
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met March 26

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Village of Ladd | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met March 26

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President, Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, Molly Thrasher (6)

In attendance: Village Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Police Chief Jacob Frund, Engineer Adam Ossola, Atty. Pat Barry

It was noted that the agenda had the wrong date for the minutes that needed to be approved.

Nicholson motioned/Margherio second to accept the March 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Ruggerio motioned/Nelson second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $155,268.41

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Martin motioned/Thrasher second to accept the Treasurer's Report for February 2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

Correspondence: A thank you card from the Cub Scouts was shared along with a thank you from Gateway Services for the donation.

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Thrasher reported the Easter Egg Walk went very well. President Cattani thanked Thrasher. There was a lot of positive feedback. Thrasher sent thank you cards to all the businesses that participated. Nelson stated that he spoke with Tom Giachetto at the Post Office. The tree he is concerned will fall on his house is a late-blooming oak tree and will likely leaf out this year and look alive, but it is definitely rotten on the inside. Nelson recommended that it be taken down. Cattani will speak with Englehaupt about this.

Engineer’s Report: Ossola stated that he didn’t have anything he needed to discuss.

Superintendent’s Report: Not in attendance

Police Chief: Chief Frund reported that he has had complaints of mailboxes being blocked by residents who park in front of them and then residents are unable to get their mail delivered. Frund stated that the Village of Ladd doesn’t have an ordinance prohibiting this. Discussion ensued. It is believed there is Federal regulation against this. It was decided to let the USPS handle these issues. Frund reported a noise complaint and mentioned we don’t have a noise ordinance. After a long discussion, it was decided no action would be taken. Council members asked if they’ve heard fireworks lately. Thrasher asked if there had been any car break-ins. Frund wasn’t aware of any incidents. Once spring arrives Frund plans to talk to residents who need to clean up their yards. He will also speak to people who are burning on days that are not allowed. Burning is allowed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. NO Mondays, Wednesdays, or Sundays are allowed. Margherio questioned why our Flock camera on the East Entrance into Ladd (off of Plank Road) wasn’t located closer to Spring Creek. Frund explained that when the camera alerts this gives the officers more time to pursue the alerted car.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance

Village Attorney: Atty. Pat Barry told the council that the IMEA is looking for their current members to extend their contracts to 2055 which would extend our contract 20 more years. Barry stated that the IMEA would like to come and make a presentation regarding this. They want to start planning their electric purchases soon. They will need a decision by next spring. Barry stated that this is completely up to the council. Barry gets an email from them once a week. Martin asked about the pros. Barry feels that in the long-term the Village stands a real financial benefit by staying with the IMEA. Ameren’s power costs are considerably higher right now but this may change. Barry stated he feels we would be crazy to leave the IMEA. Margherio asked if we lose any of our bigger electric users we would still be trying to maintain the electric department. We cannot get out of selling power until 2035 right now. The question is do we want to extend this obligation to 2055? The Council stated they don’t want a presentation from the IMEA at this time. Barry stated he would be asking often because the IMEA needs an answer. Detailed discussion ensued. Net Metering: Atty. Barry mentioned that Doug sent over information from Peru’s Net Metering Policy regarding the standards for the inspection of solar installations. Perhaps we can revise our Net Metering Policy to impose the inspection on the person who wants to install the solar. He will wait until Englehaupt is at the meeting so they can discuss it. There is a resident who needs inspections and documents to file her taxes for the solar credit. It was mentioned that she may want to file for an extension.

New Business – Dog Park Tom & Angela Sabotta were unable to attend tonight's meeting. This will be placed on the April 9, 2024 agenda.

New Business – MFT CD: The Motor Fuel Tax Fund CD is up for renewal. Ossola recommended we keep$100,000.00 in the MFT checking account for the 2023 Project that will take place in 2024. Discussion to take $75,000.00 out of the matured CD and put it into the MFT checking account and renew the balance of the CD at the timeframe the council felt best along with the best rate.

Nelson motioned/Nicholson second to Renew $78,777.12 of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund CD for 6 months at 4.80% with North Central Bank.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

New Business – Voluntary Action Center: A donation request was provided to the council. It was determined that several Ladd residents get Meals on Wheels through the Voluntary Action Center.

Thrasher motioned/Martin second to Donate $100.00 to the Voluntary Action Center.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-1

Nay: Nelson

New Business – Waive Fees for 105 N. Main Avenue Business: A new business located at 105 N. Main Ave has requested (2) electric upgrades and (1) water meter, along with a dual meter base. He is gutting and remodeling the entire building. There will be a business in front with a residence in the rear. He was told that he could ask the council if they would consider waiving these fees as they have for businesses in the past. He asked if I could provide the information to the board in his absence. Discussion ensued.

Martin motioned/Thrasher second to Waive the $1,032.67 in Electric Upgrades, Dual Meter Base, and Water Meter fees for 105 N. Main Avenue.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-1

Nay: Nelson

New Business – 2023 Community in Review: No action was taken on the Shaw Media ad for the 2023 Community in Review Magazine.

New Business – Certificate of Authority by Vote: This document is mandatory to submit the CY2024/CY2025 Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation Agreement; therefore it was added to the agenda as an emergency due to the salt participation agreement being due by April 7, 2024.

Nicholson motioned/Thrasher second to Pass the Certificate of Authority by Vote to allow Frank Cattani, Village President to sign as duly authorized to enter into contracts, to include joint participation agreements, on behalf of the Village of Ladd with the State of Illinois for the CY2024/CY2025 Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation Agreement.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 5-1

Nay: Nelson

Announcements: Thrasher asked if Comcast had an outage this afternoon. Bezely stated yes for a couple of hours. Notices went out to people who allow text alerts from Comcast. Bezely told the council that Bureau County is doing a FREE Electronics Recycling on April 27th in Princeton at the BC Highway Department 595 Elm Place, Princeton IL and the hours are 9 am – 12 noon. The event will close when semi collection trailer is full. The vehicle lineup will begin west on Elm Street. A limit of 7 items, proof of residency may be required such as a driver's license that shows the correct address. If questions email –Recycle@bureaucounty-il.gov. Curtin Apartments sold to Marquette Real Estate today. We are waiting for the new owner to apply for service. May 3rd & 4th will be an electronics recycling event for the Village of Ladd. We will plan to locate the roll-off in the alley behind the Village Clerk’s Office. It will be dropped off on Friday late afternoon and picked up on Saturday after 11 am. We plan to open it to Ladd Residents on Friday from 4:30 – 6:30 pm and then on Saturday from 8:00 – 11:00 am. We will allow 3 free items and then additional items will be $10.00 each. We will contact the Village of Cherry and see if they would like to tell their residents that they can come on Saturday from 10- 11 am and pay $10 per item. The event will close when the roll-off is full. Martin & Cattani mentioned that there is an IL EPA $44 million Notice of Funding Opportunity for Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. The council discussed the upkeep and the cost of upkeep of EV Charging stations in Ladd. There was also concern there is nowhere open 24 hours in Ladd so it was asked where could we locate them and who would make sure they are accessible in all types of weather. The council again feels that a business putting in EV Charging Stations would be a better fit.

Thrasher motioned/Margherio second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Nelson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried 6-0

The meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm
