City of Ottawa Historic Preservation Commission met Sept. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Present: Bob Eschbach, Chris Hasty, Chuck Stanley, Earle Lecki, George Cary, Mollie Perrot Rich Mennecke, Tami Koppen (staff)
Absent: Lorraine McCallister, Paul Havelka
Committee Chair Mollie Perrot welcomed new member Rich Mennecke
Public Comment. No comments
Minutes. Moved by Earle Lecki that the minutes for OHPC meeting held on July 14, 2022, be approved. Second by Chris Hasty. All ayes. Motion passed.
Colonnade. Earle made calls, no retired people to handle the project. Earle left message with Steve’s replacement, no returned call. Moved by Earle Lecki that the commission seek bids on the project. Second by George Cary. All ayes. Motion passed.
Brick Streets. Bob suggested the Council specifically vote on brick street removal be added to the plan. Discussed using other municipality documents to draft brick street report.
State Historical Society Grant. Spring 2023 dedication for Sara Gragg marker. Chuck suggested marker be located by civil war monument in Washington Square Park.
Jordan Block Sign. Commission discussed signage on the Jordan Block. Mollie will put text together for commission’s review.
New Business.
Southside Survey. Commission discussed applying for a grant to complete a survey on Prospect and Van Buren Street.
PADS Shelter/Scouting Museum/Canal Lock. Commission discussed the block containing the PADS Shelter, Scouting Museum, and restoration of the lateral canal. Moved by Earle Lecki that the OHPC recommend to the City Council the following:
1. Lateral canal be preserved for public use.
2. PADS building shall be architecturally sensitive to the neighborhood.
3. Canal lock stones are not disturbed until final decision on the lock restoration.
4. Recommend a master plan be developed for this area.
Second by George Cary. All ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned.