing Bethany Nicola. Tricia Smith – Full-time Aide in the Autism Program at the Elementary School.

2. Ahmad Hamdan a student at Governor’s State University will be learning under the direction of Jennifer Swanson, Occupational Therapist at the Early Childhood Center, from September 12, 2022 through December 1, 2022.

3. Angelina Incavo, a student at Trinity Christian College, will be completing her student teaching requirements with Miss Bruzzino, the P. E. Teacher at the Elementary School. Angelina will be the Elementary School for the 2022 – 2023 school year.

4. Savannah Jacobs, a student at University of St. Francis, will be completing her student teaching requirements with Ms. Terrel a 3rd Grade Teacher at the Elementary school. Savannah currently is only with Ms. Terrel on Fridays, that will increase as she will student teach for the 2022 – 2023 school year.

5. The Joint Annual Conference will be held in Chicago from November 18-20, 2022. The deadline to request a refund/housing changes is Friday, October 14, 2022. Please let Wanda know if you are unable to attend the conference.

6. Monthly student enrollment figures were available for review.


September 5 – Labor Day/No School

September 7 – ES/IS Fall Pictures

September 14 – Early Dismissal

September 14 – MS Picture Day

September 15 – ECC Fall Pictures

September 26 – 30 – Homecoming Week @ High School

September 28 – Board Study Session @ 6:00 p.m.

October 14 – Last day to refund/make housing changes for Joint Annual Conference October 27 – Three Rivers Division Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.


Mr. Lander reported:

1. Approved the FY 22 Audit presented by Lori Pope with Mack and Associates. 

2. Approved the FY 23 Budget.

3. Accepted the resignation of Anglea Hatz, Health Occupations Instructor Assistant.

4. Approved the hiring of Shannon Mahnke, Tyler Williams, and Courtney Steep as Health Occupations Instructor Assistants.

5. Approved the hiring of Brandy Biros as Agriculture Instructor.

6. Approved the hiring of George Hyland Jr. as part-time Fire Science Instructor.

7. Approved moving Closed Session minutes from December 2021 to Open Session for public inspection.

8. Approved destroying Audio Recordings from the September 2020 Closed Session. 9. Approved the FY 23 Emergency Crisis and Threat Assessment Plan.

10. Authorized GAVC Director to move forward with the RFP/RFQ process for architectural services.


Athletic Director Dan Hutchings reported:

Calendar of Events: 

● MS Girls Basketball Tryouts August 29, 30 6:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

● IESA Girls Softball Regional at Ottawa Shepherd September 7, 10, 13

● IESA Boys Baseball Regional at CC September 14, 17, 19

Fall Sports Records as of 8-29 

6th Baseball: 4-0 6th Softball: 0-5

7th Baseball: 5-4 7th Softball: 6-8

8th Baseball: 6-7 8th Softball: 3-13

Middle School Softball Numbers 

“A” Team -- (10) 8th Graders (4) 7th Graders

“B” Team -- (9) 7th Graders (3) 6th Graders

“C” Team -- (12) 6th Graders

Middle School Baseball Numbers 

“A” Team -- (18) 8th Graders

“B” Team -- (18) 7th Graders

“C” Team -- (16) 6th Graders

High School Fall Athletic Numbers


● Freshmen 37

● Sophomores 17

● Juniors 26

● Seniors 22

Total 102 

Poms - 4 

Football Cheerleading - 13 


● Freshmen 16

● Sophomores 3

● Juniors 4

● Seniors 11

Total 34 


● Freshmen 1 Girls 2

● Sophomores 6 4

● Juniors 6

● Seniors 3

Total 22 

Girls Tennis 

● Seniors 8

● Juniors 7

● Sophomores 2

● Freshmen 11

Total 28 


● Seniors 6

● Juniors 9

● Sophomores 15

● Freshmen 14

Total 44 

* 247 total student athletes out for fall sports at the high school 

Athletic Websites:

High School: http://il.8to18.com/coalcity

Middle School: http://il.8to18.com/CoalCityMS/

Brad Boresi has been coordinating the 2010 Softball Champion’s Recognition on Friday September 16, 2022 at halftime of the Varsity Football Game. There will be a reception in the High School Cafeteria during the football games.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.



At the August 3 Board meeting, the Board voted to table this matter until the September Board meeting. At the July 27 Board Study Session, Superintendent Christopher Spencer recommended to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Coal City. Under the agreement, the Village will provide two (2) police officers to serve as SRO’s for the District on a full-time basis during the school year. The cost for the SRO’s will be shared as outlined in the agreement. The 4- year agreement will end on the last day of student attendance in 2026, unless earlier termination as provided within the agreement. The Board of Education took action to approve this Intergovernmental Agreement. The Board and administration agreed that having the SRO’s in the district has been great for the students and staff alike.

Mrs. Gill moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Coal City and Coal City Community Unit School District #1 for providing two (2) School Resource Officers as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Absent: Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.


The final budget document, including the Certificate of Working Budget and the Certification of Revenues, were reviewed. As a result of the Budget Hearing earlier in the evening, the Board then formally adopted the district’s operating budget for 2022 - 2023. The resolution below was read during the meeting, as well as a signed copy will be kept on file.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Lander seconded to approve the following resolution to adopt the 2022-2023 Operating Budget:

WHEREAS, The Board of Education of Coal City Community Unit School District #1, County of Grundy/Will, State of Illinois, caused to be prepared in tentative form a budget, and the Secretary of this Board has made the same conveniently available to public inspection for at least thirty days prior to final action thereon;

AND WHEREAS, A public hearing was held as to such budget on the 7th day of September 2022, notice of said hearing was given at least thirty days prior thereto as required by law, and all other legal requirements have been complied with;

NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Board of Education of said district as follows:

Section 1: That the fiscal year of this School District be and the same hereby is fixed and declared to be beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023.

Section 2: That the following budget containing an estimate of amounts available in each Fund, separately, and of expenditures from each be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget of this school district for said fiscal year.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Absent: Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.


Superintendent Christopher Spencer updated the Board on the legal status of the Dresden Agreement. The Dresden Agreement went through the final step through the court system, and there is now an official agreement between CCCUSD#1 and Constellation.


A representative from Mack & Associates was in attendance and presented the 2022 Financial Audit findings. Mrs. Lori Pope thanked the Board for allowing Mack & Associates to conduct the FY22 audit. Mrs. Pope went through and provided the Board with a summary of the audit. Mrs. Pope thanked Mr. Smith and his team for all their assistance which allowed Mack & Associates to conduct the audit in 1 day. As a result, Mack & Associates issued an unmodified and clean opinion of the audit.



A School Site Donation in the amount of $3,726.49 was received from Grundy County. A resolution was prepared for acceptance of the school site donation.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to approve the resolution to accept the School Site Donation in the amount of $3,726.49 from Grundy County, and to waive the reading of the resolution.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Chuck Lander, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller Nays:

Absent: Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.


The Annual Claim for Pupil Transportation Reimbursements report was completed and submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education at the end of each school year. The report showed that during FY22 the district spent $1,515,731 to transport regular education students, $69,120 to transport vocational pupils, and $723,417 to transport special education students. The non-reimbursable transportation costs $274,789 were primarily the cost to transport students to extra-curricular events. The district can expect to receive State reimbursements this year as follows:

• Regular transportation of students in the amount of approximately $627,222.69 

• Vocational student transportation in the amount of approximately $44,286.76 

• Special Education student transportation in the amount of $474,581.82


Annual membership dues with Illinois Central-8 Conference for FY23 were ready for renewal in the amount of $3,000. The district has been a member for the last 4 years.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the annual membership renewal with Illinois Central-8 Conference in the amount of $3,000.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller Nays:

Absent: Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.


Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the increase in Preschool enrollment numbers. Mr. Spencer provided the Board with the current enrollment numbers and the number of preschool screenings that were scheduled. Based on those numbers, Mr. Spencer believes that another Preschool section may need to be added for the second half of the school year. Mr. Spencer’s recommendation was to post an ad for a Preschool Teacher and an Aide for that increase in preschool enrollment.


Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the Intergovernmental Agreement with Reed Custer School District to allow a Coal City high school Math Teacher to teach a course for Reed Custer High School.

Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Reed Custer School District as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton, Mary Gill, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller


Abstain: Robert Bianchetta

Absent: Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.


Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed how Coal City high school Math Teacher Matt Leman will virtually teach an AP Calculus to 8 Reed Custer students from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on B-Days. Reed Custer will reimburse Coal City for a portion of Mr. Leman’s salary.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Coal City Community Unit School District #1 and the Coal City Community Education Association IEA/NEA as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Shawn Hamilton, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller


Abstain: Robert Bianchetta

Absent: Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.



1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) none.


Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to go to closed session at 6:56 p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, student discipline and collective bargaining matters.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller


Absent: Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.


Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to return to open session at 7:04 p.m.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Ken Miller Nays:

Absent: Steve Rogers

Motion: Carried.

BOARD STUDY SESSION OF THE WHOLE DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 @ 6 P.M. In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Boardroom 

NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2022 @ 6 P.M. In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Boardroom 


Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Lander seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none considers the motion approved.
