
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Ottawa City Council met Feb. 6

Webp city of ottawa officials

Back Row: Commissioner Marla Pearson, Commissioner Brent Barron Front Row: Commissioner Tom Ganiere, Mayor Robert Hasty, Commissioner Wayne Eichelkraut | City of Ottawa Website

Back Row: Commissioner Marla Pearson, Commissioner Brent Barron Front Row: Commissioner Tom Ganiere, Mayor Robert Hasty, Commissioner Wayne Eichelkraut | City of Ottawa Website

City of Ottawa City Council met Feb. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois.

Present: Mayor Robert Hasty, Commissioners Wayne A. Eichelkraut Jr., Thomas G. Ganiere, Marla K. Pearson and Brent F. Barron.

Absent: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented minutes of previous meeting.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois, held on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, be approved as recorded in the permanent files of the City Clerk.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Biweekly Salary Payrolls.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Biweekly Salary Payroll of January 19, 2024, in the amount of $508,754.79, and the Biweekly Salary Payroll of February 2, 2024, in the amount of $582,444.24, both be approved and warrants issued.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Bimonthly Expense Report.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Bimonthly Expense Report dated February 6, 2024, showing expenses in the amount of $4,174,536.92, be approved and warrants issued.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a preventative maintenance agreement between the City of Ottawa and Braniff Communications Inc., for the City’s warning sirens, which has been on file for public inspection since January 16, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Report of Police Chief.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Report of Police Chief, Brent A. Roalson, for the month of January 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Report of Fire Chief.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Report of Fire Chief, Brian Bressner, for the month of January 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement between the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Township Road District, regarding snow removal, which has been on file for public inspection since January 16, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution requesting permission from the Illinois Department of Transportation to temporarily close LaSalle Street from Lafayette Street to Lincoln Place on Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. for the Annual Ottawa Family Pride Festival, be adopted.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Barron presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Barron that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a service and maintenance protection program agreement between the City of Ottawa and Huber Technology Inc., for the River Crossing Lift Station, which has been on file for public inspection since January 16, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Barron presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Barron that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal between the City of Ottawa and KLM Engineering Inc., regarding water tower inspections, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Barron reminded everyone about contacting the Water Department if you’re leaving your water trickle so your pipes don’t freeze, so we can adjust your bill accordingly.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Registrar.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of Registrar, Shelly L. Munks, for the month of January 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Parking Administration.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Parking Administration Department showing fines collected of $1,295.00 for the month of January 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Building Official.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of Building Official, Mathew W. Stafford, for the month of January 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance authorizing the sale of real property owned by the City of Ottawa and providing for public notice thereof in 5 vacant lots located at 513 St. George Street, 230 Anita Drive, 221 Deleon Street, 819 Canal Street, and 1924 Pratt Lane, be passed and approved.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa I-80 North TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa Route 6 East TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa Route 71 TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Ottawa and AFSCME Local 2819, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Ottawa and the International Association of Firefighters Local 523, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution reappointing Paul Havelka, Chris Hasty, Lorraine McAllister, Mollie Perrot, and Chuck Stanley, all to the Historic Preservation Commission, terms to expire February 2027, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution reappointing Steve Brenbarger and appointing Sarah Nanouski, to the Playground and Recreation Board, terms to expire February 2029, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution reappointing Kevin Bressendorf, Doug Carroll, Tom Duttlinger, Judie McConville, Fred Moore, Dave Noble, Brent Roalson, Mat Stafford, and Tom Walsh, and appointing Brian Bressner, Jay McCracken, John Wendt, and Chris Bastier, all to the Flood Plain Management Commission, terms to expire February 2026, be adopted.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution reappointing Daniel Klein, term to expire February 2028 to the Electrical Commission, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a grant agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, for the South Bluff Historic Survey, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a hosting agreement between the City of Ottawa and Earth Networks Inc., for the WGN weather bug station, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an amendment to the agreement between the City of Ottawa and CivicPlus LLC, regarding invoicing for the website project, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Zoning Board of Appeals.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Thursday, January 18, 2024, considering a side yard setback variance and maximum area variance from Ronald and Lucinda Glade for property located at 814 W. Superior Street, be received and placed on file. Be it further moved, the Council concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the variance request to allow construction of a carport 1 foot from the property line be approved with the condition that 3 sheds be removed from the property by August 31, 2024, in order to approve the total square footage accessory structures variance and the follow up Ordinance be passed and approved.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Zoning Board of Appeals.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Thursday, January 18, 2024, considering a variance from the Sign Ordinance from First State Bank for property located at 1212 LaSalle Street, be received and placed on file. Be it further moved, the Council concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Sign Ordinance variance be granted to allow a LED message board sign in the C-5 Secondary Central Business District, and the follow up Ordinance be passed and approved.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: Barron.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Zoning Board of Appeals.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Thursday, January 18, 2024, considering a variance from the Flood Plain compensatory storage requirement from the City of Ottawa for the Green Street Elevation project, be received and placed on file. Be it further moved, the Council concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the variance be approved allowing for the construction project to not have to compensate for any fill that is placed in the Special Flood Hazard Area for the Green Street Elevation project, and the follow up Ordinance be passed and approved.

Second by Barron.

Commissioner Eichelkraut wondered if we are following our own Ordinance or not. The Mayor responded that we are and that is why we requested a variance.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Quote.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Quote received from Marseilles Sheet Metal in the amount of $8,655.00 for the mural frame and panels for 227-229 W. Main Street be approved and paid for from the Mural Fund.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented motion to adjourn.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that this regular meeting be adjourned.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None. Council adjourned at 7:20 p.m.




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