
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Special Events Committee met April 6

City of Ottawa Special Events Committee met April 6

Here are the minutes provided by the committee: 

Meeting Called to Order: 5:40 pm

Present: Michael Dougherty, Heidy Eisert, Dan Eilts, Robin Wilson, Jim Reilly, Candy Moore, Jani Eichelkraut, Wayne Eichelkraut, Lucas Hennenfent, Rich Crum

There were no Guests.

Request for Funds:

Ottawa Canal Days sponsored by the Ottawa Canal Association/Boy Scout Museum and Reddick Mansion. Funding from Music In the Streets for $500. They will have Katie Bell and the Rangers, and a Bluegrass Group. After a brief discussion a motion by Jani to approve, Seconded by Candy, Motion carried.

Minutes from April 6th Meeting:

Minutes were discussed, Motion by Jim to Approve, second by Lucas, Motion Approved.

Financial Report:

Report was discussed then a Motion to Approve by Jim, Seconded by Jani, Motion


Music in the Park:

All the Bands were locked in for 11 Saturdays this summer with the finalizing of the paperwork for each group during Feb. Then we had a cancellation in early April so we are working on filling that date in August.

New Member Shirts:

Options were discussed with style, Color, and logo. Shirt sizes were listed and have been ordered and should be available by our May Meeting.

Jim Discussed the fall Festival Parade and shared that bands are being scheduled

All the Members shared appreciation to Heidy Eisert for all the years of working at City Hall as Special Events Coordinator wearing many hats over the years. She received a beautiful Bouquet of fresh flowers from the Committee and wished her a Enjoyable Retirement 

Meeting ended with a Motion by Jim, Seconded by Rich Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm
