
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Minooka Village Board met May 2

Village of Minooka Village Board met May 2

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Village President, Ric Offerman, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustees present: Terry Houchens, Dennis Martin, Dick Parrish, Barry Thompson and Robin White. Also present: Dan Duffy-Village Administrator, Sean Kelly-Village Engineer, Police Chief-Justin Meyer, Village Treasurer-John Harrington, Village Attorney-Chris Spesia, Village Clerk-Orsola Evola and Public Works Superintendent-Ryan Anderson.

Swearing in Newly Elected Officials-Village Clerk, Orsola Evola swore in the following officials to four-year terms.

Village Trustee, Ray Mason-Newly Elected

Village Trustee, Barry Thompson-Re-Elected

Village Trustee, Dennis Martin-Re- Elected (Was sworn in prior to meeting due to illness)

The Board & Staff presented Dick Parrish with a plaque and gift to give him gratitude for his 16 years with the Board and also for being the Public Safety Chairman.

Brief Reception-a brief reception was held to celebrate the re-elected and newly elected officials. Village President Ric Offerman adjourned meeting at 5:40 p.m. Trustee Thompson moved; Trustee White seconded the motion; all voted aye, meeting adjourned.

Reopen Meeting/New Roll-Village President Ric Offerman resumed the meeting at 5:53 p.m. followed by a new roll call. Members present: Terry Houchens, Dennis Martin(Zoom), Robin White, Ray Mason, Barry Thompson. Also present: Village Administrator-Dan Duffy, Ryan Anderson-Public Works Superintendent, Chris Spesia-Village Attorney, Sean Kelly- Village Engineer, John Harrington-Village Treasurer and Chief Justin Meyer.

Public Forum

President Offerman opened the public forum at 5:54 p.m. No one spoke.

Old Business

Resolution approving pay request #1 (FINAL) for Salt Conveyor-$80,836.49

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3492

Administrator Duffy explained that the prior meeting, the Mayor should have voted as 3 votes was not sufficient enough to pass the resolution therefore that is why it was brought back to this meeting

Ayes: White, Martin, Mason, Thompson

Nays: Houchens

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

New Business/Appointments

Treasurer/Finance Direction-John Harrington

Village Clerk-Orsola Evola

Deputy Clerk-Jessica Harvey

Chief of Police-Justin Meyer

Supt. Of Public Works-Ryan Anderson

Village Attorney-Spesia & Taylor

Building & Zoning Officer-Gabriel Friend, effective May 15th start date

Grundy Economic Development Council Representative

Trustee Thompson moved; Trustee White seconded the motion approving all appointments.

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, White, Mason

Nays: None

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

Resolution approving Class E Liquor License-Summer Fest June 15-17, 2023

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3493 approving Class E Liquor License

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, White, Mason

Nays: None

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

Resolution approving the purchase of the sun shade at Lions Park

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3494 approving the purchase of the sun shade at Lions Park

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, White, Mason

Nays: None

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

Proposed Committee Assignments

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve the Proposed Committee Assignments

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, White, Mason

Nays: None

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

Plan/Zoning Commissioner Appointments-Five Year Term

Casey McCollom

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve the appointment of Casey McCollom

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, White, Mason

Nays: None

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

Police Pension Board Appointments-2 Year Term

Bob Van Dolson

Steve Kezerle

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve the Police Pension appointments

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, White, Mason

Nays: None

Absent: Martinez

Motion carried.

Miscellaneous- none

As Appropriate- Administrator Dan Duffy mentioned he will be starting the interview process for Finance Director this week.

Adjourn- Trustee Thompson moved to adjourn, Trustee White seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:03 p.m. All ayes.
