City of Ottawa Special Events Committee met March 23
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting Called to Order: 5:40 pm
Present: Michael Dougherty, Heidy Eisert, Dan Eilts, Robin Wilson, Jim Reilly, Candy Moore, Jani Eichelkraut, Wayne Eichelkraut, Lucas Hennenfent
Absent: Rich Crum
There were no Guests.
Request for Funds for:
Kites in Flight for $1000 By OVC: Free Family Activities Face Painters..etc Motioned by Jim to Approve, Seconded By Jani Motion Approved.
Kites in Flight Music Performer for $500 by OVC: (Music in the Streets) Motioned By Jim to Approve, Seconded by Robin, Motion Approved.
Community Outdoor Movie for $1000 By Sprinkle Kindness: Motion to Approve by Jim to Approve, Seconded by Candy, Motion Approved.
Minutes from March 23rd Meeting were discussed, Motion by Lucas to Approve, second by Jani, Motion Approved.
Financial Report: Report was discussed then a Motion to Approve by Jim, Seconded by Lucas, Motion Approved.
Discussion to move the Special Events Meeting Night from The 3rd Thursday to The 1St Thursday of Each Month was discussed, Motion to move meeting nights by Jim, Seconded by Lucas, Motion Carried
Music in the park band scheduling is progressing and all dates have been filled. Jim passed out Kudos to all involved this year on helping with the bands this year.
Jim Discussed the fall Parade and shared that a lot is going on and its coming together to be the best in years.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm