
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, July 5, 2024

Coal City Planning & Zoning Board met Aug. 21

Coal City Planning & Zoning Board met Aug. 21

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

At 7 p.m. on Monday, August 21, 2023, in the boardroom of the Village Hall, chairwoman Maria Lewis called the meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board to order. Roll call-members; Cody Krug; Jill Breneman, Richard Crotteau, John Hawkinson, Walt Mahaffey, Amanda Burns and Maria Lewis. Also in attendance were Trustee Pamela Noffsinger, Matt Fritz, village administrator and Kyle Watson, deputy building inspector. Absent; none.

The minutes of the August 7, 2023 meeting were reviewed. Hawkinson moved to approve the minutes as written, second by Crotteau. Roll call-Ayes; Krug, Crotteau, Hawkinson, Mahaffey, Burns and Lewis. Abstain; Breneman. Motion carried.

There was no public comment at this meeting.



Shed Variance

500 E. Batista - Erika Thomas

Deputy Clerk, Linda Sula swore in all those that would be speaking at the public hearing.

Fritz explained they currently have a shed in their corner side yard as many do in the same block. Fritz stated he doesn't believe the Thomas's knew that it was a corner side yard because it was inside the fence and it looks like it would be the rear yard. The Thomas's have provided the criteria response. Aside from the shed being in the corner side yard all of the setbacks are met.

Lewis inquired about the height of the fence behind the shed. The Thomas' responded that the fence goes from a 6' height and tapers down to a 4' height and the main reason they put the shed there was the neighbor has two dogs which are aggressive and they wanted to block that area. They have a young child as well as two small dogs of their own and want to keep them protected. Mr. Thomas stated they were unaware that the placement of the shed was against an ordinance or they certainly would not have placed it there.

There were no other comments or concerns from the board. Mahaffey moved to accept the variance for the shed in a corner side yard at 500 E. Batista Drive, second by Burns. Roll call-Ayes; Krug, Breneman, Crotteau, Hawkinson, Mahaffey, Burns and Lewis. Nays; none. The board meeting for final approval will be September 13, 2023 at 7 p.m.


Fence Variance

290 N. Irving - Chad White

Proxied by Jill Breneman

Breneman stated that White had to work and requested she speak on his behalf. Breneman indicated that he would like to install a 4' picket fence which would start from the front of the house toward the street to the south, back and to the fence that is currently there. A drawing was submitted for the board to review.

Fritz stated he thought that it was 10' within the boundary and Breneman confirmed that. Lewis inquired about the area where the fence would go, if it was his property or an easement and/or parkway. Fritz stated it is within the boundary of his property, but Watson will get more accurate measurements for the next meeting. Breneman stated that she will ask White if he has a survey.

The board discussed the setbacks and measurements and will discuss this further once more information is obtained.

Burns moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Crotteau. All were in favor, no one opposed. Meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.




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