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Village of Diamond | Village of Diamond Wedbsite
Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met March 26
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Proceedings, transactions, and resolutions made and order of said record of said Board in the Village of Diamond, IL on the 26th day of March 2024.
The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon roll call Commissioners present were Dean Johnson, Jeff Kasher, and Dave Warner. Absent: Mark Adair.
Approval of 3-12-2024 Minutes
The minutes were presented. Commissioner Kasher made a correction to a word in the description of the John Deere Lawn Mower item. The section describing the tires, the word should be changed to tweels. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve the 3-12-2024 meeting minutes with the correction of wording from tires to tweels. Ayes: Kasher, Warner, Kernc. Abstain: Johnson. Motion Carried.
Approval of March 26, 2024, Bill List
MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to approve the March 26, 2024, bill list and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Public Comment
New Business
1950 E Amber Lane/Approve Sewer Credit in the amount of $127.11
Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning went to the home to investigate the high-water usage. The homeowner had a water powered sump pump which malfunctioned and was continually pumping water. The water that was discharged was groundwater and did not enter the village’s sewer system. The bill was more than $1,000.00. Commissioner Warner was aware of the issue and spoke to the homeowner as well. Based on the average usage, recommendation of a sewer credit in the amount of $127.11 was presented. The homeowner will be making payment arrangements to pay the balance on the account. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve 1950 E. Amber Lane a Sewer Credit in the amount of $127.11. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Agreement for Engineering Services-Lead Service Line Inventory
Mayor Kernc presented the agreement. Commissioner Kasher stated the village has minimal if not any, lead service lines. Kernc stated this is federally mandated therefore the village must comply. An outside company is used for this project. Kasher inquired what the process would be to determine if there are lead lines. Dunning stated it is his understanding that the company goes throughout the village and hydro at the main and taps along with the buffalo boxes. Kasher is concerned with the cost of the engineering cost for this project. Kernc added the village does have a grant to complete this work. After further discussion, MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve the Agreement for Engineering Services for the Lead Line Service Line Inventory in the amount of $30,000.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Resolution #2024-05, Protecting the 1% Grocery Tax
Mayor Kernc presented the resolution stating the Governor is really pushing for this to happen. Kernc stated all the municipalities are coming together with the IML to try and fight this bill. Commissioner Kasher stated shame on the Governor since this bill will hurt all the small towns in the state. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve Resolution #2024-05, Protecting the 1% Grocery Tax. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Rescind Resolution #2024-02, Authorizing Participation as a Member in the Illinois Emergency Management Mutal Aid System, Response Pursuant to and Intergovernmental Agreement for the Establishment of Mutual Aid Intergovernmental Agreement
Mayor Kernc stated she no longer needs to rescind this item.
Approve to Award P.T. Ferro Construction Company for the ITEP Project in the amount of $507,800.78
Engineer Dan Draper from Chamlin and Associates stated the original estimate for this construction was in the amount of $500,000.00. When Draper submitted the paperwork to ITEP, he entered an amount of cost at $475,000.00 The bid came in at $507,800.78. However, since there were donations made for the rights-of-way, the additional funding is still available through ITEP. No acquisitions were needed. Looking at the bids received, P.T. Ferro was the lowest at approximately $90,000.00 less than the next lowest bid. Draper recommends the P.T. Ferro bid to be awarded the project.
Kernc added, the local match for this project is 10%. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve and Award P.T. Ferro Construction Company for the ITEP Project in the amount of $507,800.78. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Signalization Project Proposal (Meade or VanMack)
Engineer Dan Draper presented the proposals. Draper stated VanMack’s proposal was lower than Meade however, after going through each of the proposals, there was an area of work required with electric service where the power comes into the signal. Draper explained the power connection and the work needed to bring the power to the signal. Meade recognized that work in their proposal.
When adding the cost of the power supply work to the VanMack proposal, Meade’s proposal remains the lower bid. Draper’s recommendation looking at the proposals would be to award the project to Meade Electric as lowest bid. Draper added, Meade Electric doing future maintenance and yearly IDOT required inspections on the signal. Meade Electric also does the maintenance on the signals in Coal City. Kernc added it is beneficial to have the same company who installs the signal maintain it.
Commissioner Kasher fully agreed to this practice. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve and Award the Signalization Project to Meade Electric in the amount of $189,943.97. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Accept Jewel-Osco/TBS Cost Sharing of Right Turn Lane and Enclosure including Recapture
Village Attorney John Gallo asked Mayor Kernc for clarification of the inclusion of recapture. Kernc stated the $40,000.00 ($20,000.00 each from TBS and Jewel) is for the infrastructure for the right turn lane and grading. Gallo stated an amendment to the agreements must be completed for this. Gallo advised not to complete an amendment at this time. This information was advisory to the board only.
Approve Resolution #2024-06, Installation of Traffic Signals-IL Route 113 & Will Road
Village Attorney John Gallo stated the agreement is part of this resolution. The resolution authorizes Mayor Kernc to sign the permit. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Resolution #2024-06, Installation of Traffic Signals-IL Route 113 and Will Road. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Agreement with Teska and Associates, Inc. for Comprehensive Plan Update
Mayor Kernc stated this was given a consensus at the March 12, 2024, meeting and now needs formal approval. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Agreement with Teska and Associates, Inc. for Comprehensive Plan Update not to exceed $25,000.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Ordinance #2024-05, Ordinance Accepting Certain Public Improvements-Midland States Bank
Village Attorney John Gallo stated Midland States Bank has not finished all the work in the contract. Pedestrian buttons and crosswalk need to be installed. The total public improvements were approximately $65,000.00. We are holding back approximately $30,000.00 for those improvements until completed. Once completed and inspected by Chamlin and Associates, Mayor Kernc has authorization to release the $30,000.00. We will hold back $6,300.00 for the 10% maintenance bond for 1 year. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Ordinance #2024-05, Ordinance Accepting Certain Public Improvements-Midland States Bank. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Diamond Estates Subdivision Entrance
Mayor Kernc presented the picture/exhibit of the Laura Lane/Spring Road entrance. Engineer Dan Draper stated after looking at Laura Lane and Spring Road, his suggestion is for a temporary speed bump to be installed going in and out on Laura Lane. The speed bump would be removed during winter for snow removal purposes. Draper also recommended flexible delineators to be installed along the curb in the village’s parkway entering Laura Lane from Spring Road. Draper stated he did notice when traveling west on Spring Road, there is a speed limit sign posted for 35 mph however, when traveling to the east, there is not a speed limit sign. Dunning stated he doesn’t believe there was ever a speed limit sign since the township has jurisdiction on that section of the road. Without a speed limit sign posted, the speed allowed is 45 mph. Mayor Kernc stated she will contact the township for permission to install one. After further discussion, the decision was made to erect a speed limit sign on Spring Road for vehicles traveling east and install delineators in the parkway as shown in the exhibit. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to proceed with the installation of a speed limit sign heading east on Spring Road and installation of delineators on Laura Lane on parkway when turning into the subdivision. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation
Commissioner Kasher stated he and Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning decided the amount of rock salt to order for next year would be 100 tons. A copy of the application was presented. Kasher would like to apply for 80% of the contract. Kasher and Dunning will complete the application and submit it to the state. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Discuss Employee Handbook-Post Accident Testing
Mayor Kernc stated this is being discussed due to the recent accident Public Works Employee Mike Jenke was involved in at McGinty and IL 113. Kernc went to the scene and took pictures and to observe the vehicles. When Kernc came back to the village hall, Clerk Holmes asked Kernc if he was sent for a drug and alcohol screening. Kernc replied no since there was nothing to believe there was a problem. Kernc looked into the employee handbook and it was up to the supervisor whether to send the employee or not. Holmes responded that Kernc had told her and Dunning previously, if at any time there is an accident of any kind, we need to send the employee for the screening. Holmes never investigated the handbook since verbal instructions were given by Kernc. Kernc stated she had forgotten about that. Commissioner Kasher stated all employers he had worked for did send all employees for a screening after any accident and feels it would be good practice for the village to do so moving forward. Kernc would like this change reflected in the handbook since it would take discretion away. Gallo will complete an amendment which will be presented at a future board meeting for approval.
Discuss Refuse Service
Village Clerk Lori Holmes discussed an issue with the disposal company which happened 2 weeks ago. Trash was coming off the truck and Public Works Personnel Larry Grachan and other public works employees went throughout the village picking up all the trash which was blowing off the truck.
Grachan then followed the truck and stopped the driver to let him know about the trash falling off the truck. The driver was confrontational with Grachan denying that was happening and as they were discussing the matter, trash flew off the truck in front of them. Holmes emailed numerous personnel at LRS on what happened along with pictures displaying the trash on the roadways. The operations manager came to the village hall to discuss the issue and speak with Grachan about the incident. The general manager also came to the village hall to express his concern. Holmes stated hopefully this was a onetime issue. She hopes moving forward if any of additional issues occur, as well as some minor issues she has been having gets resolved.
Old Business
Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update
Mayor Kernc stated there was nothing out of the ordinary to report.
Legal Counsel
No Report
Engineer Updates
Public Works Department Updates
Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated the sewer plant is running on one sludge pump since the part needed to repair the other one has not been received. Dunning received pricing on the new style pumps and looking into those based on budgeting costs. The blower motor at the plant is still inoperable and is waiting for parts to be repaired. We are working with ComEd and Rural Water Association on an energy survey to see if the village switches to another type of blower, how much the village would save to operate. An EPA representative did not like the lids on the brine tanks; therefore, we must have a cover made and waiting for the quote from Allied Steel for the cover.
Water/Sewer Operations John Guistat will be taking the EPA test on May 7, 2024, for his C & D license. Gravel has been placed along the road edges. The John Deere mower has been sold at auction on GovDeals for $2,550.00.
Clerk Updates
Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated the water meter replacement program should be completed by the end of the week. Those who have not complied will have water services interrupted until their meter is replaced. Holmes presented the email she received for the estimate for the 2023 S-15 Supplement to the Diamond Code of Ordinances. The ranges are $1,600.00-2,100.00 for the supplement and the folio will not exceed $195.00.
Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Adair
Commissioner Johnson
No Report, however, he did inquire about property on South Will Road. Kernc explained that property is in an unincorporated part of Diamond.
Commissioner Kasher
No Report, however, wanted to inform the board that he received a card in the mail from what appeared to be from Constellation for lower rates using solar. Kasher called the number on the card just to see if this was legitimate and no one answered the line.
Commissioner Warner
No Report
Mayor Kernc
Kernc presented an email she received from Retail Strategies which is a company that uses data research and works with licensed commercial real estate professionals who recruit retail stores to towns. The cost for their services is between $25,000.00-$50,000.00 depending on what business you are looking to bring to your town. Kernc stated this is information which she wanted to share. It is not that village would ever want to utilize this business, however depending on how the village gets built out in the Will County portion of Diamond, this is an option to look into.
MOTION was made to adjourn at 7:42 p.m. by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner. All Ayes: Motion Carried.