
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Coal City Village Board met July 26

Coal City Village Board met July 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

At 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, Mayor Dave Spesia called to order the meeting of the Coal City Village Board in the boardroom of the Village Hall. Roll call-Trustees Dave Togliatti, Dan Greggain, Sarah Beach, Bill Mincey and Mayor Spesia. Also in attendance were attorney Mark Heinle, Ryan Hansen from Chamlin Engineering, Police Chief Chris Harseim and Matt Fritz, village administrator. Absent; Trustees Pamela Noffsinger and Tim Bradley.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the July 11, 2023 meeting were presented. Beach moved to approve the minutes as written, second by Mincey. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain, Greggain. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

The warrant list was presented. Mayor Spesia questioned a charge from Rahn Equipment regarding mowing Rental. This was discussed and Greggain moved to accept the warrant list as presented, second by Togliatti. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

There was no Public Comment at this meeting.

Ordinance 23-17 a shed variance request for 15 W. Walnut was presented to the Board for consideration. Mr. Fritz stated the shed was placed in an interior side yard on the south side of the detached garage. Since it was less than 100 sq. ft. during its placement it was not of concern. After inspecting the property a number of years later, the placement was questioned and petitioner has been working to get the shed's placement legal with a variance. Fritz explained the conditions from the Planning & Zoning Board (P&Z) due to the improper set back of the shed from the garage as well as the lot coverage exceeding what is required in the RS3 district: Fritz also indicated that the P&Z Board requested staff recommendations for the conditions as well. Greggain moved to adopt Ordinance 23-17 granting variances for the placement of a shed at 15 W. Walnut, second by Togliatti. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

Ordinance 23-18 to amend the Secretary's annual pay on the Fire & Police Board of Commissioners. Mr. Fritz explained that the ordinance is to align what the actual payment is for this position with what has been remitted on an annual basis. Per village ordinance, the amount should be $600, however the past two secretaries voluntarily requested to be paid $590. So to continue with the $590 payment, the ordinance will change to reflect this. Greggain moved to adopt Ordinance 23-18 amending the annual compensation for the secretary to the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners, second by Beach. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

Resolution 23-11 approving the Employment Agreement for the Village Administrator. Mayor Spesia asked Fritz to speak about himself to the board. Fritz stated he came to the Village in 2008 and this current contract will go through another four-year term with the mayor to 2027. At the end of that term it will be 20 years that he will be with the Village of Coal City and it is due to the employees then and now who do their best for the village and he has enjoyed leading them. Fritz also indicated that the Board has always looked at policies and issues that may come up and the Board has always worked to resolve them and he would like to continue to help them in the future. Fritz provided information to the Board with changes to his contract. Greggain moved to adopt Resolution 23-11 entering into a contract with the Village Administrator concerning the terms of Employment until April 30, 2027, second by Togliatti. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia thanked Fritz for his commitment and looked forward to working with him again.

Resolution 23-12 contributing a payment towards a public alley adjacent to 60 E. Chestnut (Bob's Advanced Auto). Mr. Fritz explained an agreement had been prepared in which the village would pay for half of the alley that runs alongside the west side of this building. Bob with Advanced Auto was notified by the contractor, D Construction, that they had him on the schedule earlier than anticipated and decided that he would go ahead with the asphalt paving of his parking lot and alleyway in preparation for the Fall Fest in September. Included in the agreement is the price for 21⁄2 of the asphalt paving for the alleyway only, the total amount is $9,715.00 and half of that is $4,857.50, which would be the Village's contribution towards the cost. Heinle stated that he prepared the agreement and in this case with a village owned alley and getting a private resident to split the cost in improving it is a good outcome. Beach moved to adopt Resolution 23-12 entering into an agreement to contribute 1⁄2 of the cost towards the alley improvement adjacent to Bob's Advanced Auto, second by Mincey. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

Discussion was held regarding the authorization of Mayor Spesia entering into an agreement with Rodney Emling for the rental of a portable stage for Fall Fest. Mr. Fritz stated that due to this being an agreement it was brought forth to the board to approve. Fritz stated that Heinle did have some legal write-ups for the agréement, which has not been approved by Mr. Emling as of yet. Heinle stated that the comments were minor and should not affect the signing of the agreement. Mincey asked if the building inspector, Kyle Watson would look the stage over once it is placed. Fritz indicated that maintenance would check it but he could also request Watson to do it as well. Greggain moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into a portable state agreement with its owner Rodney Emling, subject to final legal review and approval, second by Beach. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

There was discussion regarding authorizing the final payment to D Construction for the 2022 Street Maintenance. Mr. Hansen explained the final pay estimate for the work that was done under the 2022 Street Maintenance program. The paving that went from N. Broadway to the Sanitary Sewer Plant this year will come out of the General Fund, TIF Fund and Sanitary Sewer. There was also a retention being held on this project being taken off. All of the paving work at the sanitary plant was completed earlier this summer. The final payout of this work is $92,814.22. Greggain moved to authorize final payment to D Construction for 2022 Street Maintenance for $92,814.22, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia congratulated Officer Larson on the trophy he received from the Five-O Racing Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics.

Trustee Mincey congratulated Officer Larson.

Trustee Beach stated the next Coaler Business Alliance Meeting is scheduled on August 1, 2023 at 9am at the library annex building. There will also be multiple Fall Fest updates coming through August.

Trustee Greggain congratulated Officer Larson. Greggain also asked Mr. Fritz if he could update the board on the current situation going on in Prairie Oaks Subdivision with the well. Fritz stated the well is being continually diagnosed and explained the process which is happening to get the well to work properly and maintain good water pressure and water. This is an existing system and staff believe the worst is over as far as boil orders, and low water pressure. The filtration at the plant will still have to be looked into. We are continually working our way through the issues and learning more as we move along. A finance committee was held on Monday and the board had recommended a partial credit to the residents of Prairie Oaks due to the boil order lasting beyond 3 weeks. A credit will be placed on the upcoming utility bill in August. There is a letter to the residents explaining why they are receiving a credit on their upcoming utility bill. They will be receiving a credit for half of their utility bill for their usage with a maximum of $100. Mayor Spesia stated he appreciated 'public work's time and effort on this as well as the other contractors as this has been going on 3-4 weeks and the residents for their patience in Prairie Oaks also.

Trustee Togliatti congratulated Officer Larson on the trophy. Larson stated that it was a great experience with a lot of community support and was looking forward to doing it again.

Chief Harseim stated that the Five-O Race for the Special Olympics was last Saturday, 26 cars competed and made a grand total of $154, 595.72 for the Special Olympics. Officer Larson shared with the board that the car was donated by Bob Davis and his family and that they took care of everything. Larson stated it was a great experience and gave a run-down of the races and events that occurred throughout the evening. Harseim stated that Larson was 7th overall for the evening out of 26 cars.

Ryan Hansen indicated the Streets & Alley Committee met and discussed the N. Broadway Phase 1 of setting up a public meeting in the next 3-4 weeks, which is part of closing out Phase 1, and getting everything submitted to IDOT in which time they can get it approved and move on to Phase 2. That project is looking to be funded in FY27. The Water Treatment Plant aerator will take about 40 weeks to get so most likely nothing will start there til probably the 1st or 2nd quarter of next year. The 40-week time is subject to change but will have to wait and see. 2nd Avenue project should be starting within the next couple of weeks, with the water and storm sewer. They are currently waiting on storm sewer inlets. Greggain asked the time frame for 2nd Avenue and Hansen indicated 3-4 months.

Chief Harseim stated he was contacted by Dresden's security outage planner and they would like our officers to assist with the outage as we did last year from October 29, 2023 through November 17, 2023. Harseim asked the board's approval for the officers to assist with the outage. A bill is submitted for one time fuel usage and squad car usage per hour. The Coffee with the Cops went well at McDonald's with Senator Tom Bennett and Sherriff Ken Briley. There were about 50-60 residents that stopped by to talk. Harseim gave a shout out to the police department's secretary Bonnie Wieczorek for being with them for 21 years. Harseim went over the arrest reports for May, June and July 2023. He gave kudos to the Grundy County Pro-Act Unit and stated they will continue to support their efforts. Harseim also stated that there was an article in the Coal City Courant regarding the vandalism at the Lion's Park and that the juveniles have been caught and dealt with. He thanked Officer Moran and Sergeant Imhof for their diligent work and identifying the individuals. It is a good learning experience for the parents and for the kids that this was a bad decision and they will learn from their mistakes. Mayor expressed that this was outstanding work and to make sure that they stay on it.

Fritz stated to clear the calendar for the upcoming Staff Outing on August 17th for the Slammers game. Hope Helps Park on August 24th and 25th are the dates for the community build and as it comes closer Public Works will be working on everything to assist them. Fritz stated he appreciated the board's support of him and that he is looking forward to working with them.

Beach stated that Brittney Kaluzny (Hope Helps Park) is looking for people to sign up and help with the build on Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kaluzny has the google sign in sheet on her facebook page or she could send it to you as well. Beach is also landscaping and installing a fence and needs 10 people on her team. Public Works will be there with the auger to assist them.

Beach moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Mincey. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Beach and Mincey. Nays; none. Absent; Noffsinger and Bradley. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
