
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Oct. 24

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Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, in the Village Hall. Village President, Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, and Molly Thrasher (6)

In attendance: Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Engineer Adam Ossola, Attys. Pat & Colin Barry

Ruggerio motioned/Margherio second to accept the October 10, 2023, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Nelson motioned/Martin second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $141,245.86 

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to accept the Treasurer's Report for September 2023. 

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Margherio reported that the trees are looking nice. Thrasher reported the Halloween Parade & Party is this Sunday, October 29, 2023, at 1:00 pm. Bezely asked what happens if it is raining. Thrasher stated if it is raining everyone should plan to go to the Ladd Community Center.

Engineer’s Report: Ossola had nothing to report.

General Superintendent: Not in attendance

Police Chief: Not in attendance

Village President Cattani spoke to the board about whether or not a noise ordinance should be passed in the Village of Ladd. He explained some recent complaints he has heard from residents. Since the Village doesn’t have a noise ordinance in place, and the police aren’t usually on duty after 3:30 am residents can contact the County but they do not have a noise ordinance either. If we do pass a noise ordinance we will need to purchase a noise meter because we will need to measure the decibels when it is happening if residents call the police to complain. Atty. Barry feels a disorderly conduct ticket might remedy this situation. Perhaps residents could go speak to their neighbors and ask them to please quiet down when this is happening. There is some concern about that taking place. Neighbors will need to testify as to how disturbing this was. Atty. Barry feels starting with a disorderly conduct fine will maybe remedy the situation. The police chief has spoken to the residents having the parties and feels this has been taken care of. If it continues to go on, a noise ordinance can be passed by the council.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance

Village Attorney: Atty. Barry had nothing to report.

Old Business: Future Location of Village Hall & Clerk’s Office: Ossola stated a few people met over at the Community Center last week and discussed various options. Ossola just needs to know where the Village stands on how big, apply for the grant, use the existing footprint, or add on.. Once many of these questions are answered Ossola can move forward with costs, etc. Bezely reported on figures available from Video Gaming Tax monies along with the Annual Terminal Gaming Fees along with $2 from the current water debt fees would equal $33,600.00 annually to put towards a payment for renovation. Margherio cautioned using this figure entirely. Bezely just wanted to make the council aware of the total monies they are considering to finance this project. Margherio would like to have the entire board go to the Community Center to look things over. The next council meeting on November 14, 2023, will be at the Ladd Community Center. Ossola will bring drawings to look over and consider along with approximate costs. Bezely reported the balance on the Community Center is still at -$38,275.08. Thrasher feels once we sell the existing Village Hall we can put this money in the LCC fund. It was asked if we have to advertise the existing Village Hall and allow everyone to bid on it. Atty. Barry said yes that is one way you can sell this existing building or, you have the existing building appraised and can accept an offer for 80% of the appraised value and the council has a 2/3 vote agreeing with the sale. Either of these outlined ways to sell it is acceptable. Discussion ensued.

New Business: Discuss Payment Option for IMLRMA Liability Insurance Coverage: The Village typically pays early to save money. The TORT Fund has the money readily available. Martin motioned/Nelson second to pay the MLRMA Liability Insurance Coverage by 11/17/2023 in the amount of $57,205.69.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Donation Request for Ladd Christmas Walk: The council asked Bezely if the committee has lots of activities lined up for 2023. Bezely stated a petting zoo, a train for kids, the trolley (paid for by Rips), and the Cargill horse and wagon rides. Bezely stated the committee is hoping to get enough money to rent a tent for the petting zoo to be located North of Dick’s Tap. Bezely thanked everyone.

Martin motioned/Margherio second a Donation of $1,000.00 for the 2023 Ladd Christmas Walk 

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Donation Request for Holiday Baskets for Project Success: The council asked Martin how many baskets go to Ladd residents. Martin stated approximately 38 on average go to Ladd families. Ruggerio motioned to donate $350.00. Motion died due to lack of a second.

Nicholson motioned/Nelson second to Donate $400.00 to Project Success for 10 Holiday Dinner Baskets for 2023.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio - Motion carried 4-0-2

Abstained: Martin, Thrasher due to positions as director and board member

Reimburse Clerk for Mileage to MCI Institute and Academy: 160.2 miles to Bloomington, IL, and back for training from October 8-13, 2023. Martin motioned/Thrasher second to reimburse Bezely $104.93 for mileage to training.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

6-Month Review of Executive Session Minutes: Atty. Barry stated that there are 3 executive session minutes from 7-25-2023, 8-8-2023 & 8-22-2023 that deal with the upcoming labor contract. Barry recommended keeping these minutes private since we will be going into negotiations in January 2024.

Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to not release the 3 sets (referenced above) executive session minutes

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher, Cattani - Motion carried 7-0

Announcements: MCI Training- Bezely thanked the council for allowing her to go to MCI Institute & Academy Training in Bloomington. It was very educational. BCR Readers Choice: A copy of the Thank you for the 2023 Readers Choice Awards was shown and will be printed on October 28, 2023. Union Contract copies of the contract we will begin negotiations on in January were supplied to all board members for review and understanding. Electric Efficiency Funds: A&B Garage declined the award of EE funds for 2023 due to the vendor they had been working with may not use union labor. A note was written to Dana Carver for possible application by the Ladd School. If none of our businesses are interested in applying perhaps the EE Funds can be used at the Community Center for indoor or outdoor lighting. Video Gaming Report was placed in the packet this meeting and Bezely explained it is September's revenue collected that Ladd will receive via check in November. She just wanted to update the board on the revenue being received from Video gaming in the Village. 3 weeks between  meetings. NCICG Housing Rehabilitation Grant Public Meeting a public meeting was held tonight at 5:30 which allowed anyone with questions about the Housing Rehabilitation Grant to speak with NCICG coordinator Connie Buchanan. This grant starts with a survey sent to families that may possibly qualify. We need at least 30 surveys completed so this shows a large need in Ladd. This will in turn help us in our application which is due January 2024. We are competing against surrounding towns. The more need, the greater the possibility of being awarded up to $650,000.00 for our Village which in turn is distributed to approximately 10-12 residents who qualify based on income for $60,000.00 per resident in repairs. These repairs can be lots of things such as furnace, air conditioner, roof, gutters, household repairs, basement issues, etc. These funds do not have to be paid back. The homeowner is just asked to commit to living in their home for 5 years barring any unforeseen circumstances. Again, we HAVE to get 30 surveys returned in order to compete for this grant. If we don’t get them we need to make phone calls or go help people by explaining things. NCICG announced that the Home Repair  Accessibility Program aka HRAP allows qualified residents up to $45,000.00 in safety repairs for their homes. 2 Ladd residents have been approved. The council was thrilled. On October 15 & 16, 2023 at approximately 7:30 pm Semi’s were lost looking for Walmart and turning around on Village streets and alleys. Bezely wanted to update the council on this situation and hopefully find a solution by placing a sign on Private Property since the State of Illinois will not allow it on State right of way. Bezely is worried about the Village’s property since the prior semi that did a lot of damage fled and thanks to a kind person who witnessed it we were able to hunt down the company to pay the damages.

Republic Services: Change out of carts for residents who want something different will happen. It has been slow going but Bezely is told as soon as manpower has time they will get the approximately 70 residents' carts changed. Bezely wanted to make sure the council understands the yard waste situation for 2024. Bezely verified this information with Jim Pozzi the Republic representative for Ladd. He stated that it was accurate. The 2024 Yard Waste pickup will be on Fridays from April – November with the usual Trash Pickup. Same protocol – paper yard waste bags. This MUST be PREPAID at $12 per month x 8 months which will cost residents $96 prepaid to Republic before April to participate. It will not be prorated if they join late. This will allow anyone signed up and prepaid the ability to put out yard waste to be picked up in paper recyclable bags. Prior Yard Waste pickup cost residents $10 for the April-November time frame. This is a BIG change and the council needs to be aware. Residents can take their yard waste down to the Ladd burn pile but they CANNOT PUT GRASS CLIPPINGS ON THE BURN PILE as it is NOT allowed. So grass clippings are a problem if residents have nowhere to get rid of them. This is the program that Republic Services offers. Thrasher was concerned about the way the garbage is being picked up now and if carts are broken. Republic will replace them if they are damaged during pickup.

Thrasher asked how the old furniture store was coming along. Cattani stated they are moving along nicely. It was noted that they tapped water and were told they needed to come in and pay the Village and get a water meter.

Martin asked about Charro Taco and wondered if that had been cleaned up. Bezely didn’t know but stated that the owners moved back to Bolingbrook IL as of now. Insurance will not allow cleanup of the inside until their investigation allows for it. This can take time.

Ladd Convenience is planned to open in January 2024.

Ruggerio announced that the Monument at War Memorial Park needs 2 flag poles added. There is another branch of service that has been designated. The State of Illinois Flag and the Space Force Flag. Ruggerio asked if we would like to fly the new Air Force Flag and not the old one.

Nelson was told excellent job on painting the tank! Nelson took this burden from Bezely and she was so thankful for Nelson.

Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Nelson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

The meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm
