
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Diamond Village Board met Jan. 10

Village of Diamond Village Board met Jan. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Proceedings, transactions, and resolutions made and order of said record of said Board in the Village of Diamond, IL on the 10th of January 2023.

The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa Kernc presiding. Upon roll call Commissioners present were Mark Adair, Dean Johnson, Jeff Kasher and Dave Warner.

Approval of 12-13-2022 Minutes

MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to approve the 12/13/2022 regular meeting minutes and place on file. Ayes: Johnson, Kasher and Warner. Abstain: Adair; Motion Carried.

Approval of January 10, 2023, Bill List

MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to approve the January 10, 2023, bill list and place on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approval of the December 2022 Treasurer’s Report

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve the December 2022 Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Public Comment


New Business

Discuss 2290 E. Division St.

Mayor Kernc welcomed Ben Pogliano. Pogliano presented to the board a potential business he would like to pursue if he was to purchase the property at 2290 E. Division St. He proposed indoor climate controlled storage on one side of the building. The other side would be determined based on acquiring a tenant after renovations and updates were completed. He understands the current zoning for the property is not currently allowed for that type of business. He wanted to present this idea to the board and see if they would be in favor of it and if so, change the zoning. After discussion, the board was not in agreement with the utilization of the property and was not in favor of changing the zoning for his project. They do not want to see that type of business on Route 113. Pogliano understood the board’s decision and will revisit other options for the property.

Brock Teichmiller-RCAP; Water Rate Analysis

This item was passed until the January 24, 2023, meeting.

Discuss 130 Perona Court

Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated the owner of the property contacted her regarding his hot water heater which he needed replaced. The plumber stated it was filled with sand. The owner would like the village to reimburse his cost for the replacement and the plumber’s bill. The owner stated he feels the sand was caused by a water main break which happened when Domino’s was being built. The village, at that time, did reimburse him for a water heater repair, and the public works department blew out the lines, etc. The village asked if we could see the hot water heater and the owner stated it was disposed of. The Public Works Department replaced his nonfunctioning water meter and took a sample of the water when replacing the meter, and there was no sign of sand in the water. After discussion, the board’s decision was that the village would not cover the cost of the new hot water heater or the cost of the plumber. The village did not have the opportunity to inspect the hot water heater since it was disposed of. If the sand did infiltrate, cold water lines would have been affected and infiltrate into faucets, toilets etc. The water sample did not display and sand sediment. Since there is one service line for the units, the infiltration would also show up in the other unit. No other residents in the area have experienced any issues. Village Clerk Holmes will contact the owner with the board’s decision.

Discuss and Approve Proposals for Well #2 Abandonment

Mayor Kernc stated 2 proposals were received from Municipal Well & Pump and Great Lakes Water Resources Group, Inc. The Village needs mobilization and the pulling of the pumping equipment at this time only because the well will be utilized by the Illinois State Water Survey to check aquifer levels. No sealing of the well will be completed at this time. Municipal Well & Pump proposed a cost of $ 7,460.00 and Great Lakes proposal was in the amount of $6,560.00. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve Great Lakes Water Resources Group, Inc. in the amount of $6,560.00 for the mobilization and removal of pumping equipment and disposal of pumping equipment for Well #2. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Change Order for WWTP Sludge Disposal

Mayor Kernc stated Synagro Central LLC requested a time extension to December 31, 2023, to complete the WWTP Sludge Disposal project. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve the Change for the WWTP Sludge Disposal. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Discuss IL State Community Solar Program/Cenergy

Mayor Kenc stated she was approached by Cenergy who is interested in installing a solar facility in Diamond. She presented the material provided by Cenergy. The facility would be able to sell clean energy to the residents which could produce approximately 20% savings on their electric bill. Cenergy would donate to the village $400,000-$500,000. The projected annual property tax revenue could be up to $35,000.00. Kernc did reach out to Jeff Hettrick who previously worked for ComEd and to a former administrator of Pontiac for their feedback. Pontiac does have an existing Cenergy facility in their town, and they are currently working with Cenergy on an additional project. She received positive feedback from both. Kernc spoke with the property owner whose property they are interested in for their site. The parcel is in a strategic location to the main ComEd transmission line. Kernc presented what conditions she would require of the company if the village would allow this facility in the village. Kernc stated a public hearing would be held if the village proceeds forward. Commissioner Kasher is concerned that it sounds too good to be true. Commissioner Warner is concerned because these projects are government subsidies and could be an issue. After further discussion, Kernc will proceed and investigate further into this potential project.

Approve Resolution #2023-01, In Support of Tax Increment Financing Mayor Kernc stated Illinois legislators are wanting to change laws regarding TIF regulations. This resolution is in support of the current tax increment financing. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve Resolution #2023-01, In Support of the current Tax Increment Financing. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Old Business

Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update

Mayor Kernc presented the Will and Grundy County Sheriff’s Monthly Update. Nothing out of the ordinary to report.

Discuss to Amend Ordinance #2007-05, Establishing a Development Impact Fee Mayor Kernc stated the current impact fees came up when working with the Jewel/Osco project. Kernc stated one developer Goodwin, is the only one who has paid the impact fees. Kernc would like to see the impact fee decreased to the original fee of $11,591.00 per acre. The current fees are high based on the interest which was implemented in the original ordinance. After further discussion, the board agreed to amend the current ordinance with the fee decreased as discussed. Attorney John Gallo will proceed with the amendment, and this will be placed on the next agenda for official approval.

Legal Counsel

No Report

Engineer Updates


Public Works Department Updates

Public Works Department Supervisor Jim Dunning stated Well #4 motor is up and running. All work should be covered under warranty. The curb on Stellon St. is pushing up so gravel was placed around it. This issue is happening at numerous locations due to the weight of the disposal truck. The curb will need to be re-poured in the spring/summer. Dunning emailed Commissioner Warner information regarding a new SCADA system. This needs to be discussed further with him when time allows. Simple Communications recommended installing 2 new rams which cost $48.00 each. A storm tile repair job is on the books to be completed. Dunning added, all paperwork for the water plant has been converted to electronic forms. Once all is up and running correctly, all documentation will be completed on a laptop or tablet to go paperless.

Clerk Updates

Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated she has been preparing for a Records Disposal. Holmes also discussed the notification she would like to send in the next water bills to the residents. Residents receive their bill, if they do not pay on the due date, a penalty bill gets mailed to them stating the date it is due. Time and time again, she and/or public works calls, emails or notices are hung at those residents warning water service interruption will occur if they do not pay by the penalty date. Holmes would like to enforce the ordinance for those who do not pay by the penalty date, their water services are shut off until payment is made and the $50.00 turn on fee is paid. Holmes does not want to pre warn them before shutting off services. Residents have many options of which to pay their bills. Commissioner Warner and Mayor Kernc agree. The village needs to take a firm stand to hold those accountable to pay their bills on time. Commissioner Kasher states we need to make those individuals an example for not paying on time. Holmes will send out the notice in the March 2023 utility bill

letting the residents know there will be no other warnings besides their penalty bill before water services are interrupted for nonpayment.

Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Adair

No Report

Commissioner Johnson

No Report

Commissioner Kasher

Commissioner Kasher inquired if Dunning had any feedback regarding fire hydrants having an issue with bad bolts. Dunning has not but will reach out to the supplier.

Commissioner Warner

No Report

Mayor Kernc

Mayor Kernc stated she feels it is our responsibility to make money on our funds whenever we can. Kernc stated Village Treasurer Wendy Herbert met with a representative from Midland Bank discussing a way for the village to earn a higher interest rate on our account. It is called a sweep account. The village would keep a minimum amount in their checking account and any overages would sweep into another account. Those monies would earn the current rate of 3.8%. (which fluctuates). If the account falls below the amount required, then the money “sweeps” back into that account. The board agreed to move forward with the sweep and/or transfer account. Kernc asked if the board would like some of the monies to be placed into a CD. They felt it would be advantageous to keep it in the “sweep” account. Kernc stated previously the board approved allowing North Central to apply for watermain and lift station improvements with Senators Duckworth and Durbin for the congressional earmarks they were offering. We were approved for $601,901.00. We also received $340,000.00 from the American Rescue Plan. We will have almost 1 million dollars to spend on watermain and lift station improvements. The lift stations will be rehabilitated with pumps, piping, electrical and controls. Kernc would like to add SCADA to each lift station. There is no local match, however, Kernc would like to recommend North Central to administer the earmark. Kernc continued, the IEPA is requiring a feasibility study from Minooka and Channahon to go to the Kankakee River Alliance, since there are 9 municipalities trying to go to Lake Michigan for their water supply. They will need to complete a professional feasibility study which would give accurate costs if they were to go to the Kankakee. This is good news for all those municipalities in the Alliance. If they must go to the Kankakee River Alliance, the overall cost for the municipalities within the Alliance would decrease. Kernc stated Diamond would have to wait and see what happens with the study.


MOTION was made to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
