
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Dec. 13

Village of Ladd Village Board met Dec. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, in the Village Hall. Village President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning (arrived at 6:36 pm), Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Molly Thrasher, and Mike Urbanowski (6)

In Attendance: Clerk Bezely, Atty. Pat Barry, & Engineer Adam Ossola

Margherio motioned/Thrasher second to accept November 22, 2022, regular meeting minutes as presented. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0

Nelson motioned/Urbanowski second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $56,581.24 Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Margherio asked Ossola about the sidewalk grant for Main Avenue and how that is coming along. Ossola said that he hasn’t heard any update and when he inquires, he’s told it's in for review. Ossola stated they have started working on the Safe Routes to School sidewalks. Martin stated that there will be Christmas Eve Mass at the Community Center at 3:30 pm on Christmas Eve with Father Ronald Margherio. Everything is set up, including readers, and ushers. Taryn Trevier will lead the singing. Martin also mentioned the Village Tree lights are falling off the tree onto the ground. The star is also falling off. Cattani stated he will address this tomorrow.

Engineer’s Report: Ossola reported on the Main Avenue alley water main replacement. He stated 70% of the main is pressurized and operating now. 1/3 of the service lines are tied in. It’s hopeful they will meet the January deadline if the weather holds out. The alleys will be resurfaced with blacktop in the spring.

Superintendent’s Report: Absent

Police Chief: Chief Frund told the board he received toy donations from the United Way. They received a lot more than they expected. Curt Frund, Gregg Ripka, Chief Frund, and officer Sarosinski all loaded and unloaded these toys. Mike Grivetti allowed them to use his building to store bikes and toys. They gave toys out at the Ladd Christmas Walk. The kids were very excited. Frund wanted to thank Sarosinski for all her hard work. Without her, a lot of things would not have been possible. She worked tirelessly for Ladd and brought lots of great fun. Flock cameras are working well. We’ve used them in several cases. We’ve apprehended suspended license holders and revoted licenses. Lexipol is going well. Frund is given instructions to set things up then he reports back. This will take 4-6 months to get things all in compliance. Frund also spoke with residents parking on or over their sidewalks. They have moved their vehicles. This will be a gradual process.

6:36 pm Trustee Manning arrived

Building Inspector: Absent

Village Attorney: Pat Barry informed the board that the boring samples from 336 S. Main Ave. have come back clean with no contamination. We will move forward with the sale of this building. We are hoping to close before the end of the year. The board has already authorized Cattani and Bezely to sign any documents necessary. Unfinished Business: Outdoor Burning Ordinance: Barry struck the old ordinance provision and replaced it with language for the new ordinance. Burning of leaves and other landscape waste only, and only if generated from vegetation on the premises where being burned or any contiguous lot owned by the same owners may be burned between the hours of 8 am – 6 pm only and only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Urbanowski motioned/Martin second to pass the amended Outdoor Burning Ordinance for the Village of Ladd.

Ayes: Thrasher, Manning, Martin, Margherio, Urbanowski, Cattani – Motioned carried 6-0 Nays: Nelson

Chief Frund will be watching this closely in 2023. The new ordinance will be summarized and provided with the March 2023 utility bills.

Atty. Barry reminded the board that there are electric efficiency funds of $5,585.17 that must be used by 4-30-2023. There is a total account balance of $8,851.93. We can use it for any energy efficiency items. Bezely told Barry that Englehaupt has requested this be placed on the 12-27-2022 Agenda and also has some lighting specs to share with the board. Atty. Barry told the board the IMEA is giving $200 credit to a residential EV charger installation and $500.00 toward a business EV charger installation.

Resolution to Declare Ladd the Chicken Capital of Illinois: President Cattani asked Atty. Barry if he could proclaim the Village of Ladd as the Chicken Capital of Illinois. After looking into this and seeing if it is possible, Atty. Barry gave a brief history of chicken in the Village of Ladd. From many restaurants serving it to G&G poultry providing fresh chicken to many towns in Illinois.

Martin motioned/Urbanowski second to pass a resolution declaring Ladd the Chicken Capital of Illinois. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski, Cattani – Motioned carried 6-0 Nays: Manning

New Business: Approve 2023 Meeting Dates:

Margherio motioned/Thrasher second to approve the 2023 Meeting Dates for the Village Board Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 6-0 Sealed Bids on 2004 International Bucket Truck: 4 sealed bids were received for the bucket truck with the failed boom. #1 Bruce Brown $5,050.00, #2 Chad Thrasher $500.00, #3 Phillip Fiscella $2,551.07 and Nick Drummer $3,001.00.

Urbanowski motioned/Manning second to accept Bruce Brown’s bid of $5,050.00

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 6-0 Donation Request Habitat for Humanity: The board did not wish to donate

Approve Renewal of Braniff Communications, Inc.: Preventative Maintenance Agreement for 1-1-23 thru 12-31- 23 for Outdoor Warning System.

Manning motioned/Martin second to approve the 2023 Outdoor Warning System Preventative Maintenance Agreement for Braniff Communications, Inc.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 6-0

Announcements: Bezely received a request from Royal Publishing to advertise for the Amboy Tournament on behalf of the Hall Lady Devils. The board declined an ad. Margherio provided an update on the Ladd Economic Development. The Mexican restaurant provided delicious samples this weekend at the Christmas Walk. Residents are very excited about the opening of Charro Tacos & Bakery. Margherio asked everyone to patronize this business when it opens. Margherio explained that the Economic Development group is marketing the Lanuiti building in hopes of bringing a new restaurant to the Village. Margherio and Nicholson will pursue 1 vacant building at a time in the Village. In doing this, it showed the phone number to be inaccurate. Now the phone number has been corrected. There is a lot of interest in this building. Bezely thanked the council for their help with the Christmas Walk. She heard it was wonderful. Bezely announced there will be a post on Facebook stating the money we took in. Next year’s 50/50 will begin in the Spring with Music in the Park. This money collected will allow more cool ideas for events for future Christmas Walks. Thrasher mentioned that the horses need to bring a pooper scooper next year. This was a mess. Bezely asked for an update on the dilapidated house on N LaSalle Ave and if Atty. Barry had heard anything. He will check into this, get a letter out to the resident, and report back. Martin stated she had a new client come into Project Success and stated that the Village Clerk’s Office has the nicest people working there. Bezely thanked Martin for the kind words and stated she and Julie are very kind to residents. The owner of the furniture store is possibly interested in donating the property to the Village of Ladd. There is a property outside of the Village limits requesting water from the Village. Contact information was provided to Atty. Barry and Bezely told the council she explained all costs to bring the water to his property would be his responsibility. We need to put together some numbers to give him before putting too much time into this to see if there is interest based on the possible cost. Atty. Barry will speak to Doug Englehaupt before contacting the interested party. The annexation of this property was mentioned also.

Nelson motioned/Margherio second to adjourn.

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned Carried 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm
