
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Minooka Village Board met Nov. 22

Village of Minooka Village Board met Nov. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President, Ric Offerman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustees present: Gabriela Martinez, Barry Thompson, Dennis Martin, Terry Houchens, Dick Parrish and Robin White. Also present: Dan Duffy-Village Administrator, John Harrington-Village Treasurer, Ryan Anderson-Superintendent of Public Works, Village Engineer- Kevin Danko, Chief Justin Meyer, and Village Clerk-Orsola Evola.

Public Forum- No one was present.

Changes to Agenda-None.

Review of the Village Board meeting minutes on October 25, 2022

Trustee Parrish moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve the Village Board Minutes from October 25, 2022

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Review of the Village board meeting minutes on November 9, 2022

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve the Village Board Minutes from November 9, 2022

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Bills and Transfers

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve Bills and Transfers.

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report.

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Resolution 2022R-3413approving pay request #1(partial) for Twin Rail Drive PCC Patching- $85,843.03

Resolution 2022R-3414 approving pay request #3(partial for Rio Poco erosion work $111,253.50 Resolution 2022R-3415 approving pay request #2(partial) for Deerpath erosion work-$267,434.58 Resolution 2022R-3416 approving pay request #1(FINAL) for well 6 repairs-$43,713

Resolution 2022R-3417 approving pay request #1(FINAL) for the Kubota tractor-$45,852.81 Resolution 2022R-3418 approving pay request #1(FINAL) for the 2022 sidewalk saw-cutting program-$26,312

Resolution 2022R-3419 approving pay request #2(partial) for the meter reading antenna $55,000 Resolution 2022R-3420 approving a blanket purchase order to Compass Minerals America $159,264.00

Resolution 2022R3421 approving the proposal from M.E. Simpson Inc-$18,330

Resolution 2022R-3422 approving IDOT invoice #2-$18,972.67

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Parrish seconded the motion to approve all items as presented.

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Unfinished Business-none

New Business

Resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3423 amending the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving the renewal of the Village Dental Insurance Policy with BCBS IL Trustee Martin, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3424 approving the renewal of the Village Dental Insurance Policy with BCBS IL

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving the renewal of the Village Health Insurance Policy with BCBS IL Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3425 approving the renewal of the Village Health Insurance Policy with BCBS IL

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving the renewal of the Village Vision Insurance Policy with VSP Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Parrish seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3426 approving the renewal of the Village Insurance Policy with VSP

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving the renewal of the Village Life & AD&D Insurance Policy with Mutual of Omaha

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3427 approving the renewal of the Village Life & AD&D Insurance Policy with Mutual of Omaha

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance for Street and Bridge Purposes

Trustee Martinez moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 2022-40 for street and Bridge Purposes

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance approving 2022 Property Tax Levy

Trustee Martinez moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 2022-41 approving 2022 Property Tax Levy

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution authorizing Whitt Law LLC to intervene on behalf of the Village of Minooka in an assessment complaint, Kendall County Board of Review

Trustee Parrish moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3428 authorizing Whitt Law LLC to intervene on behalf of the Village of Minooka in an assessment complaint

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution authorizing settlement with ComEd for overpayment

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2022R-3429 authorizing settlement with ComEd for overpayment

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Liquor Commission Report-none

Annexation Committee Report-none

Executive Session-President Offerman said there was a need for an execution session to discuss property requisition.

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to go into an executive session at 6:42 p.m.

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Go back into regular session

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to go back into regular session at 6:59 p.m.

Ayes: Houchens, Thompson, Parrish, Martinez, Martin, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Action from Executive Session-none

As Appropriate- The Trustees wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Adjournment-Trustee Thompson moved to adjourn, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion. All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
