
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Sept. 13

Village of Ladd Village Board met Sept. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session in the Village Hall. Mayor Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Molly Thrasher, and Mike Urbanowski (4) Absent: Trustees Jim Manning, and Dan Nelson

In attendance: Attorney Pat Barry, Clerk Bezely, & Engineer Adam Ossola

Margherio motion/Martin second to accept August 23, 2022, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

Thrasher motion/Urbanowski second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $112,641.59. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: None

Engineer’s Report: Ossola updated the board on the water main project. Ossola stated that Superior will be bringing in materials at the end of this week. Ossola also stated that the survey part of the Safe Routes to School grant is complete and they will move on to preparing plans now.

Superintendent’s Report: None

Building Inspector: None

Village Attorney: Atty Pat Barry explained the buyers of 336 S Main Ave are working with a bank requiring proof of remediation of the tanks that were removed from this corner lot in the 1990s. The bank and the buyers have been given all documents stating there was no remediation letter because there was no evidence of any contamination. They still feel that environmental testing is necessary before they close due to possibly being responsible if something ever turns up in any adjacent properties. It was suggested they go through another bank. The Village doesn’t feel it’s necessary and Atty Barry has spoken with the EPA and finds no need for this testing. We will wait to hear back from the buyers.

Old Business: RV & Trailer Parking: Atty Barry stated this ordinance was found and discussed with Police Chief after the last meeting. Atty Colin Barry has gotten ordinances from other towns and we will hold onto these if it is determined that changes need to be made to the Village’s ordinance on RV and trailer parking.

Police Chief: Chief Frund stated that he has taken care of the RV that was on Village street it is now moved. The board feels that if RVs and trailers are impeding the streets when the snow plows are out we need to address them. Chief Frund explained that we would like to close route 89 for the Christmas Walk. Chief Frund will speak with Phil Hockings regarding what is needed. Chief Frund will make sure the detour is marked and the property barricades are in place.

Urbanowski motion/Margherio second to Pass Resolution to Close Route 89 for the Ladd Christmas Walk on December 10, 2022, from 1 pm – 6 pm

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

New Business: Renewal of Electric, Tort, and Water Debt Service Fund CDs: Discussion ensued regarding balances in these funds and how long to reinvest each CD.

Urbanowski motion/Martin second to add $100,000.00 to the Tort Fund CD and reinvest $233,840.88 for 1 year at 2% APY, renew Electric CD of $457,190.04 for 1 year at a rate of 2% APY and, renew Water Debt Service CD of $44,018.21 for 6 months at a rate of 1.50% APY.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

OSLAD Grant: After a lengthy discussion regarding the application for new tennis courts and pickleball courts, fencing around the courts, asphalt, curb, and gutter on the North side of the park, along with sidewalks the board felt they could not support applying for this Grant with a 50% match on a total grant application of $210,850.00 This was a large sum of money for what seemed like just tennis/pickleball courts. It is felt if we go forward with this application residents would not be happy.

Margherio motion/Urbanowski second voted to not move forward in the application process of the OSLAD grant.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Cattani - Motion carried 5-0

OSLAD Grant Resolution: No action was taken.

Bureau County Progress Magazine: Urbanowski motion/Thrasher second not to purchase an ad in the BC Progress Magazine.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

Name Ladd Chicken: The council discussed several names on the list provided from posts received via Facebook and residents in the Village. George was requested by Martin.

Thrasher motion/Margherio second to name the Ladd Chicken – Chris P Chicken.

Ayes: Margherio, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Cattani - Motion carried 4-0

Nays: Martin

Trick or Treat Hours: Thrasher motion/Martin second to set Trick or Treat hours for Halloween night on Monday, October 31, 2022, from 5-7 pm.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

War Memorial Monument: A quote was provided by Andrzej Dajnowski, Director of CSOS, Inc. for maintenance of the soldier and monument. No maintenance has been done since it was restored. This is the gentleman who restored the soldier several years ago. The board felt that we need to make sure and take care of the soldier and monument so it remains beautiful. The board feels that a flyer could be put in with utility bills asking for donations to help with this effort. Martin offered to help Bezely with making a flyer. Bezely will contact Dajnowski to proceed.

Martin motion/Thrasher second to hire Andrzej Dajnowski to perform maintenance as the quote details on the Soldier and Monument at War Memorial Park for $12,020.00.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

Donation Ladd Christmas Walk: Margherio motion/Urbanowski second to Donate $600.00 to the Ladd Christmas Walk for 2022.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

Bezely told the board when the check for the donation appears on the bills at the next meeting it will be for $850.00 because Bezely received a donation she requested from Casey’s General Store for $250.00 and cash receipted it into the Village checking account. She will add this to the donation from the Village when she cuts a check to the Christmas Walk Committee.

Cost Study: A request to hire Power Systems Engineering and Chamlin & Associates to provide approximated cost to bring all utilities to route 80 properties was mentioned. Bezely explained that when she speaks with potential businesses she is trying to attract to Ladd her biggest obstacle is not having any idea what costs are to get water, sewer, and power to these properties outside the Village limits but right adjacent to the Village of Ladd corporate limits. Speaking with Englehaupt he felt we could ask the board to allow a study to be done to get these answers and perhaps share the information to come up with what the Village feels they could do to attract business to Ladd. Bezely would like a simple way for her to get information to potential businesses i.e. # feet to location = $______. It was stated that perhaps the business that brings utilities out could be rebated by other businesses that we attract after getting utilities out to route 80. After a long discussion, it was decided to table this for now until Englehaupt returns to work, then revisit this. Englehaupt has extensive knowledge of the utilities and will be an asset to the discussion.

CDL Class B: No action was taken. This will be placed on the next agenda.

Announcements: Bezely told the board that NC Bank gave us 1.50% APY on the CDs we renewed last meeting which was higher than quoted. Bezely told the board the electric upgrade loan which has a $4,863.00 payment matures in 2027 we had discussed how the new bucket truck payment may work out to be going on the books when the electric upgrade loan is paid off but it was found the maturity date for the current loan is 2027 so there will be some overlap. The Ladd Senior Village is looking for a shed large enough to put extra materials in it. They will move those items as soon as they can. Mike Biocchi and Dave Rounds came in with their surveys and offered to help anyone with their surveys who don’t know any about fiberoptic broadband. They are very hopeful that the Village will move forward with this opportunity for Ladd. Stephen Rounds may be willing to attend our October 25, 2022 meeting to help explain all of this to the council and anyone in attendance. A thank you card was passed around for all to sign for Rick Nauman who sprayed Kennedy Park at no charge; due to the wasps being so prevalent around the ball fields and kids being stung. The Village received its 1st installment of tax money $223,000.00. Amber Zrust of Rockerbye Boutique is setting up Halloween trick or treating for Ladd businesses on October 22, 2022. The police will participate and Bezely stated she will gladly help them. It is scheduled from 3-5 pm at participating Ladd Businesses and then trunk or treat starts at the Ladd Moose at 5 pm. Margherio asked about petty cash that we can potentially use when entertaining possible businesses to buy lunch, etc. This money could also be used for candy for Halloween. Bezely announced that on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 packets can be picked up for anyone interested in running for Village Trustee. There are 3 openings. Petitions can be circulated beginning September 20th. The filing period will be December 12 – 19, 2022 and the election will be April 4, 2023. Bezely mentioned we’ve had lots of looks on Zillow but no offers for the lot on Hennepin Avenue. Frund announced that the issues that were present with Bureau County Sheriff's Department and Ladd are no longer present. They are more of a great team. Bezely confirmed the Halloween Parade will be Sunday, October 30th at 1:00 pm. Everyone is to line up at North Central Bank in the parking lot and process down the street to the tennis courts where Hocus Pocus Hags will perform and then kids will be given a hot dog, chips, cookie, and drink.

Thrasher motion/Margherio second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Thrasher, Urbanowski - Motion carried 4-0

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
