
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Seneca Village Council met March 21

Village of Seneca Village Council met March 21

Here are the minutes provided by the council: 

The Seneca Village Council held a regularly scheduled Council meeting at Seneca Village Hall on March 21, 2023 and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Jeff Olson, Commissioners Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Absent: None

Also Present: Attorney Robert Russo and Village Clerk Jennifer Peddicord

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Wood to approve the March 6, 2023 special council meeting minutes as presented.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Wood to approve the March 7, 2023 council meeting minutes as presented.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve the January treasurer's report, payroll and payment of bills as presented. Comm. Weber pointed out that this month's bills include the Vactor truck payment, which has three more years until it's paid off, and a portion of the village's receipts are paid to the library on an annual basis, and is included in this month's bills.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None




Shirley Bodett gave a presentation regarding the Seneca Help List and asked for the council's endorsement of the program.


Higgins: Comm. Higgins presented an Ordinance Disconnecting Certain Territory (Hardgrove and Spicer) from the Village of Seneca for discussion. Mayor Olson recognized Attorney Jerry Justice who spoke on behalf of his clients, Alex and Kilene Spicer, and Nick and Ryan Hardgrove. Attorney Justice advised that granting the Petition to Disconnect would not disrupt any village services or potential growth, the property tax loss would be minimal. He advised if the motion fails tonight, this matter will be pursued in court. He acknowledged that the village has been receiving numerous calls about potential disconnections if this disconnection is approved.

Bridget Thorpe, a homeowner in Lake River Drive Subdivision, spoke regarding concerns about property values being affected if the deannexation is allowed.

Clarence Wignes, a Seneca resident, spoke regarding his desire to deannex from the village. He stated he was included in the Petition to Deannex initially, but was removed without his knowledge. He stated that if he is not allowed to disconnect, then Spicers and Hardgroves should not be allowed to disconnect. Mr. Wignes asked if a deal was struck to allow the deannexation if the houses were removed from the petition.

Attorney Russo addressed Mr. Wignes' question and advised that the council can only act on what it is given. He stated that he had advised Attorney Justice that there were concerns about a loss of tax revenue on the houses.

Jay Harvey, a homeowner in Lake River Drive Subdivision, spoke regarding his concerns about his property being devalued if this disconnection is granted. In the original development, this property was presented as an 80+ acre development. He stated this isn't about taxes, it's about the Petitioners' freedom to do with their property whatever they want.

Steve Spangler, another homeowner in Lake River Drive Subdivision, spoke regarding the village code and the council's obligation to follow the code, which was adopted by this public body. He stated this is about what will happen to the value of the Lake River Drive Subdivision properties and it is the obligation of the village council to maintain the tax rolls and follow the comprehensive plan.

Tom Tepavchevich, a homeowner in Lake River Drive Subdivision, advised that if this disconnection is allowed, then there is no filter as to what the Spicers and Hardgroves can do. He asked that the council not allow this to happen.

Attorney Jerry Justice advised the council that Hardgroves pay $250.00 a year in taxes. The petition does not block southern progression of development. Nothing prevents this property from someday being annexed back into the village. He also pointed out that the county has zoning requirements, which Spicers and Hardgroves would be required to follow.

Mayor Olson advised that every dollar of tax revenue is needed. The council has been exploring running water and sewer to the south. This council is against any deannexation and is stuck in the middle of this dispute between property owners.

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Weber to approve the Adoption of Ordinance 23-04, An Ordinance Disconnecting Certain Territory (Hardgrove and Spicer) from the Village of Seneca.

Roll Call: Ayes: Wood

Nays: Weber, Higgins, Victor and Olson

The motion failed to pass.

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Wood to approve the adoption of Ordinance 23-05, An Ordinance Adopting a 2023 Zoning Map.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve the adoption of Ordinance 23-06, An Ordinance Pertaining to the Regulation of Video Gaming.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

Olson: A motion was made by Comm. Wood and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve the adoption of Ordinance 23-07, An Ordinance Amending the Seneca Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Commissioners and Departments. Mayor Olson pointed out which commissioner was over each department and stressed that each commissioner has executive control of his department.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None



A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve an expenditure to Bob Ridings Fleet Sales in the amount of $31,628.00 for purchase of 2023 Ford Maverick for Water/Sewer Department. Comm. Victor advised that this price includes adding a cab in back and lights. This truck is badly needed and the old truck will be used by the summer kids.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Weber to approve an expenditure to Hawkins, Inc. in the amount of $6,697.25 for water treatment plant chemicals.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Wood to approve an expenditure to Tom Higgins Lawn Maintenance in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for lawn maintenance at Graves Park. This is hired out every year and was put out for bid again this year. Additional services have been added.

Ayes: Olson, Victor, Weber and Wood

Roll Call:  Nays: None

Abstain: Higgins

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve the adoption of Resolution No. 612, A Resolution Adopting a Special Park Use Permit/Major Event Activity Application. A $500.00 security deposit was added, which is refundable if no damage is done to the rented park.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve the hiring of Aiden Wood for the Parks Department at the rate of $13.25 per hour (minimum wage plus .25 cents per hour). Aiden worked for the Parks Department last year and was very good at his job.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor and Weber

Nays: None

Abstain: Wood


A motion was made by Comm. Weber and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve an expenditure to Revize LLC in the amount of $1,900.00 for annual hosting, support and maintenance of village website.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

A motion was made by Comm. Weber and seconded by Comm. Wood to approve an expenditure to Old National Bank Visa in the amount of $1,838.51 for credit card expenses. One of the larger charges was for La Quinta Inn for three employees attending a workshop.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None

Following Executive Session: A motion was made by Comm. Weber and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve non-union employee raises at $1.50 per hour for full-time employees and $0.75 per hour for part- time employees.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None


Comm. Wood presented an Ordinance Amending the Seneca Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Employee Holidays for discussion. Two additional holidays were added, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Presidents' Day.

Comm. Wood presented an Ordinance Amending the Seneca Code of Ordinances Personnel Policy Regarding Sick Days and Pay. This allows unused sick days to be rolled over from year to year. An employee can earn up to one year towards retirement. There is no cash value for unused sick days.

Comm. Wood announced that the village is accepting applications for two summer help positions. Applications will be accepted until April 10.


A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Wood to approve an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $55,000.00 for purchase of 2023 Police Interceptor Utility Vehicle and related lights and computers. This price includes $12,000 - $15,000 for lights, radios and computer installation. The vehicle will be black in color.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Victor, Weber and Wood

Nays: None


Mayor Olson announced that the village's electronic recycling event will take place on Saturday, March 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the village hall parking lot.


Tom Tepavchevich thanked the council for its action on the Spicer/Hardgrove disconnection request.

Melissa Klicker of the Seneca Park Board made an announcement regarding the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt at Crotty Park on Saturday, April 8. This event will include pictures with the Easter Bunny, food trucks and prize baskets. The hunt starts at 10:00 a.m. at Crotty Park.


A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Weber to enter into executive session at 6:58 p.m. to discuss Personnel - Section 2(c)(1).

A motion was made by Comm. Wood and seconded by Comm. Higgins to adjourn the March 21, 2023 council meeting. A voice vote was held. All ayes. No nays. The council meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
