
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Seneca Village Council met Dec. 5

Webp 9

Village of Seneca Representatives | Facebook

Village of Seneca Representatives | Facebook

Village of Seneca Village Council met Dec. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Seneca Village Council held a regularly scheduled Council meeting at Seneca Village Hall on December 5, 2023 and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. 

Roll Call: 

Present: Mayor Olson, Commissioners Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Absent: None 

Also Present: Village Clerk Jennifer Peddicord, Attorney Bob Russo and Village Engineer Casey McCollom 

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve the November 21, 2023 council meeting minutes as presented. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve the payment of bills as presented. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 


Kate Reynolds of the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce made a presentation regarding the changes to the Chamber of Commerce, including its new name. 


Comm. Higgins: Old: Leaf pick up update. 


Commissioner Higgins gave an update regarding the leaf pick up. He apologized for the delay in leaf pick up and advised that there were some mechanical problems, which are now fixed. Leaf pick up will resume this week (week of December 5). 

Commissioner Victor: 

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Weber to approve the adoption of Ordinance 23-23, Annual Tax Levy Ordinance. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Weber to approve the adoption of Ordinance 23-24, Annual Bond Abatement Ordinance. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 

Mayor Olson: 

A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve the adoption of Ordinance 23-25, Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of Title 6 Pertaining to Parking Regulations on LST Way. There will be no parking on either side of LST Way, as it is not wide enough for semis to park. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 



A motion was made by Comm. Weber and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve T-Mobile's request to extend power from the utility pole on the north side of South Street to the American Tower site. This site is by the Seneca Grade School. The other side of South Street had been previously extended for AT&T. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 


A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve an expenditure to Hometown National Bank in the amount of $35,040.00 for general obligation bond series 2016 annual payment. The village will be making annual payments until 2027. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 


A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve an expenditure to Chamlin & Associates in the amount of $1,861.00 for services related to Valley View Drive. A culvert was replaced on the south side of Valley View. Comm. Higgins advised that they are looking into using ARPA money for this project. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 


Comm. Peddicord presented an addendum to the police union contract, which was prepared by the MAP union, which covers the patrol officers and sergeant of the Seneca police department. Since this change in pay was for retention/recruitment and outside of normal union negotiations, it had to be done as an addendum. The union representative used Chief Cruz's pay chart that he had previously presented to the council and mayor during executive session on November 7, 2023. Chief Cruz was given the approval by the council and mayor to offer a pay increase of $2,500.00 to each current pay scale step in the union contract and an increase of $1.21 to the current part-time officer hourly rate. Comm. Weber requested this matter be discussed further in executive session under Collective Bargaining, Section 2(c)(2). 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve an expenditure to Impact AEDs in the amount of $5,571.00 for AEDs for the police department. The funds for the AEDs were donated to the police department by the Peg Davis Civic Fund in May of this year. Comm. Peddicord thanked the Peg Davis Civic Fund for their generous donation for the AEDs. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 


A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve the Addendum to Collective Bargaining Agreement dated April 1, 2021 between the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Chapter #396, and the Village of Seneca, and authorizes Mayor Olson to execute same. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Peddicord and Victor 

Nays: Higgins and Weber 


Mayor Olson presented an Ordinance Establishing a Paid Leave Policy Pursuant to the Paid Leave for All Act for discussion. This will be effective January 1, 2024. He asked that everyone review the ordinance and it will be brought back for adoption at the next council meeting. 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve the adoption of Resolution No. 621, Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate Located at 362 N. Market Street in the Village of Seneca. The council agreed to accept contract proposals until February 1, 2024. After closing, the buyer will have 120 days to remove the existing structure. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 

Extensive discussion took place regarding proposed solar farms in Norman Township, Grundy County. There is a pending application before Grundy County and the county has asked for the Village to take a position with regard to the mile and a half area beyond the village's corporate boundaries. Patrick Leib spoke on behalf of the residents affected by this development and the Norman Township residents are asking the village to file an objection with Grundy County. The council discussed how they should proceed and it was agreed that this will be brought back at the next council meeting for further action. 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Victor to approve the appointment of Bob Krueger as Building Inspector and Zoning Enforcement Officer, with a term ending May 2024. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 


Dennis Both spoke regarding the LST Way road dedication. 

Marty Steep and Patrick Leib spoke on behalf of the Norman Township residents with regard to the proposed solar farm. 


A motion was made by Comm. Victor and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to enter into executive session at 6:44 p.m. to discuss Collective Bargaining, pursuant to Section 2(c)(2). 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None 

The council returned to regular session at 7:15 p.m. 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Victor to adjourn the council meeting at 7:16 p.m. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins, Peddicord, Victor and Weber 

Nays: None
