
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Playground & Recreation Board met Feb, 9

City of Ottawa Playground & Recreation Board met Feb, 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Recreation Board Members Present: Alex Spencer, Phil McNally, , Maribeth Manigold, Brent Roalson, Steve Brenbarger Randy Bretag, Kari Hilton (Dave Marvin, Director of Ottawa Recreation).

Others attending the meeting: Tami Koppen,

Recreation Board Members Absent: Ryan Cantlin

Guests: Wayne Eichelkraut, Tom Ganiere, Michael Urbance, Richard Chavez, Lindsey Chavez, Miley Chavez, Daylyn Massey, Tom Massey, Kai Massey, Aron Moore

Guest - Aaron Moore spoke on behalf of Wolfpack baseball requesting usage of the North side ball fields for practices and games.

Guest - Richard Chavez (part of a Skate park group) spoke on the possibility of creating a new Skate park. Discussion included need, location and financial support for such a project.

I. Maribeth moved to approve January Recreation minutes. Steve second. Motion passed.

II. Steve moved to accept the January Recreation and Pool Financial Reports. Josh second. Motion passed.

III. Pool Manager’s report – NA

IV. Commissioner’s Report: NONE

V. President’s Report – Up Coming Projects List

a. Alex collected the information from the other board members and prioritized the list of requested projects. Top 5 in order (top being most important)

i. Peck Park Playground

ii. Peck Park Tennis

iii. Walsh Park renovations (Replace Train / Remove Sand Volleyball)

iv. Fox River Basketball Hoops

v. Kiwanis NET Playground

b. Alex presented changes to the bylaws to be reviewed and voted on at the March meeting. Changes included new Subcommittee Divisions, Board spending authority and limits, and added a Section on Conflict of Interest.

VI. Director’s Report –

a. Adult Basketball League – Halfway through the season (4 teams Participating)

b. Adult Volleyball League – Cancelled (No Participating Teams)

c. Disc Golf - Chris Stone requesting to start Spring Disc golf doubles league / play day event.

i. Without the new “Leagues committee” officially in place, Alex offered contact Chris and review the league details and report back next meeting.

ii. Informed the board of another Memorial Park Bench order that was placed by the city.

VII. Old Business: NA

a. Outstanding Committed Money – Document was changed to show past completed projects on a separate tab.

VIII. Long Range Planning and Board Goals

a. Construction in Progress – NA

b. Park Inspections – NA

c. Long Range Plans (Alex, Maribeth) – Prioritize New Park Projects (Discussed in the Presidents Report)

IX. Committee Reports

a. By-laws (Maribeth) – Bylaw changes were completed ( see Presidents report)

b. Financial (Ryan) – NA

c. Parks (Randy B., Steve B.) – Removal of Sand Volleyball Court at Walsh park.

i. Randy motioned to remove the Sand Volleyball Court located at Walsh park. Brent Seconded. Motion passed

d. Programs – (Phil and Maribeth) – Alex and Phil meet with the leagues to discuss 2023 rules from the recreation board.

i. Phil informed us of a Scoreboard donation from OHS to be used at Whitney field.

ii. Ottawa Fire Dept offered CPR and AED training @ $40.00 a person, Brent felt it would be important to have at least all Summer Park Lead Supervisors take the course which City Rec would pay for. Also discussed potentially all summer park workers get the same training, paid for by the Rec Board.

e. Pool (Maribeth, Steve, Randy B.) – Current discussion indicates the Pool will be Operated by the Ottawa YMCA and the City of Ottawa will provided workers (cashiers) to handle the daily financials receipts from customers.

X. New Business:

a. 2023 24 Budget Approval - Steve motioned to approve the 2023 24 Recreation Budget. Randy seconded, Motion passed.

b. Brent motioned that all Summer Park Supervisor be required to take the CPR/ AED course with cost paid for by Ottawa City Recreation. Randy seconded. Motion passed.

XI. Meeting adjourned – Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Randy Second. Motion Passed