
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Coal City Village Board met Aug. 9

Coal City Village Board met Aug. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

At 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, Mayor Dave Spesia called to order the meeting of Coal City Village Board in the boardroom of the Village Hall. Roll call- Trustees Dave Togliatti, Pam Noffsinger, Tim Bradley and Bill Mincey and Mayor Spesia. Also in attendance were attorney Mark Heinle, Ryan Hansen from Chamlin Engineering, Police Chief Chris Harseim and Matt Fritz, village administrator. Absent; Trustees Dan Greggain and Sarah Beach.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of July 26, 2023, meeting was presented. Mincey moved to approve the minutes as written, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Mincey and Mayor Spesia. Nays; none. Abstain; Noffsinger and Bradley. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

The warrant list was presented. Togliatti moved to approve the warrant list as written as presented, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

There was no Public Comment at this meeting.

Mayor Spesia presented a Letter of Request submitted by Corri Trotter for permission to hang and remove teal ribbons throughout downtown in support of Turn the Towns Teal, a national awareness campaign of ovarian cancer from September 1st September 30th. Bradley moved to authorize the letter of quest submitted by Corri Trotter to decorate downtown in teal ribbons for the month of September, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; None. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Ordinance 23-19 a variance request for a detached garage addition at 880 E. Fifth Street, was presented to the Board for consideration. Mr. Fritz explained Terry Halliday who was presented at the meeting would like to construct an addition to the existing attached garage the north side of the home. Currently, the house does not meet the current corner side yard setback requirements, it sits 6' from the edge of the boundary versus the 25' that are required within the village code. The addition will be the full depth of the existing garage and extend northward 8' leaving the required setback for a garage within a rear yard. Bradley moved to adopt consideration of Ordinance 23-19 granting variances to the zoning code for an addition to a detached garage within the corner side yard of 880 E. Fifth Street in the Village of Coal City, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Ordinance 23-20 a variance request for the placement of a fence within the corner side yard at 250 S. Short Drive. Mr. Fritzs explained to the Board that due to the placement of this house, the 25' setback requirement takes up an abundance of the desired rear yard on the west side of the home. The petitioner, North Cantrell modified her request to place the fence along the back of the sidewalk to fence additional corner side yard along the depth of her home increasing the setback from the sidewalk and lessening the impact of the adjacent neighbor's property to the west. Bradley moved to adopt Ordinance 23-20, an ordinance granting a variance to the zoning code for the location of a fence within the corner side yard of 250 S. Short Drive in the Village OF Coal City, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Ordinance 23-21 amending the Designated FOIA Officers of the Village for proper compliance. Mr. Fritz explained The State of Illinois adopted Public Act 96-542 which became effective January 1, 2010, which provided portions stating the need to incorporate "Freedom of Information (FOIA)" portions of village code. In Chapter 37.06, four employees of the Village were named- Pamela Noffsinger, Jacqueline Allen, Matt Fritz, and Bonnie Wieczorek to be recognized and trained FOIA officers, Due to retirement of Jacqueline Allen and Pamela Noffsinger, amendment for Ordinance 10-01 to remove the retired employees and replace them with Alexis Stone and Linda Sula. Bradley moved to adopt Ordinance 23-21 amending the Designated FOIA Officers of the Village for proper compliance, second by Noffsinger. Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Resolution 23-13 amending the Designated Officers of the Village regarding Proper Open Meetings Act Compliance. The State of Illinois adopted 5ILCS 140/1 et seq. and 5ILCS et seq., which became effective January 1, 2010. In response to the statutory requirements to be trained properly designated personnel within the requirements of posting and holding public meetings, due to retirement of Pamela Noffsinger and Jacqueline Allen, amendment is needed of Resolution 10-01 to remove the retired employees and replace them with Alexis Stone and Linda Sula. Bradley moved to adopt Resolution 23-12 amending the Designated Officers of the Village regarding Proper Open Meetings Act Compliance, second by Noffsinger. Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz presented the first and final invoice to Denler, Inc for 2023 Crack Filling. Chamlin & Associates reviewed and inspected the work by Denler, Inc. Chamlin & Associates, Inc. at this time recommends a payment in the amount if $14,506.56 be made to Denler, Inc. Bradley moved to authorize First and Final payment to Denler, Inc. for 2023 Crack Filling for $14,506.26, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia reported Grundy County Sheriff Department is hosting a trivia night at Cardinal Transportation on September 9th and he will be a special quest judge during the event. Mayor Spesia wished the residents of Coal City a good school year.

Village Attorney, Mark Heinle reported that newly appointed FOIA Officers, Alexis Stone and Linda Sula have 30 days from 8/9/2023 to complete the required FOIA training and Trustee Mincey has 90 days to complete the required OMA training, once completed file certifications with Clerk Stone. Mr. Heinle explained the newly elected board members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will also need to complete such training.

Chief Harseim reported that 'Back to School' signs will be posted this upcoming Monday. Chief mentioned August is a busy month for the Police Department. The newest officer of the department has officially passed all her required testing. Chief also went over the stats for the following:

• 2023 Total CAD Events

• 2023 Calls Requiring a Report

• 2023 Citation Totals

• 2023 Verbal Warnings 

• 2023 Traffic Crashes 

• 2023 Criminal Charges 

• 2023 D.U.I Reports 

• 2023 P- Tickets

Village Administrator, Matt Fritz reported he previously had a meeting with IDOT to check the status. of The Quiet Zone Project, the plan is still currently unfolding. Mr. Fritz explained there will be a public meeting held on August 24, 2023, from 4-6 p.m. regarding the North Broadway Plan. Mr. Fritz also presented the Board with the information regarding that Village of Coal City was selected for a grant supplying us with $650,000 for housing rehabilitation by Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunities. This grant was applied for and administrated by North Central IL Council of Governments.

At 7:30 p.m. Trustee Togliatti moved to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel matters second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried.

Following executive session, the regular meeting resumed at 8:45 p.m. Bradley moved to adjourn meeting second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger, Bradley and Mincey. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Beach. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
