City of LaSalle Street, Alleys and Traffic Committee met May 1
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Bacidore Called the Meeting to order at 6:07pm
Present: Chairman Bacidore, Aldermen Ptak, Reynolds, Jeppson, Crane
Excused Absence: Alderman Herndon
Others Present: Others Present: Deputy Clerk Brent Bader, Alderman Reynolds, Alderman Crane, Alderman Bacidore, Economic Development Director Curt Bedei, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, City Treasurer Virginia Kochanowski, City Engineer Brian Brown, City Building Inspector Andy Bacidore
A quorum was present.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to approve the minutes from April 17, 2023.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Alderman Crane began conversation in regard to the discussion regarding a request to add streetlights on Richard Hallett Road. He stated that both him and Alderman Herndon have fielded some calls and texts in regard to this. Alderman Herndon was not present but shared with Alderman Crane that he was in favor of this request along with Alderman Crane. Deputy Clerk Bader that there was one letter that came in that was not in favor of this request.
Mike Argubright, 9A Richard Hallett, mentioned that he was in favor of the streetlights because he feels that it is currently a safety concern without the proper lighting. He assumed that the lights would probably go on the east side of the road where the poles are currently located. Alderman Crane that this would be on Ameren but the city has reached out to them in regard to pricing. The other concern that Ameren should be able to answer is if the poles are not on LaSalle’s side, who would manage these lights. Alderman Crane asked Engineer Brian Brown if he had a rough estimate of cost for each light. Brown seemed to think that $700 may be possible for each light. Brown also mentioned that LaSalle has jurisdiction up to the curve and would not need approval from Utica.
Resident Argubright thought that maybe every other pole would be plenty for lighting.
Resident Janice Aderton said that she has been on Richard Hallet for 9 years and they have done fine without the lighting. She is concerned that the light will shine right into her home if the lights are on the west side of the street. She does not think that much light is needed and that they should be spaced out every 4 to 5 poles.
Chairman Bacidore asked if the committee could table the topic for two weeks until they gather a little more information from Ameren.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Bacidore to table this discussion for two weeks.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
There were no more questions or comments from the public.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Chairman Bacidore adjourned the meeting at 6:14pm