
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met July 5

City of Ottawa Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met July 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Ken Brown

Tim McTaggart

Steve Malinsky

Commissioner Tom Ganiere

Chief Brent Roalson

Captain Mike Cheatham

Captain Kyle Booras 

Chief Brian Bressner 

Deputy Chief Mike Mills 

Brianne Petersen

Ken Brown called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

Public Comment 



Moved by Steve Malinsky second by Ken Brown, to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2023, meeting as written. All ayes. Motion passed.

Police Lateral Transfers 

The lateral transfer applications will re-open for 60 days. The application and information needs to be updated with the new salary information and CBA language. Need to set a date with board for oral interviews before posting the lateral applications.

Police Promotional Testing 

The Board has set a date of September 21, 2023, at 6pm for Sergeant promotional testing. The newspaper waiver will be posted today and have a deadline of July 12, 2023, for signatures.

Award Fire Preference Points 

The Board reviewed all requests for preference points. Moved by Steve Malinsky to award preference points as listed on the attached spreadsheet, second Ken Brown. All ayes. Motion passed.

Adopt Firefighter Final Eligibility Register for Entry Level 

Moved by Ken Brown, second by Tim McTaggert to adopt the Final Firefighter Eligibility Register as shown in the attachment.

All ayes. Motion passed.

Authorize Firefighter Hiring 

The Board has received a request from Commissioner Ganiere to hire five (5) firefighters.

Due to two (2) current vacancies and to fulfill the agreed upon expansion of the fire department by three (3) firefighters when the new budget was passed by Council.

Moved by Steve Malinsky, second by Ken Brown to offer conditional employment to the next five (5) eligible candidates on the current Firefighter Eligibility Register. All ayes. Motion passed.

New Business 

One firefighter on probation resigned after a review of probationary work performance.

Old Business 

The Police Department completed their background investigation on Jordan Strange and there were no concerns. Jordan is scheduled for his psychological examination on July 17, 2023.



Next meeting is scheduled for August 9, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.


Moved by Steve Malinksy, second by Ken Brown, to adjourn at 11:00 a.m. Motion passed.
