
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met April 11

Village of Ladd Village Board met April 11

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, in the Village Hall. Village President  Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag. 

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Jim Manning, Dave Margherio, Dan Nelson, Molly Thrasher, Mike Urbanowski (5) Absent: Trustee Jan Martin (1) 

In Attendance: Clerk Bezely, Attys. Pat & Colin Barry & Engineer Adam Ossola 

Urbanowski motioned/Margherio second to accept March 28, 2023, regular meeting minutes. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Urbanowski motioned/Nelson second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $32,344.23 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 4-0 

Nays: Thrasher 

Correspondence: Thank you cards were read from Sue Wagner & Jim Schwingle, Project Success for Easter  Dinner Donation, Ficek Electric, and Joe Bernardi Family. 

Public Comment: Terry Linnig spoke to the council regarding no drains into the sewer in the 100 block of the  Main Avenue alley. He has lost 3 water heaters in the past. He is approaching 80 years old and cannot  continue to unblock this area or resolve the water issues.  

Angie Panizzi from Rip’s Tavern provided a drawing of what they’re planning to do and spoke to the council  about a building permit to build a pergola over their outside patio. This pergola will be in line with the brick poles  that support their awning out in front of the existing building. Nothing will protrude further than what’s existing  except possibly the boards that are the roof of the pergola.  

Thrasher motioned/Margherio second to Allow Rip’s Tavern 2 to Erect a Pergola Over their Outdoor Dining Area  on their Patio once the permit fee is paid.  

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Committee Reports: Thrasher thanked everyone involved in the Easter Egg Hunt for the Village. She felt it  went well. Margherio and Nelson were given a note for trees to check. They will report back at the 4-25-2023  meeting.  

Engineer’s Report: Ossola spoke regarding the Spray Patch Quote from Ace in the Hole for the 2023 MFT  Program. Ossola stated that this is the same company we’ve used for several years and feels that Englehaupt  has always felt their work was acceptable. 

Manning motioned/Nelson second to Approve the Ace in the Hole quote for $18,994.10 for Spray Patch in our  2023 Motor Fuel Program.  

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Ossola announced that there will be a bid opening for the 2023 MFT Program for the Chip Seal Coat on Monday,  April 17, 2023, at the Village Hall at 10 am. Regarding paving the alley, he heard they plan to be here Thursday  or Friday to mill out the pavement. Next week or so they will be here to pave it.  

Margherio asked Ossola for clarification on the manhole that Mr. Linning spoke about. Ossola stated that it has  a solid lid on the manhole in the 100 block of N Main Ave alley right now. Margherio asked why we can’t put a  top on this manhole that has drainage holes. Ossola stated that since Ladd has a combined sewer system he  needs to take a look at the situation. The more water you put into the combination sewer, the more water that  has to be transported to the sewage treatment plant. Cattani stated we try to avoid putting more water into the  combined system. This can possibly cause water and/or sewer backup into people’s basements. Everyone agrees something has to be done because the amount of water that collects back there is a lot. We’ve been  having cameras in the sewers and roots cut out and blockages removed which has helped a lot. Nelson stated  that he has helped Terry Linnig with a trencher dig a pathway for the water to go down the storm grate and into  the sewer system. This is right alongside the manhole cover and this has helped tremendously with water in  his basement. Ossola and Nelson will look at the alley and see what can be done. 

Superintendent’s Report: Not in attendance 

Police Chief: Not in attendance 

Building Inspector: Not in attendance 

Village Attorney: Atty. Barry read the response to his latest email from the owner of 109 N. Main Avenue. This  email included all the latest pictures of roofing debris that have blown all over the neighborhood to the North and  the alley. Atty. Barry read the response by the owner to the council. She was given 2 additional weeks to comply  with the Village. She has told the Village she will comply as fast as possible. She stated that there has been a  lot of interest in the building since listing it with Ellen Credi. The owner does have liability insurance on this  property. Discussion ensued and there is no resolution at this time. She was given 2 more weeks in hopes  that the interested man will return to the US and get back to Ellen Credi regarding the property. We will rediscuss  this at the next meeting on April 25, 2023. 

Old Business: Donation to Spring Valley Little League: The Ladd Youth Baseball account has been closed and  a check was brought in for $3,140.92 from Denny Galetti. A donation was discussed and made to SV Little  League since the Ladd kids play for Spring Valley Little League.  

Manning motioned/Nelson second to Donate $200.00 for 2023 to Spring Valley Little League. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Additional Employee for Clerk's Office: Bezely provided a job description and asked the board to please consider  hiring Samantha Sarosinski. Bezely discussed her strong points and how she plans to utilize them. Sam is  fine with working more one week and not at all another week if that is what’s needed. For now, her hours are  set as Tuesday & Thursday from 8-4. Sarosinski’s hours for the police department as an officer are separate  from this position but Sarosinski and Bezely will keep an eye on the number of hours she is working annually to  keep from exceeding the 1,000 hours maximum before IMRF must be implemented.  

Margherio motioned/Thrasher second to Hire Samantha Sarosinski for 16 hours a week (on average) for the  Village Clerk’s Office at $19.00/hour.  

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

New Business: Consider Bids for Community Water Supply Testing Program: Two bids were received. The  first one is from the Illinois EPA Laboratory and the second one is from TEST. 

Manning motioned/Nelson second to Hire TEST, Inc. for Community Water Supply Testing for July 1, 2023, to  December 31, 2023, in the amount of $1,105.00. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Motorcycle Awareness Month: Thrasher motioned/Nelson second to Proclaim May Motorcycle Awareness  Month. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0

Holiday Decoration for Main Avenue: Thrasher reported to the board that she obtained a quote from Holiday  Outdoor Décor. She had a sample that she went & picked up in Oswego with resident Maureen Cattani.  Thrasher stated that she showed them to public works guys and they told her that the existing decorations are  5’ and they would recommend getting the 5’ snowflakes, and they thought they were nice. Discussion continued. 

6-year warranty on the frame (welds & wiring), 3-year light bulb warranty, 10-15 year life expectancy. The  council feels that these need to be tarped or placed in a “container” when not in Mike Grivetti’s building to keep  them out of the weather. Englehaupt requested 25 – there are 24 needed on Main Avenue and 1 extra in case something happened. 6-8 lead time. We will save 2% if we prepay for them.  

Urbanowski motioned/Nelson second to Purchase (25) 5’ Pole Mount Snowflakes from Holiday Outdoor Décor  of Oswego for $17,088.75 with our 2% Prepaid Order Discount.  

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Tree Removal in Electric Lines: The council discussed the one quote that was provided. They feel more quotes  are necessary to make an educated decision on removing the trees in our 3 feeders without having to disconnect  the power. A lengthy discussion ensued. No action was taken until the possibility of obtaining 2 more quotes  are discussed with Englehaupt. This will appear on the next agenda on 4-25-2023. 

Summer Help: Applications were reviewed and the two guys that worked last year were interested in returning.  They are both from Spring Valley and the council feels we should give Ladd kids the opportunity to apply. A  notice for Village kids to apply will be placed on Facebook. This will be rediscussed at the next meeting on April  25, 2023. 

Avoided Cost Rate: Atty. Barry reminded the council that annually the new avoided cost rate needs to be  approved by the council. We obtain this rate from the IMEA in February annually. 

Manning motioned/Margherio second to Approve the IMEA’s Avoided Cost Rate Effective May 1, 2023, as  .1029 per KWh.  

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

2018 Backhoe Lease Expired: Village President Cattani told the council that the 5-year lease on the backhoe  expired this month. A decision needs to be made to purchase it, re-lease it, or implement a lease on a new  backhoe. Englehaupt was not present so the council requested to discuss this at the next meeting. 

Executive Session Minutes 6 Month Review: Atty. Pat Barry reviewed the executive session minutes and felt  they could be released.  

Urbanowski motioned/Margherio second to Release the 8-24-2021 & 7-26-022 Executive Session Minutes. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

Announcements: Bezely reiterated receiving $3,140.92 from Ladd Youth Baseball toward the repair of the fields.  Bezely mentioned a possible donation to Ladd to finish fixing the diamond may come from Spring Valley Little  League. Bezely also stated that T-Ball needs an account to collect money for uniforms. Atty. Barry felt we could  use the Village of Ladd’s FEIN number if needed. We set up a savings account to deposit the parents' money  and a cashier's check will be requested from NCB for payment for uniforms and equipment. Bezely told the  board that she and 2 other couples from Ladd have agreed to repaint the chicken. We’ve obtained professional  advice and will get this done as soon as the weather is great. Village resident Lynn Victor asked if we might  consider putting “share the road” signs on East Cleveland just like the ones on West Cleveland. A walker should  be highlighted on the signs. 2 outlets at the Community Center weren’t working. Urbanowski stated we need to  check the breakers and GFI. Village resident Bill Cattani asked if it was possible to purchase a type of adapter to broadcast the Street lights wider to provide more light and security for the town. The streets seem darker than before the LED Street lights. No one was aware of any type of adapter. The council will look at the lights and  comment at the next meeting as to whether the streets are darker than before the LED lights. Frund asked  Bezely to check with the board to see if barricades should be placed on the sidewalk in front of 109 N Main Ave as a safety precaution. Rip’s Tavern 2 doesn’t have any video gaming terminals at this time. They are getting  them from a new company. They’ve requested to pay once they get their gaming terminals because they plan  to get more than they originally had. The council was okay with this. The Fire Department will be taking over  the Queen of Hearts Drawing at Softails due to a business with video gaming not being able to sponsor this.  Bezely spoke with Fire Department about a couple of concerns in the State Statue, Atty. Barry will look into this  and get back to Bezely or the Fire Department. The resident at 230 N LaSalle Avenue with the bad front porch  has finally hired a contractor. The new YOGA sign on Schmollinger’s building looks great. The Community  Center is rented a lot coming up. The floor looks terrible. Bezely will reach out and see if Steve Peterson would  be able to do it for us if we get supplies for the buffer that was donated to us. Bezely asked if the council would  consider selling the Community Center. They feel like not at this time. They asked if an offer was made. I said  no, I was just asked if the Village would consider selling it. Margherio asked if they would be interested in buying the current Village Hall. Bezely will check with this person. Urbanowski asked how far out of the Village  our zoning laws go. Atty. Colin Barry stated they can go out up to 1½ miles. Urbanowski asked if they would  need to apply for a building permit to construct a shed outside of the Village limits. Attys. Barry stated no, this  would be something the County would handle. The village only handles building permits for the residents that  own property within the Village of Ladd corporate limits. Thrasher mentioned a camper parked on the side of  335 W Walnut Street. This needs to be mentioned to the police chief. Nelson told the council that the coffee  shop has a contractor to get this moving. They were unable to get a local contractor.  

Nelson motioned/Urbanowski second to adjourn. 

Ayes: Manning, Margherio, Nelson, Thrasher, Urbanowski – Motioned carried 5-0 

The meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm 




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