
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Ottawa City Council met Nov. 15

City of Ottawa City Council met Nov. 15

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Present: Wayne A. Eichelkraut Jr., Thomas G. Ganiere, Marla K. Pearson, James J. Less, and Mayor Daniel F. Aussem.

Absent: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented minutes of previous meeting.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois, held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, be approved as recorded in the permanent files of the City Clerk.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Andy Waeyaert, the Regional Manager for the Indiana-Illinois-Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting, gave a presentation on the non for profit organization and talked about updating the City of Ottawa’s Responsible Bidder Ordinance.

Andy Moreno of Local 150 and the Illinois Valley Building Trades, talked about the apprenticeship programs and local people who were present in the audience that worked their way up through the trades and are giving back.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Biweekly Salary Payroll.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Biweekly Salary Payroll of November 11, 2022, in the amount of $482,650.69, be approved and warrants issued. 

Second by Less.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Monthly Expense Report.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Monthly Expense Report dated November 15, 2022, showing expenses in the amount of $2,727,342.57, be approved and warrants issued.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Monthly Financial Report.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Monthly Financial Report of City Clerk, Shelly L. Munks, for the month of October 2022, be received and placed on file. 

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an amendment to the vehicle lease agreement between the City of Ottawa and St. Margaret’s Health, regarding a leased bus modification, which has been on file for public inspection since November 1, 2022, be adopted.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution authorizing the execution of the 5311 grant agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Illinois Department of Transportation for NCAT, which has been on file for public inspection since November 1, 2022, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an inspection and maintenance agreement between the City of Ottawa and Altorfer Power Systems, for 5 generators for the Water Department, which has been on file for public inspection since November 1, 2022, be adopted.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Quote.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Quote received from Halm Electrical Contracting in the amount of $17,150.00, for the Water Department Well #14, be approved and paid for from the Water Fund.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Quote.

Moved by Commissioner Ganeire that the Quote received from Drydon Equipment Inc. in the amount of $18,700.00, for the replacement HMI Unit for the Wastewater Department’s press, be approved and paid for from the Wastewater Fund.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an engineering design and construction services agreement between the City of Ottawa and Etscheid, Duttlinger, & Associates Inc., for the watermain replacements on Erickson Street and Anita Drive, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an engineering design and construction services agreement between the City of Ottawa and Renwick & Associates Inc., for the Long Term Control Plan Element 8.2, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of Ottawa and J & M Displays Inc., for fireworks on Friday, November 25, 2022, which has been on file for public inspection since November 1, 2002, be adopted.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a design service agreement between the City of Ottawa and FGM Architects Inc., for the South Side Fire Station, be received and placed on file for public inspection. Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Less presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Less that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Village of Naplate, regarding emergency medical services, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Less presented Quote.

Moved by Commissioner Less that the Quote received from Second Chance Cardiac Solutions in the amount of $7,689.10, for AED’s for the Ottawa Fire Department, be approved and paid for from the First Aid Fund.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Less presented Quote.

Moved by Commissioner Less the Quote received from Karl Auto Group in the amount of $41,780.86 to purchase a 2022 Chevrolet Tahoe for the Ottawa Fire Department, be approved and paid for from the General Corporate Fund.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Less presented Quote.

Moved by Commissioner Less that the Quote received from Karl Emergency Vehicles in the amount of $21,945.63 to outfit the 2022 Chevrolet Tahoe for the Ottawa Fire Department, be approved and paid for from the General Corporate Fund. 

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Less presented Ordinance.

Moved by Commissioner Less that an Ordinance authorizing fees for ambulance calls for the Ottawa Fire Department, be passed and approved.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a sale of public property agreement between the City of Ottawa and Dean Weitz for property located at 110 15th Avenue, which has been on file for public inspection since November 1, 2022, be adopted.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: Less. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Resolution authorizing and ratifying a settlement agreement between the City of Ottawa, Aaron Gretencord, and AFSCME Local 2819, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: Less. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Resolution of Support and Commitment of Funds for the Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $596,724.00 from the combined sewer service fees, be adopted.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement between the City of Ottawa and Illinois Valley Community College for 321 W. Main Street, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a second extension and addendum to the lease/donation agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Conservation Foundation, be received and placed on file for public inspection. 

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that an Ordinance establishing responsible bidder requirements on public works projects in the City of Ottawa, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Proclamation.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Proclamation naming November 14, 2022, through November 20, 2022, as National Apprenticeship Week in the City of Ottawa, be adopted. 

Second by Less.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: Less. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Port District, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: Less. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented motion to recess.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that this Council recess into Closed Session to discuss a matter of collective bargaining in a Step III AFSCME grievance.

Second by Less.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: Less. Motion carried. Council recessed at 7:30 p.m.

Mayor Aussem presented motion to reconvene.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that this Council reconvene from Closed Session. 

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pearson presented Step III AFSCME grievance.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that the Step III AFSCME grievance involving Aron and Josh Moore’s discipline, be upheld.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: Less. Motion carried.

Mayor Aussem presented motion to adjourn.

Moved by Mayor Aussem that this regular meeting be adjourned.

Second by Less.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Less and Mayor Aussem.

Nays: None. Motion carried. Council adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
