
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Minooka Village Board met Oct. 24

Webp 29

Dan Duffy, Administrator - Village of Minooka | LinkedIn

Dan Duffy, Administrator - Village of Minooka | LinkedIn

Village of Minooka Village Board met Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President, Ric Offerman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustees present: Barry Thompson, Ray Mason, Robin White, Dennis Martin, Terry Houchens and Gabriela Martinez Also present: Dan Duffy-Village Administrator, Ryan Anderson-Superintendent of Public Works, Chief Justin Meyer, Village Finance Director-Austin Haacke, Village Attorney-Chris Spesia, Village Clerk-Orsola Evola.

Public Forum

No one was present.

Changes to Agenda-Item 9k should be partial, not final.

Review of the Village Board meeting minutes from September 26, 2023

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve the minutes from September 26, 2023.

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson

Nays: None

Present: Martin

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Bills and Transfers

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Bills and Transfers.

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer's Report.

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Resolution 2023R-3573 Approving Change Order #1 to Austin Tyler Construction for Street Maintenance Program -2023 Motor Fuel Tax $38,000.00)

Resolution 2023R-3574 Approving Pay Request #2 to Austin Tyler Construction for Street Maintenance Program -2023 Motor Fuel Tax ($266,592.34)

Resolution 2023R-3575 Approving Change Order #4 to PT Ferro Construction for Deerpath Erosion Project - $35,125.00

Resolution 2023R-3576 Approving Pay Request #4 (partial) for Rio Poco Erosion Control Project, D Construction ($61,061.66)

Resolution 2023R-3577 approving pay request #6(partial) for I-80 North Utilities Extension Project ($378,350.13)

Resolution 2023R-3578 approving Change Order #1 for the 2023 Fall/2024 Spring Tree Planting Program (-$2,200)

Resolution 2023R-3579 approving Pay Request #1(partial) for the 2023 Fall/2024 Spring Tree Planting Program ($64,725)

Resolution 2023R-3580 approving pay request #1(final) to Underground Pipe and Valve for the solar farm watermain/hydrant addition ($22,742)

Resolution 2023R-3581 approving pay request #1 (final) for Lions Park Shade Structure ($15,848.00)

Resolution 2023R-3582 approving pay request #1(final) for the Aux Sable Springs Restrooms and Storage Garage Landscaping to Celtic Landscaping ($9,913.00)

Resolution 2023R-3583 approving pay request #1(partial) for the demolition of Quonset Hut to KLF Enterprises ($78,408.70)

Resolution 2023R-3584 approving Change Order for Davis Concrete Construction Company ($1,975)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agendas as presented.

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Unfinished Business-none

New Business

Ordinance Granting a Conditional Permitted Use Permit and a Zoning Variance for Certain Property Within the Village of Minooka, Will, Grundy, and Kendall Counties, Illinois (Popeyes Project: PIN: 03-14-476-012)

Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-39 granting a CPU

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Creating a New Chapter 15 (Commercial Solar Farms) and Chapter 16 (Battery Energy Storage Facilities) Within Title 5 (Zoning) of the Village of Minooka Zoning Ordinance Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-40 creating a new chapter 15 and chapter 16 within title 5

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 1 Administration, Section 4-1-3 (Building Permits, Fees) Trustee Martinez moved, Truste Mason seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-41 amending Title 4, Chapter 1 Administration, Section 4-1-3

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Public Hearing on Annexation Agreement - Lantana Solar Farm and Water Lily Solar Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to open the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. 

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Leah Grossman and Cultivate Power Staff were present. They introduced their staff. Leah summarized the changes and referred to what was handed out. She mentioned they have shifted over the utility easement by fifteen feet. Because of that shift, we are now expanding the donation parcel by an additional 15 feet. No other questions on the site plan. Assuming you adopt, we are obligated to move forward with our obligations. The project can move forward. We have to start within 3 1/5 years, and we have to finish in 5 years. We are paying you to plant trees on our sites and included the money to water the trees. When the project is done, we have to dedicate them to you. If we don’t acquire the property, we can’t give it to you. Once we inquire, we can give it to you.

Chris Spesia mentioned the CPU ordinances have all the conditions recommended by the Plan Commission. The maintenance of the entire property was included as that was a concern from staff. Everything is going to be enclosed with this chain linked fence. The electrical wires will be buried until they have to step it up with the poles.

Trustee Thompson asked the representatives about cell phone reception. The representatives presented a PowerPoint slide to answer his questions on the concern of cell phone reception. There will be no issue. Erin Bowen spoke on the impact of property values. We’ve looked at this for 7 years and have done studies. We look at cell phone tires, slaughter houses, big box facility…etc. We have studied homes that are within 75 feet from solar farms and other variety of scenarios. There have been no negative impacts. It doesn’t deter new development. It also did not impact the sale prices. Erin Bowen continued to give an overview on the concern of property values.

Mayor Offerman asked if there have been any solar fields that have reached the end of the 25–30-year life span. Leah Grossman mentioned they are certified up to 30 years and is not aware if they have decommissioned the panels from the 1970s.

Trustee Martinez asked if the representatives could share with us decommission plans that you have had? Leah Grossman mentioned we have entered into what we call an agriculture mitigation agreement. It has strict requirements removing cabling. It is also a decommissioning bond requirement. We have not asked for any changes to that agreement.

Mayor Offerman thanked the applicants for coming. No other public member was present. Trustee Thompson moved to close the public hearing, Trustee Martin seconded the motion. All ayes. Public Hearing closed at 7:21 p.m.

Ordinance Authorizing Annexation Agreement - Lantana Solar Farm

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-42 authorizing annexation agreement for Lantana Solar Farm

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin, President Offerman

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Annexing Property - Lantana Solar Farm

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-43 annexing property-Lantana Solar Farm

Resolution 2023R-3564 approving Minooka/Channahon Boundary Line Agreement 

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Rezoning Property - Lantana Solar Farm

Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-44 rezoning property-Lantana Solar Farm

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Granting Conditional Permitted Use for Commercial Solar Farm - Lantana Solar Farm Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-45 granting a CPU for Commercial Solar Farm-Lantana Solar Farm

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Authorizing Annexation Agreement- Water Lily Solar

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-46 authorizing annexation agreement-water lily solar

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin, President Offerman 

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Annexing Property- Water Lily Solar

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-47 annexing property-water lily solar

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Rezoning Property- Water Lily Solar

Trustee Martinez moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-48 rezoning water lily solar

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Granting a Conditional Permitted Use for a Commercial Solar Farm- Water Lily Solar Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-49 granting a CPU for a Commercial Solar Farm-Water Lily Solar

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving LOC Reduction for Little Learners Children’s Academy Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3585 approving LOC Reduction for Littler Learners Children’s Academy

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Martin

Nays: Thompson

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving Amendment #1 to increase contract value amount with Strand Associates ($42,000)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3586 approving Amendment #1 to increase contract value amount with Strand Associates 

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution accepting proposal from John’s Services and Sales for the heater replacement at WWTP ($23,300)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3587 accepting proposal from John’s services and sales for the heater replacement at WWTP 

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution accepting proposal from Hydro Vision for Sanitary Sewer Televising and Cleaning ($31,205.40)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3588 accepting proposal from Hydro Vision

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution approving Holt Rd. Economic Financing Study by Ryan, LLC (Phase 1 - $15,000) Trustee Martin moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3589 approving Holt Rd. Economic Financing Study by Ryan LLC

Ayes: White, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Present: Houchens

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution to enter into an agreement with Baxter and Woodman ($15,000) Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3590 to enter into an agreement with Baxter and Woodman

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Resolution authorizing execution of Water and Sewer Service Agreements (Moyer Property, 1290 Holt Rd)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3591 Authorizing execution of Water and Sewer Service Agreements

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Liquor Commission Report

Ordinance Amending Title 3, Section 3-4-7 (A)Liquor Control, Number of Licenses; Fees (Increasing A3 from 2 to 3)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-50 amending title 3, Section 3-4-7 (A) Liquor Control, Number of Licenses, Fees (Increasing A3 from 2 to 3) 

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Ordinance Amending Title 3, Section 3-4-7 (A)Liquor Control, Number of Licenses; Fees (Increasing G from 1 to 2)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-50 amending title 3, Section 3-4-7 (A) Liquor Control, Number of Licenses, Fees (Increasing G from 1 to 2) 

Ayes: White, Houchens, Martinez, Mason, Thompson, Martin

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Annexation Committee Report- none

Executive Session-none

Action from Executive Session-none

As Appropriate- Administrator Duffy mentioned this Friday is Movie and a Bonfire and Saturday is the Halloween Parade starting at 2:00 p.m.

Adjournment- Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to adjourn at 7:34 p.m. All Ayes.
