
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met June 27

Village of Ladd Village Board met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in the Village Hall. Village President, Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, and Molly Thrasher

In attendance: Clerk Bezely, Police Chief Frund, Village Treasurer Koch, Attys. Pat Barry & Colin Barry, Engineer Adam Ossola

Margherio motioned/Nicholson second to accept June 13, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented. 

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Thrasher motioned/Ruggerio second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $104,700.29 

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Martin motioned/ Nelson second to accept the Treasurer's Report for May 2023.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0 

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Nelson mentioned an issue with a tree on the Village easement on Pine Street across from the Oppy house. It is hanging over the road and scratching the tops of cars. President will speak with Englehaupt on this issue. Margherio asked if we are under a burn band. It was stated that the Fire Chief issues a burn ban and we have not been told by the Fire Chief. President Cattani stated he contacted Bureau County Sheriff's Department and they stated that the town/village fire chief determines a burn ban. It was stated that no fireworks displays have been canceled as of now. Our neighbors, Spring Valley, do not have a burn ban in effect. President Cattani will speak with Chief Liebe regarding the status a burn ban.

Engineer’s Report: New Business: Water Rate Study: Ossola brought up doing another water rate study to see where the Village stands with paying the IL EPA loan for the alley water main replacement. The last one was done in 2019 and several things have changed. Rates increase annually, we’ve added 41 new users of the water system with the Senior Village opening. It would be good to have a clear picture going forward. Ossola stated he estimates the study to cost approximately $1,600.00. We have money left in the construction phase of the engineering agreement that can be utilized to perform the study.

Margherio motioned/Martin second to Perform a Water Rate Study.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

MFT: The oil and chip should be starting in July but not likely before the next council meeting. Ossola stated he’s been asked if we could have the company oil and chip behind Village Hall in the parking area, and also, Doug requested oil and chip in the parking area between the 2 buildings down at the shop. Ossola worked up some estimates. $4,000.00 for Village Hall and $7,000.00 for the area at the electric shop. This would include 3 coats of chips. Cattani also got estimates for the Village Hall parking lot from Advanced Asphalt and Jay Allison & Son which is out of Peru. The Advanced price was $9,500.00 and Jay Allison & Son was $7,500.00. Ruggerio asked about Chip Seal for the gravel areas near businesses. Discussion determined it would be very costly for the Village. Since the cost is not much different from blacktop to chip seal and the blacktop would last much longer, Margherio wondered if the blacktop would cause water issues and Cattani felt it would not. We will table this until the next meeting.

Superintendent’s Report: Not in Attendance.

The council asked what happened when Cattani told Englehaupt the council wants someone at the meetings. He stated none of the department can attend. The council requested that Cattani tell Englehaupt he must be at the meeting or a log of the employee’s work done daily along with what is set up for the employees of the public works department in the future must be presented before every meeting. It has been very difficult not having someone from the department at the meetings. Questions come up at every meeting that could be easily answered by the superintendent or the asst superintendent which would speed up moving forward at the meetings. Cattani also mentioned that Englehaupt stated they replace 2 fire hydrants yearly. Replacement of two fire hydrants was included in the water rate study from 2019. There are approximately 10 non-working hydrants in the Village. Englehaupt will replace 3 this year since last year only 1 got replaced. There was a Frontier 50 pair line hit while the Village was digging to put in the new hydrant. Frontier stated it was marked. We don’t think we will receive a bill for repairing the line as Frontier couldn’t find that this affected any residents. New hydrant replacement locations will be chosen to allow for the most coverage within the Village if a fire occurred.

Thrasher asked about the status of her request for power closer to the road on the west side of the park for the Farmer’s Market. Cattani said he thinks Englehaupt told him he would look at it. The council feels all information is 2nd hand when Cattani has to relay the meeting questions or work requests to Englehaupt. They want to speak to Englehaupt.

Police Chief: New Business: Removal of Yield Signs at Elm & Central and Chicago & Pine: Chief Frund stated he looked at these areas and recommends removing the yield signs and making these corners 4- way stops. He also recommends a 4-way stop at Locust & Central for slowing people down. The council agreed with Frund’s recommendation. Atty. Barry will write up the Ordinance for the next meeting. Frund mentioned having finished investigations and ongoing work. Brad spoke with the resident on E Cleveland to please have visitors pull off the road more to allow traffic to be able to pass safely.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance

Village Attorney: Unfinished Business: Add Class A Liquor License for a Total of 7: Atty. Barry distributed the ordinance for the council’s review.

Nelson motioned/Nicholson second An Ordinance Increasing the Maximum Number of Class A Liquor Licenses from Six (6) to Seven (7) by Amending Section 5.04.080A of the Municipal Code of the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, Illinois.

Ayes: Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher, Cattani - Motion carried 5-2

Nayes: Margherio, Ruggerio

Raffle License: Atty. Colin Barry distributed the Raffle Ordinance for the council’s review. Atty. Pat Barry explained the $25 fee annually. Once you pay the fee you can have as many raffles as you would like. People seeking a raffle license must have a designated manager on the application. There are many requirements listed within the application. You must keep records and cannot have a felony conviction. They must have a fidelity bond. They cannot have more than $1,000,000.00 in a year. Most of the requirements in the ordinance are from State Statute. This Ordinance is for a Raffle, Bingo, or a Poker Run. If people are going door to door asking for money for a fundraiser it can exceed the $1,000,000.00 threshold. The only type of organization that can host a Raffle, Bingo, or Poker Run must be a not-for profit organization. The Village cannot hold a raffle. For example, the Christmas Walk 50/50 will need to continue to go through the Christmas Walk account. They do not have to establish a 501C3 the Christmas Walk is grandfathered in since they have held this event for more than 5 years. There is a Queen of Hearts Raffle going on in Ladd at Softails. They obtained their Raffle License from Bureau County since the Village of Ladd did not have one. Any business that has video gaming terminals cannot run a Queen of Hearts drawing or Raffle.

Nelson motioned/Martin second An Ordinance Adding Chapter 5.30, Raffles to Title 5, Business Taxes, Licenses, and Regulations of the Municipal Code of the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, Illinois. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0 Tree Planting Ordinance: Atty. Colin Barry distributed an ordinance outlining the planting of trees and shrubs on the public right-of-way. President Cattani’s wife contacted Morgan Wilson Landscaping for a list of trees that would be ideal for the village's right of way. Bezely contacted Wilson today and he was recently hospitalized and did not get the information to us yet. He gave 3 possible trees that are narrow upright trees (won’t hang over the street or lift sidewalk), drought-resistant, disease & pest resistant. He suggested the following trees Columnar Crabapple, Regal Prince Oak (located on Bucklin in LaSalle), and Barren (new specie). The Ordinance states no fruit trees which eliminates the Crabapple. We will await the list of additional tree options to give to residents who want to place a tree on the Village property. The cost to purchase a tree and have it planted is $350.00 per tree. The new ordinance states the Village would take ownership of the tree whether the Village plants it or if the resident plants it. This is not what residents are told about trees on the Village easement currently. They are to maintain them until they are dead and then the Village will assess and remove them if dead. Cattani feels that when we remove a dead tree a new one should be planted and he feels the Village should pay for these trees. There could also be a lottery residents can put their name in and we will choose residents based on the number of trees we budget annually. We would ask the homeowner to water it. Residents can opt out of getting a new tree planted if a dead tree is removed if they don’t want one. Atty. Colin Barry told the council any of the ordinance can be changed in any way the council would like. This will be tabled until the next meeting to continue the discussion.

New Business: Utility Billing/Deputy Clerk Wage as of 7/1/2023: Bezely provided information on the raises that had been given previously. She reminded the council that she fills in for Bezely in her absence. The council mentioned 3% and Cattani reminded the council that the cost of living has increased. The council asked what the union increase was. Bezely showed the contract to Atty. Barry. It was noted that the union received 3% raises each year but they can increase their pay up to $.75/hour by obtaining certifications. The council feels we should do the wage for 1 year and then next year we will set wages for 4 years in correlation with the union contract. Cattani feels the cost of living has gone way up. Atty. Barry stated it was up around 9% recently but he just looked and it is at 3.6%.

Margherio motioned/Martin second a 4% Raise for the Utility Billing Clerk/Deputy Clerk from 7/1/23 to 7/1/24 and revisit this next year to correlate with the union contract.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Cleaning Rate for Park Restrooms: Chief Frund stated that there has been a lot of disgusting cleanup needed in both park restrooms this year. Tara told Bezely she gets paid $20/hour from her other cleaning jobs and feels the restrooms are hazardous at times with bodily fluids; therefore she is requested $20/hour to clean the park restrooms.

Nelson motioned/Thrasher second to Pay $20.00/hour to Clean Both Park Restrooms Beginning 7/1/2023. Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Sign to Honor State Softball Champions St. Bede: IDOT only provides a sign to the Town in which the school is located. They can issue us a permit to have a sign made at the Village’s cost. It will need to be located on private property. Bezely will reach out to previous Mayor Grivetti who purchased these 2 signs and find out where he got them. They are located on his private property. Margherio stated that once he has a cost he will see if other residents would chip in to pay for a sign and also ask Grivetti if we can put it on his property.

Announcements: Information on the IML Conference for 2023 was provided to the council via email so they could look at any of the links and also in their packets. Bezely asked them to let her know if they would like to attend she will make reservations. Information on the NCICG Semi-Annual Meeting on July 20, 2023, was also provided. Bezely asked to let her know if they would like to attend.

Geri Miller retires this Thursday, June 29, 2023, and they are having a SURPRISE party for her at Dick’s. Be there at 2:45 pm if you want to be part of the surprise; otherwise, stop by when you can to wish her well on her retirement.

Trustee Nicholson questioned a TNT invoice line item. President Cattani and Nicholson asked Bezely to call and ask about their question. TNT responded to Bezely’s call on the invoice issue. Todd will take care of it on future invoices.

Thrasher motioned/Nelson second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerion, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm
