
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Playground & Recreation Board met March 9

City of Ottawa Playground & Recreation Board met March 9

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 

Recreation Board Members Present: Phil McNally, Alex Spencer, Maribeth Manigold, Randy Bretag, Ryan Cantlin, Brent Roalson, Steve Brenbarger, Kari Hilton, (Dave Marvin, Director of Ottawa Recreation).

Others attending the meeting: Steve Kuhn, Tami Koppen

Recreation Board Members Absent: NONE

Guests: Aaron Moore – Wolf pack baseball – wanting to do work on the North Diamond (playing field / dugouts) $4500 total. Brent made a motion for Wolfpack baseball to make improvements (materials) to the North Diamond at Lincoln Douglass Park for $4500 with the City is responsible for the labor. Randy Second. Motion passed 7 Yes, 0 NO 1 Abstained: Josh Moore

1. Josh moved to approve February Recreation minutes. Kari second. Motion passed. 

2. Maribeth moved to accept the February Recreation Financial Reports. Brent second. Motion passed.

3. Commissioner’s Report: NONE

4. President’s Report –

a. Alex notice an error in the February Minutes - To be corrected as Board spending authority and limits were only discussed at the meeting, not part of the Bylaw changes to be voted on.

b. Parks Projects – Park Projects were discussed.

i. A large multi park improvement plan was suggested.

1. The question of how much would the City contribute was brought up.

2. Could we get the Commissioner to make a money commitment for a large improvement plan?

3. Rec board was in agreement to obtain grants and or bonds to contribute the difference of the project.

4. Rec board would be in favor of a joint agreement like this with the City council.

ii. Discussion was tabled until next meeting, once it was pointed out that the upcoming election could have a bearing on the Project.

c. Pool – Sr Citizens passes - Waiting on an agreement with the YMCA

5. Director’s Report –

a. Adult Basketball - League was finishing up March 30

i. Leon Corbin has done a great job, League has had a Successful Season, and Central School has worked out perfectly!

b. Softball Update – No Progress still in need of League Supervisor and Maintenance worker.

i. Job openings are online (website, and social media)

1. Newspaper will be next if needed

c. Summer Employment – Over half of last year’s staff has indicated they are returning, still waiting on a few to make their decision, they have a deadline of April 1st to inform us they are returning.

i. Newspaper Ad for new workers will start first week in April.

d. New Budget Format - I have a new Budget Format that I have been working on. I will present the first draft at the next board meeting to determine if this is something we would like to incorporate in 24-25 fiscal year.

i. Divides Parks and Recreation and Pool

ii. More categories

iii. Provides a clearer picture of where our money is being spent.

6. Old Business: NONE

7. Long Range Planning and Board Goals

a. Construction in Progress – Thorton Park Disc Golf Equipment was delivered. i. Dana was coming out Monday to inspect the location.

b. Park Inspections –

i. Randy asked for everyone to do a park inspection now that more people will be using the parks, check for any winter damage.

c. Long Range Plans –

i. Randy discussed the potential addition of some Climbing / playground equipment (Train and School Bus Structure) at Walsh Park from a company named PineCraft. Estimated cost was $20,000 for the Equipment and $750 for the installation.

ii. Tammi discussed regulations and specification for any new equipment placed into the parks, need to investigate the company and its qualifications before we can make any decision.

8. Committee Reports

a. By-laws – Board members review the suggested bylaw changes from last month 

i. Josh made a motion to accept the new bylaw changes, Maribeth seconded. Motion passed (Unanimous)

b. Financial - None

c. Parks - None

d. Leagues – Appoint members

e. Programs –

i. Phil reported on portable potential purchases of AEDs cost $2000 each 6-9 month back order on them

ii. Phil also asked for $1200 for Willa Wa / Jobst Plaque that will be displayed at Thorton Park.

1. Maribeth made a motion to pay $1200 for the Plaque Display Brent Second. Motion passed.

iii. Phil reported need for Repairs at the North Side Diamond storage Shed (Overhead door and entrance door)

iv. Phil also purchased of a double safety base need for the field

v. Phil reported the potential damage of the drainage around field 4 at Peck Park, will look into estimates.

vi. City Sidewalks program could possibly be used in the additional sidewalk needed at Peck park

f. Pool - – City still in negotiations

9. New Business –

a. New League Committee members (Phil, Brent, Kari,)

b. Skate Park Group

i. Alex attended the meeting, still in early stages of development

1. Lincoln Douglass Park was a suggested park for the development

10. Meeting adjourned.

a. Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Maribeth Seconded. Motion passed.
