
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Coal City Village Board met May 24

Coal City Village Board met May 24

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 

At 7:04 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, Mayor Spesia called to order the regular meeting of the Coal City Village Board in the boardroom of the Village Hall. Roll call- Trustees Dave Togliatti, Dan Greggain, Pam Noffsinger, Tim Bradley and Sarah Beach. Also in attendance were Matt Fritz, village administrator, Police Chief Chris Harseim, Matt Halloran from Chamlin Engineering and attorney Mark Heinle.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the Regular Village Board meeting on May 10, 2023 were presented for approval. Togliatti moved to approve the minutes as written for the Regular Meeting on May 10, 2023, second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach. Nays; none. Abstain; none, Motion carried.

The warrant list was presented and reviewed by the Board. Beach moved to approve the warrant list as presented, second by Greggain. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach. Nays-none. Abstain; none. Motion carried.

There was no Public Comment at this meeting.

Mayor Spesia presented his appointment for Trustee of Bill Mincey to the Board. Beach moved to approve the appointment, second by Greggain. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach. Nays- none. Abstain; none. Motion carried.

Clerk Stone presented her appointment for Deputy Village Clerk of Linda Sula to the Board. Togliatti moved to approve the appointment, second by Beach. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach. Nays- none. Abstain; none. Motion carried.

Village Clerk Alexis Stone swore-in the newly appointed officials of the Village of Coal City. Those officials were:

Bill Mincey- Trustee

Linda Sula- Deputy Clerk

Ordinance 23-10, a request to amend portions of the administrative code changing the tenure of Park Board membership and amending the payments regarding plumbing inspections. Mr. Fritz explained currently the Plumbing Inspector receives the entirety of the inspection fee. With this amendment, the appointed Inspector is entitled to at least half of the total fee charged. In addition to this amendment, Mayor Spesia explained he has been looking for volunteers for open positions across the village's appointed boards. The current term for Planning & Zoning Board as well as the Park Board is a five year term. Mayor Spesia explained when speaking to volunteers, a lesser term of 3 years would be a preferred time period to serve rather than be re-appointed after a shorter time period if desired. Trustee Noffsinger asked if state statue regulates the Park Board as well. Attorney Heinle explained each official has control over their own term, so the answer being yes. Greggain moved to adopt Ordinance 23- 10, amending the Administrative Code regarding Plumbing Inspector Fees and the Tenure of Park Board appointments second by, Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Ordinance 23-11, a variance request regarding signage at 301 S. Broadway. Mr. Fritz explained the owners of Blu Taco & Coal City Liquors who were present at the meeting, requested to enable mounted signage locations on this downtown commercial location and signage to be placed over the top of the village's right of way which is located on the west façade of the building as shown in Exhibit B of the proposed ordinance. There was no public comment from the Zoning Board meeting held on Monday, May 15th. Mr.Fritz also explained the petitioner's request at the Zoning Board meeting held on Monday, May 15th resulted in a 2- 2 vote. Included in this ordinance was a condition for the owner to paint both north and west facades of the existing building. Board had discussion about the variance request. Greggain moved to adopt Ordinance 23-11 granting variances to the Village Code regarding Building Mounted Signage to be affixed to Blu Taco/ Coal City Liquors at 301 S Broadway second by Togliatti. Roll call; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Beach, Mincey. Nays; Bradley. Motion carried.

Ordinance 23-12 a variance request regarding a residence located at 160 S. Mary was presented to the board. Mr. Fritz explained the owner, Demetrios Athanasopoulos is requesting to construct additional decking on the north side of his home within the corner side yard. During the Planning and Zoning Board meeting the request was approved on a 3-0 vote with no objections to the request by neighbors. Greggain moved to adopt Ordinance 23-12 granting a variance at 160 S. Mary to allow the addition of a deck within the corner side yard second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none.

Resolution 23-06 entering into an agreement with Hope Helps for the final phase of the Hope Helps Playground. At the Regular Meeting on April 26th, Brittney Kaluzny, President of the not-for-profit Hope Helps, presented a plan to fund the third and final phase of the playground improvements at the Hope Helps Park. The final phase will accommodate an additional $145,628 of additional equipment to accommodate users of all capabilities. At the meeting in April, the Board confirmed the project should move forward. (In agreement, Hope Helps is responsible for providing the Village the funds for the project to proceed with an order to NuToys. This agreement will also include Public Works will be responsible for maintenance). Beach moved to adopt Resolution 23-06 entering into an Agreement with Hope Helps for the Final Phase of the Hope Helps Playground second by Bradley. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Resolution 23-07 providing Authority to participate in Upcoming NIMEC Street Lighting Bid. Mr. Fritz stated NIMEC is Norther Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative, they are a group who worked with numerous municipal accounts. NIMEC believes they can offer the village cheaper bids than Com-Ed for street lighting. Greggain moved to adopt Resolution 23-07 authorizing Village Administrator to execute a contract with the lowest responsible electricity provider for street light power supply, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nayes; None. Motion carried

Matt Halloran from Chamlin Engineering presented the 2023 Crack Filling contract. All bids received met the intent of the proposal documents and were in order. Based on the proposals received, Chamlin recommends the project be awarded to Denler, Inc. Bradley moved to approve the bid provided by Denler, Inc. in the amount of $14,600 second by Beach. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz presented the contract with Lauterbach & Amen to determine if the Village's OPEB are material for the annual audit. The General Accounting Standards Board created a new standard which requires a determination of materiality prior to a full calculation of the potential liability. Lauterbach & Amen's existing relationship determination can be made for $750. If results show a material OPEB liability, the firm will create the necessary calculations to become a discussion within this year's audit for an additional $3,000. Bradley moved to authorize Mayor Spesia to enter into a contract with Lauterbach & Amen to determine if the village's OPEB are material for the annual audit second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Mrs. Beach presented the contract with Retro Band Circus to perform the opening act at Fall Fest. Beach moved to authorize Mayor Spesia to sign onto the Retro Circus contract for music entertainment at Fall Fest second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz presented to the board the need to execute a letter to Coal City Fire & Police Board of Commissioners to hire two additional police officers. Mr. Fritz explained recently a long term patrol officer has departed and a new probationary officer was preparing for full-time officer training and was injured which resulted in a release from service. Togliatti moved to instruct the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners of the need to hire two new candidates to fill the recently created vacancies second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; None. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia presented to the board the proposals to purchase the equipment for the Hope Helps Phase 3 equipment. Greggain moved to authorize the purchase of equipment from NuToys for the Final Phase of Hope Helps Playground, second by Beach. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz presented invoices from Gasvoda for the emergency repair of an influent pump at the Sanitary Treatment Plant, this approval will replace the first pump. Bradley moved to authorize payment to Gasvoda for an Influent Pump at the Cost of $24,987 second by Greggain. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia welcomed and congratulated Bill Mincey on his new position as trustee. Mayor Spesia wished all the residents of Coal City a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. He went on to read the following Board Committee appointments:

Planning & Zoning Board - 

Primary: Pam Noffsinger

Secondary: Bill Mincey

Park Board - 

Primary: Sarah Beach 

Secondary: Pam Noffsinger

Finance Committee - 

Primary: Tim Bradley 

Secondary: Sarah Beach

PublicHealth & Safety - 

Primary: Dave Togliatti 

Secondary: Dan Greggain

Water & Sewer - 

Primary: Dan Greggain 

Secondary: Dave Togliatti

Street & Alleys - 

Primary: Bill Mincey 

Secondary: Tim Bradley

Attorney Heinle reported in connection with finalizing the paperwork for the loan of the Water Treatment Expansion, a formally adopted ordinance of the Village's utility rights has been requested. This is going to memorialize what has been previously established. He explained a draft has already been created.

Halloran reported the Water Treatment Expansion should be potentially started in July. He reported the Waste Water plant is up and running. He also reminded the Board the Street Program bid is on June 6th.

Chief Harseim welcomed Bill Mincey to the board. Chief presented to the Board an opportunity for the Coal City Police Department to be involved on a volunteer basis while off- duty. Officers can participate in Five-O Racing which is a Law Enforcement Torch Run fundraiser benefiting Special Olympics Illinois. Chief Harseim attached photos of the vehicle that Bob Davis, owner of Bob's Advanced Auto has donated to the police department to be used during the race.

Mr. Fritz reported an update on Well #3 Update and Abandonment. The Village has been working to gain IEPA compliance for its water pumping at Well #3. At the May 3rd Committee Meeting, information was reviewed that this well is in need of abandonment as least cost alternative, saving the village $3,300. Fritz reported Public Works will have all the flags up in honor of Memorial Day. The June 28th Board meeting will be canceled.

Bradley moved to adjourn meeting, second by Beach. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, Mincey. Nays; none. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
