
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Nov. 22

Village of Ladd Village Board met Nov. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, in the Village Hall. Village President, Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning, Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, and Molly Thrasher (5)

Absent: Mike Urbanowski (1)

In attendance: Clerk Bezely, Treasurer Julie Koch, Superintendent Englehaupt, Atty. Pat Barry

Margherio motion/Thrasher second to accept November 8, 2022, regular meeting minutes as presented. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-0

Martin motion/Nelson second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $178,507.41. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-0

Manning motion/ Thrasher second to accept the Treasurer's Report for October 2022 Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-0

Correspondence: A thank you card was read from Project Success for the donation. Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Martin confirmed it is okay to put the Christmas Tree on their empty lot. Cattani discussed the tree at Lincoln and Locust. It was agreed the tree is a driving hazard. The new homeowners have donated it to the Village for our Christmas Tree this year. It will be shorter than usual but very full.

Engineer’s Report: Ossola was unable to attend the meeting. He sent an email stating Chamlin’s checked on the barricade lights and felt there is a reasonable number that illuminates around the holes in the Main Avenue alley.

Superintendent’s Report: Englehaupt requested the board's permission to purchase 8 new tires for the 1987 Ford Tandem truck. Two bids were reviewed for comparison.

Thrasher motion/Nelson second to purchase 8 tires from King Tire for $3,200.00. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-0

Police Chief: None

Village Attorney: Atty. Pat Barry reviewed the FY23 Levy with the board. He explained the process regarding levy determination, fund caps, and a 5% allowable increase. Atty. Barry increased the General Fund first at its maximum allowed increase. Then the rest of the funds were calculated based on totals spent last fiscal year and the levy was determined based on this information.

Manning motion/Martin second to Pass the Levy of Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and ending April 30, 2023, for the Village of Ladd, Bureau County Illinois.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Cattani - Motion carried 6-0

Old Business: Burning Ordinance: The council agreed there is a need for compromise. After discussion, it was agreed to begin January 2023 the Village will allow burning ONLY on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 8 am – 6 pm. Burning will no longer be allowed on any other day. Atty. Barry will prepare an updated ordinance for the next meeting. Manning feels we need to really work hard to tell residents to sign up for yard waste pickup in 2023 because for $10 you can bag your leaves and get them picked up by Republic. A leaf vacuum truck wouldn’t be feasible for the Village as it takes 3 guys to run it and there is way more to do in the Village than leaf pickup which wouldn’t allow 3 guys to be used to accomplish this.

New Business: Christmas Bonuses: Discussion regarding the distribution of Christmas bonuses ensued. Bezely is elected and therefore a bonus is not allowed.

Martin motion/Thrasher second to give $100.00 Christmas bonuses to employees: Jacob Frund, Samantha Sarosinski, Julie Koch, Heidi Templeton, Doug Englehaupt, BJ Liebe, Mario Data, and Colton Corsolini. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-0

Bureau County American Rescue Plan Act: An announcement was made that the Village received BC ARPA funds of $120,147.00 on November 8, 2022, for the upgrade of sewer pump panels at the wastewater treatment plant. The board acknowledged receipt of this money.

IL Chamber of Commerce: No Action was taken.

Announcements: An insurance claim was made on 4 hand dryers that were stolen from the Public Works Shop recently. Englehaupt explained the electric changes that will be needed at both parks to install them. Englehaupt is not in favor of installing these. He feels putting money into open public bathrooms is not something he would do. The board would like them reordered and installed when time permits. Englehaupt mentioned he is working to get a company to cut power lines out of our Village trees. He can’t get anyone

to call him back. Cattani stated he is working to get someone to possibly do this for the Village. The owner of the old furniture store contacted Pohar Excavating for a price to take down her building. They were not interested in this job due to the proximity of the adjacent buildings. Phase II environmental testing on 336 S. Main Ave is complete. Formal results will be received in 2 weeks. Samples showed no visual signs of contamination. The 2004 International Bucket truck was in the News Tribune on 11-16-2022 for sealed bid, information has been placed on Facebook, and the Village website, and posters hung in the bank, post office, and library. 1 bid has been received as of today. Bid opening will be on December 13th at the regular meeting that night. Determination was made not to post Employee's and Officials' Birthday on Facebook. There are 3 weeks between meetings. Bezely asked the Council who will be decorating and placing lights on the Ladd Christmas Tree. Englehaupt joked it would show a great sense of community if the board and president would do it. Martin asked if the Public Works Department would put on the lights. Manning questioned if we were going to make any decisions on the Community center but was reminded nothing will happen until the sale of 336 S. Main Ave. is complete. Thrasher asked Englehaupt when they plan on doing the Village tree – she stated she would help. No timeframe was given.

Nelson motion/Margherio second to adjourn.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-0

The meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm
