
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Oglesby City Council met April 1

Webp 19

City Oglesby City Mayor Jason Curran | City of Oglesby Website

City Oglesby City Mayor Jason Curran | City of Oglesby Website

City of Oglesby City Council met April 1

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Oglesby City Council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Jason Curran.

PRESENT: Commissioners Rich Baldridge, Terry Eutis, Gregory McDermott, Tony Stefanelli and Mayor Jason Curran. City Attorney Pat Barry and City Clerk Becky Clinard were also present.


A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Eutis, to approve the March 18, 2024, minutes and the March 18, 2024, executive session minutes and attachments. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott,

Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Baldridge, SECONDED BY McDermott, to approve the minutes from the March 18, 2024, public hearing on the Solar Farm. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran.


A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY McDermott, to approve the bills presented for payment in the amount of $180,803.92. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS:


A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Eutis, to approve the March 29, 2024, payroll in the amount of $59,348.69. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED.

Stefanelli then briefed the council on the Behavior/Conduct policy before them. Stefanelli told the council that the need for the policy came out of a recent executive session, noting that the city had nothing in writing concerning disciplinary procedures. Curran questioned whether elected officials should be included and whether the city could limit the free speech of employees as it pertains to “election related material” in the policy. He also asked if this was to be a stand-alone policy or part of the personnel policy.

Stefanelli said that he believed that the elected officials should be held to the same or higher standard than employees and that the workplace was no place for electioneering and that it was “in bad taste.”

Eutis asked what the union contracts say in relation to endorsing candidates – Stefanelli said that a union can endorse candidates but an employee can’t, McDermott agreed. Stefanelli noted that the policy he presented was borrowed from his fire department. Curran also express his concerns about a couple more policies and whether they should apply to elected officials. Attorney Barry pointed out several problems with language in the proposed policy that needed “cleaning up.” Barry was most concerned with the use of “members,” noting that some of the policies should not apply to elected officials. He suggested that either he or Stefanelli “take a stab at amending it” to address the concerns brought up during the meeting.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY McDermott, to table the behavior/conduct policy.

AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION PASSED.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Eutis, SECONDED BY Stefanelli, to grant the Oglesby Ambulance Association permission to go door-to-door to sell tickets for the annual pork chop dinner. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION PASSED.

Curran then shared his thoughts on the number of proclamations that the city is asked to make each year, noting that it was agreed early in their term that they would limit the proclamations. However, he said some issues “are very important,” and then read a proclamation acknowledging April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Curran noted the good work done by CASA.


Curran then offered a clarification on comments made at a previous council meeting about the disc golf course. Early comments suggested that the course was not “regulation” size. Curran said he spoke to Wes Black about the matter and was assured that the course is regulation size, it’s just not considered a “pro level” course.


The council then discussed a proposed agreement with Kelly Waters to bring water and sewer to her property at the corner of Columbia and Walnut. Curran noted that the city wasn’t required to do that, but noted it was common to enter into agreements to bring development to the city. He provided several examples of such agreements, although noting that they were all large projects. Curran said that the sticking point was whether the money be paid to Waters up front, or over a period of time. Curran said that he brought the matter before the council because he needs the council to approve Barry drafting the agreement. Barry offered background on talks between he and Waters’ lawyer and the concerns he had about enforcing an agreement. He offered some different possibilities, noting the concerns with each.

Eutis expressed his support for the agreement, saying that he felt the business was needed in the community.

Stefanelli had several questions, wanting to know if the council members were comfortable with the money coming out of the general fund vs. the TIF. He also asked if others would receive the same agreement. Curran said, in his opinion, he thought not. He called this business “unique” and was impressed with their plan to deliver coffee via a golfcart. Stefanelli then asked if the city were not to provide the same agreement to other businesses, would that set the city up for some sort of liability.

Barry agreed that the action would create a precedent, but didn’t think it posed a legal problem for the city. Stefanelli said he just wanted to be sure that the city didn’t “get itself in a jam.”

Eutis said he felt that the lack of utilities at the site would prevent someone from developing a small business on the site. Stefanelli went on record saying that if the city entered into an agreement with Waters, he would support “across the board” other businesses that seeks similar agreements.

McDermott suggested that Barry reach out to be sure the terms were agreeable with Waters before Barry spent anytime drafting the agreement. Barry assured him he would reach out to the attorney before proceeding.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Eutis, SECONDED BY Stefanelli to allow Attorney Barry to enter into negotiations with Bab’s Brew’s Attorney. Stefanelli asked Barry to keep the council in the loop as it goes along. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None MOTION CARRIED.



Tony Stefanelli, Accounts and Finance

• Announced a recycling event for April 27th from 8 a.m to 11 a.m. Stefanelli noted that there was a typo on the city newsletter.

• Said he would present a cost analysis at the next meeting for the council to establish spending priorities.

• Noted that mandatory workplace training for employees is now set up through the insurance provider at no cost to the city.

Terry Eutis, Public Health and Safety

• Gave kudos to the Oglesby Police Department for handling a dangerous situation at a local hotel recently.

Gregory McDermott, Streets, Water and Sewer

• Told the council that city employees would soon have photo identification for residents’ safety.

• Announced wood chipping and hydrant flushing dates.

• Asked that persons contacted about meter and shut off valve replacement call the city back to set up dates.

Rich Baldridge, Public Property

• Told the council that JP Rose and Rich Watts were busy getting the pool ready for the summer.

• Thanked TEST’s Lance Greathouse for replacing pipes and the Electric Department for replacing some wiring at the pool.

• Congratulated Electric Department employees, Austin Oscepinski and Kalvin Hancock, who reached milestones in their journeyman training.

• We are Oglesby in Talks to provide a bench at Memorial Park.

• Updated on the baseball tourney slate for 2024.

• Congratulated the BB Gun Club for their second-place finish. He also thanked JP Rose, Chief Mike Margis and Bill Gandolphi for their involvement in the Oglesby BB Gun club.

• Announced that the bucket truck would be going to the auctioneer tomorrow.

Mayor’s Report

• Praised the work of the IVRD telecommunicators.

• We are Oglesby will host CASA at their next meeting.

• Talked about the OPD’s community policing efforts and their actions during the recent incident.

• Told the council he provided a letter of support for local bars and restaurants in response to HB 5435, which addresses minimum wage and tips for bar and restaurant employees.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY McDermott to enter into executive session discuss “litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent.” 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran.


The council re-entered the regular session of the city council meeting at 8:13 p.m.

PRESENT: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. Attorney Barry, City Clerk Clinard.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY McDermott to adjourn at 8:13 p.m. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: Curran. MEETING ADJOURNED.
