
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Nov. 8

Village of Ladd Village Board met Nov. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Village Hall. Village President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning, Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Molly Thrasher, and Mike Urbanowski (6)

In Attendance: Clerk Bezely, Treasurer Julie Koch, Superintendent Doug Englehaupt, Atty. Pat Barry, Building Inspector Barry Flanagan & Engineer Adam Ossola

Thrasher motion/Urbanowski second to accept October 25, 2022, regular meeting minutes as presented. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning – Motion carried 6-0

Nelson motion, Manning second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $28,172.32. Ayes: Martin (abstains from Project Success due to position on board), Nelson, Thrasher (abstains from Project Success due to position on board), Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio – Motion carried 6-0

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: Jim Piacenti addressed the board regarding burning. He is in favor of burning. Gina Worden passed out information she obtained regarding the effects of burning. She is on the other side of the spectrum, and in favor of a burn ban or a compromise for Village residents only allowing burning a few days during the week. An online survey revealed residents are in favor of a burn ban. Worden is asking the council to listen to the people and find a solution.

Committee Reports: Nelson mentioned that residents feel the barricades being used in the water main replacements do not flash or illuminate. The Village will speak with Superior regarding this issue. Nelson also mentioned the Falcon Auto Building and how it is deteriorating. The black paper from the roof is blowing all over. The owner has been contacted regarding this issue. A question was presented to the board regarding hiring a structural engineer to see the current condition of the building. Nelson asked if this building was tied into the other buildings around it and it was noted this building is not connected by walls with any other building on the block. If it were to collapse that would affect the buildings around it. Nelson reported that Putnam County Painting has painted the Pack Howitzer Cannon in gratis. Also helping to move and secure the cannon were Steve Duffield, Eric Miller, Mario Data, Neil Petzel, and Andy Groleau. They were all instrumental in getting this done. Thank you cards will be sent. The board all thanked Nelson for a great job!

Engineer’s Report: Ossola reported that Superior is 1/3rd of the way complete cost-wise. They have requested payment.

Nelson motion/Margherio second to approve payment to Superior Excavating for their work done in the amount of $383,729.58.

Ayes: Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio, Martin – Motion carried 6-0 Ossola provided a change order for an extension of the substantial completion date. They requested this change so they are not fined $1,000.00 per day for not being done.

Nelson motion/Martin second to approve change order #2 for Superior Excavating to extend their substantial completion deadline from 11-18-2022 to 1-14-2023. Final completion will remain on 6-2-2023. Ayes: Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson – Motion carried 6-0 Nelson asked Ossola if Superior was made aware of the tunnel that is underground near the old Grub insurance agency. Ossola stated they have been made aware.

Ossola spoke about amendment #2 for the Engineering Agreement to update the agreement to have the current hourly pay rates. The not to exceed amount remains at $90,000.00. Ossola stated that they may return the billing invoices that don’t match up with the most recent hourly pay rates. Ossola assured the board that they will use the current rates in billing but the not to exceed the amount of $90,000.00 will not change.

Martin motion/Manning second to approve amendment #2 to the engineering agreement to update the agreement to have current hourly pay rates but not to affect the maximum budgeted amount. Ayes: Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher – Motion carried 6-0

Superintendent’s Report: Englehaupt spoke to the council regarding putting the bucket truck with the failed boom out for sealed bid. Englehaupt stated that he felt he and Bezely could take care of this. We will disclose the failed boom, sell it in as-is condition and we will accept any and all sealed bids for review. They will contact CIMCO to see what we would get to scrap it. Atty. Barry will draft a waiver upon award of the bid for the purchaser to sign.

Police Chief: Chief Frund told the board he has contacted many residents about parking on the sidewalks. Residents seem to be moving. The tree-blocking vision on Lincoln and Locust is going to be taken down and used for the Tree Lighting at the Christmas Walk. Frund stated they will be receiving 80 bikes donated to the Village. Frund will get them to put together and give them away to kids sometime next spring or summer. Martin told Frund that Spring Valley is receiving these bikes also and they are donating some of them to the Project Success Santa’s Workshop. Hall auto mechanics have agreed to help with the assembly of the bikes. Frund mentioned they are trying out the new body cameras. Frund is trying to find the best company to supply the cameras and redaction abilities along with storage of the footage. Frund spoke in detail to the council regarding Lexipol. He explained you get policy manuals, training, and laws along with the latest updates. This allows officers to log in while running traffic and have the latest information in law enforcement. Lexipol constantly updates laws, training requirements, and policies to keep the municipality up to the required laws and training. This program also informs the chief of officers that are not doing their training so they can be held accountable for the completion of training. Officers will be monitored and a mandatory requirement for training will be in place.

Martin motion/Manning second to approve Lexipol for 6 months at $943.00 and next Fiscal Year at $1,886.00 Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motion carried 6-0 Margherio requested that the Police Committee meet again soon.

Building Inspector: Flanagan informed the board of a deteriorating house at 230 N. LaSalle Ave. Flanagan stated that the owner lives in Chicago. He doesn’t come back to Ladd very often. Atty. Pat Barry will send a letter to the owner requesting the upkeep of this property. The porch is falling and the floor of the porch is not safe. Atty. Barry will check the code and send a letter. Flanagan also mentioned an issue with a resident who did not obtain a building permit and put up a fence that does not comply with the Village code. Atty. Barry will send a letter to this resident. Bezely will supply owner information on both of these properties. Chief Frund stated he would go speak with the homeowner. If Atty. Barry’s help is needed Frund will reach out to him.

Village Attorney: None

Unfinished Business: Onsite Backup: DC Technology supplied a 2nd quote in-house backup system for the Village of Ladd. DC Technology’s price for Celeron backup system.

Urbanowski motion/Thrasher second to approve the Celeron backup system from DC Technology for $650.00. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning – Motion carried 6-0

New Business: Liquor License Approval: Margherio motion/Nelson second to approve Liquor License for Charro Tacos and Bakery, Corp. until January 2023, upon receipt of the required insurance policy. Ayes: Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio – Motion carried 6-0 Donation to Ladd Grade School Lunch Program:

Thrasher motion/Martin second to donate $200.00 to Ladd Grade School Lunch Program on behalf of Hocus Pocus Hags for payment for their performance on 10/30/2022.

Ayes: Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio, Martin – Motion carried 6-0

Announcements: Bezely reminded the council the Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening for Rocker Bye Boutique is this Saturday at noon. There will be light refreshments supplied by the Village of Ladd & Economic Development Group.

Bezely reported that Andrzej Dajnowski, Ph.D. made the repairs and necessary maintenance to the Veteran’s Monument and Soldier. He mentioned cracks in the soldier’s hat and head. This will need to be addressed next spring. He will provide a quote. Nelson stated that he spoke with Andrzej’s staff when he stopped by and he told him this soldier is made out of limestone and it has aged enough that it is starting to crumble. Nelson wondered if we could find someone with a 3D scanner so we can reconstruct the soldier. He mentioned spraying the soldier with a sealant. Let it soak in and this would give the 3D scanner a more positive surface to register into a computer program. Then if something happens to the soldier in the future we could reconstruct the soldier out of granite. That is what Andrzej suggested.

Bezely reminded everyone about the Ladd Senior Village Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday, November 15th at 10 am. Everyone is invited. They will serve dinner following this event. Tours will be given beginning at 10 am. Bezely announced the tax levy will be set on Tuesday, November 15th at 9:30 am with Pat Barry in case anyone wants to attend.

Bezely received the Phase I information on 336 S. Main Ave. and has forwarded it to Kevin Bauer (per Randy Safranski’s request) and also to Atty. Pat Barry, so he can interpret the information for the board. Bezely asked the council if the office should have been closed for Election Day. Atty. Barry stated that it is a state holiday. Towns were not closed. North Central Bank was open so Bezely didn’t ask the board and wanted to make sure she did the right thing.

Martin asked if we could discuss the leaf burning. Cattani stated there is only 1 week left to the burning season. Sunday burning ends November 15th but people can burn Monday through Saturday from 8 am – 6 pm with the current ordinance in place. Margherio asked Worden if the survey was all Ladd residents. Worden stated she left the survey anonymous, she didn’t require a name or email address for the survey because she felt people wouldn’t want to give that information. Worden felt sure that most if not all the people that took the survey were from Ladd. Margherio stated when she spoke tonight the word that resonated with him was a compromise. He would like to see burning allowed a couple of days a week. Some people like the smell while others do not. The bagged leaves can be brought to the burn pile or people can pay Republic Services $10 for yard waste pickup annually and place leaves in bio-degradable bags for pickup.

Margherio and other council members asked that Leaf burning will be placed on the next agenda. Margherio asked Atty. Barry to possibly send a letter to Falcon Auto's owner to address these building issues.

Cattani told the council that Englehaupt is off workman’s comp and has a 50 # weight restriction. It puts him in a position where he cannot do wire work out of a basket or trim trees out of live wires. Englehaupt can’t trim branches away from live wires. The only option would be to shut down power and then he feels his employees can do this work. Martin’s addition easement needs trimming tree branches out of the live wires. This can take a long time, leaving residents out of power until complete. The council asked if this restriction would be for the rest of his employment. Cattani felt it was. Cattani told Englehaupt to direct the employees on what work needs to be done. Instruct them on what is needed to be done. This would all be done with the power off. The council feels we will need to build a relationship with an electrical company such as LE Meyer. Other companies can lend a hand locally if we needed it in a pinch. We have a mutual aid agreement with local towns that could help us also. Martin asked if we could get other employees certified. Cattani explained that it isn’t easy in our Village because we don’t have much line work. It would take someone at least 5 years to obtain this certification. Cattani has told Englehaupt to supervise as the superintendent and line up work and advise what the duties are. Hiring a lineman is not an easy task. They are trying to get a lineman in Oglesby at $40.00/hour with no results yet.

Nelson motion/Thrasher second to adjourn.

Ayes: Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Manning, Margherio, Martin – Motion carried 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm
