
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Oglesby City Council met May 20

Webp 20

Tony Stefanelli, Commissioner of Accounts & Finance | City of Oglesby Website

Tony Stefanelli, Commissioner of Accounts & Finance | City of Oglesby Website

City of Oglesby City Council met May 20

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Oglesby City Council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Jason Curran. 

PRESENT: Commissioners Rich Baldridge, Terry Eutis, Gregory McDermott, Tony Stefanelli and Mayor Jason Curran. City Attorney Pat Barry and City Clerk Becky Clinard were also present. 


John Urbino spoke on behalf of his mother and sister who rent the home near the proposed Babs Brew location. The storage shed the owners have built, cuts off access to his family’s garage, creating a “nightmare.” Attorney Barry told Urbino that the matter didn’t have anything to do with the city, that they needed to determine if there was an easement, and if not, a restrictive easement would apply (use of the garage access for 21 years or more). Barry suggested they seek legal advice if unable to come to an agreement with Kelly Waters who owns the property. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Eutis, to approve the May 6, 2024, minutes. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY McDermott, to approve the bills presented for payment in the amount of $499,421.01. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS:  None MOTION CARRIED. 

BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT Altec Industries Inc., $778.33; Ameren Illinois-7419559858, $65.30; Ameren Illinois-8218382099, $355.17; Archway Tap, $210.00; BHMG Engineers, $27,916.29; Blue Cross & Blue Shield Of Il, $2,272.50; Bobs' Business Inc, $573.41; Bound Tree Medical LLC, $620.25; Chamlin & Associates Inc, $54,013.00; Civic Systems, Llc, $3,203.00; Clerk, Mari, $50.00; Comcast Business, $269.80; Connecting Point, $5,985.00; Conway Shield, $1,057.50; Core & Main, $3,064.48; Debo Ace Hardware, $41.51; Cathie Edens, -$340.00; Feece Oil Co, $2,990.09; Ficek Electric, $606.00; Fletcher Reinhardt Co, $5,910.94; Ganz Greenhouse, $486.83; Hawkins, Inc, $2,478.26; Heartland Bank Visa, $3,954.95; Hegland, George, $490.00; Holloway's Portable; Restrooms, $990.00; Il Valley Excavating, In, $4,362.00; Illinois Municipal Electric Agency, $324,427.70; Impact Networking Llc, $15.24; Irby Electrical Distributor, $2,848.00; John's Service & Sales, $195.00; Kasperski, Daniel, $65.00; Knoblauch Advertising, $3,772.32; Krysiak, James, $67.12; Lasalle County Public, $180.00; Macqueen Emergency, $19.06; Marincic, Mark, $167.50; Mautino Distributing Co Inc, $40.25; Medicare Part B, $615.00; Menards,  $845.87; Mertel Gravel Co, $649.00; Mertel Repair, $560.00; Mp Automotive Repair, $80.00; MTCO, $151.87; NCPERS Group Life Ins, $16.00; Northern Illinois Ambulance Bi, Inc, $2,828.59; OSF Medical Group -- Occupational Health, $95.00; Ottawa Office Supply, $234.44; Ottosen Dinolfo, $852.50; P.F. Pettibone & Co., $679.80; Police And Sheriffs Press, -$17.60; Republic Services -- Allied Waste, $1,036.28; Ro Pros, $33.55; Secretary Of State, $151.00; Smith's Sales And Service, $526.78; Sunbelt Solomon, $13,390.04; T.E.S.T Inc., $20,242.16; Tension Envelope Corp, $533.96; Thurman Truevalue Hardware, $72.48; United Rentals, $276.01; Universal Utility Supply, $1,066.46, TOTAL $499,421.01. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Eutis, to approve the May 10, 2024, payroll in the amount of $104,491.46. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED.

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Baldridge to place Plan Commission recommendation on file RE: Augustyniak Rezoning Request. AYES: Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. ABSTAIN: Baldridge. MOTION CARRIED. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Eutis to grant the Augustyniak’s request to rezone  their property on Walnut Street from R2 to B4 to allow for a them to operate their contracting business on the site. Barry mentioned that the site was previously zoned manufacturing prior to the 2018 adoption of the Land Development Code and zoning map. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. ABSTAIN: Baldridge. MOTION CARRIED. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY McDermott, SECONDED BY Baldridge to approve the amended IDOT resolution that will dedicate RBI Funds to the Clark Street Culver project. McDermott explained that this was to ensure that the funds were used before the city would be required to send them back to the state. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

Curran then proposed amending the liquor license ordinance to reduce the D Licenses from three to two. This would eliminate the lone available license. Curran’s explained that he felt it best to have control over what type of establishments come into town. Eliminating the available license would require council approval if a business wished to sell alcohol in the city. A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Eutis to amend the liquor license ordinance to reflect a limit of two Class D licenses. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

Eutis then asked the council to approve entering into a contract with McGrath Consulting for a study looking at the viability of the business model going forward. Eutis said the study would cost no more than $26,000. Eutis told the council that 15% of the contract price would be due upon signing, 20% at the first site visit, 55% when the draft is completed and 5% when the study is final. A MOTION WAS  MADE BY Eutis, SECONDED BY Stefanelli to enter into a contract with McGrath Consulting for a Fire/EMS  study at a cost not to exceed $26,900. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

Ambulance Director Cathie Edens then spoke on behalf of the service, asking residents to consider requesting the Oglesby Ambulance when transfers are needed from one facility to another. Edens told residents that they do have a choice. She explained that OSF has contracted with a for-profit ambulance service for transfers, which takes transfers away from the volunteer ambulance services. Transfers help subsidize local service. 

The discussion then turned to the agreement with Kelly Waters to bring utilities the proposed site of a coffee trailer. Barry explained that he had been working with their attorney for a while. He told the council he believed they had settled on an agreement that met all of the council’s demands. In summary, the city would pay the cost of bringing water and sewer services to the site with Waters agreeing to repay the cost in full if there was not a business on that site for five years. Stefanelli asked Curran if he would provide the same offer to others who are looking to expand their businesses in existing buildings. Curran said he did not feel the city was not under any obligation to do so, noting that he was working on other incentive plans. Curran said he felt this development was unique, with Eutis saying that he felt this was something the city really needed. After some further discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY Eutis to approve the development agreement with Waters. The motion died for a lack of  a second. 

Baldridge then asked the council to approve the agreement with NCICG for grant administration of the HUD grant for housing rehabilitation. The council would pay $6,000 to NCICG for work related to applying for the $650,000 grant. The cost covers inspections, public hearings, financial packaging, etc. Baldridge said the grant would be a “great asset” to the city and was much needed. Curran agreed that it was worth looking into. A MOTION WAS MADE BY Baldridge, SECONDED BY McDermott to approve  the agreement with NCICG. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

The council then directed Barry to draft two ordinances related to the Mallick Substation upgrade. 

The first, an agreement with Ameren to construct a second 34.kV delivery points for the city of Oglesby,  has two stipulations: 1) that the new Mallick Rd. develiery point will be operated as a backup service and 2) that all of the city’s load will be normally fed from the existing delivery point. A MOTION WAS MADE  BY Baldridge, SECONDED BY McDermott to have Barry draft an ordinance for the Ameren Construction Agreement. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

The second, an Wholesale Connection agreement between the city and the Illinois Municpal Electric Agency and Ameren sets forth the terms and conditions for the connection, operation and maintenance of the Municipal Utility system and the Ameren system. Baldridge said the price of the agreement is the lowest cost offered to the city. A MOTION WAS MADE BY Baldridge, SECONDED BY Stefanelli to have Barry draft an ordinance for the Ameren Wholesale Connection agreement with Ameren. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: None. MOTION CARRIED. 

Public Comment on any topic 

Drew Merriman expressed his ongoing concerns about the lack of persons directing traffic in construction areas. He also complained about SURF internet workers. 


Terry Eutis, Public Health and Safety 

• Announced that he had sold his home and was moving. His resignation is effective at 8 a.m. May  28, 2024. 

Tony Stefanelli, Accounts and Finance 

• Thanked Eutis for his time on the council and said he would be “forever grateful” to Eutis for the stability he brought to the council. 

Gregory McDermott, Streets, Water and Sewer 

• Told Eutis that he’d be missed. 

• Hydrant flushing is the first week in June.

• Announced that residents in the areas of the Clark and Hickory culvert project and the Clark St. sewer separation project would be notified of an informational meeting. Work on the culvert project is expected to start on June 7. 

• Saved the best news for last, noting that the city’s request for almost $1 million in grants for the east end watermain project was moving on to the second round of the process. He also said that he was taking with Sen. Durbin’s office about the $40 million needed for the wastewater treatment plant. 

Rich Baldridge, Public Property 

• Told the council that the bucket truck was auctioned for $11,000. Baldridge’s move to have the truck go to auction netted more than double the highest bid the city received when it bid the  truck out. 

• Bark in LeHigh Park will be Saturday, May 25, with a disc golf tournament starting at 2.

• Announced SURF internet will be at the June 3 council meeting to answer any questions or concerns from the council and/or residents. 

• Congratulated Rich Watts on his retirement from 25 years as a city employee.

• Announced the hire of Jonathan Donaldson, who will fill Watts’ position. 

Mayor’s Report 

• Asked those interested in applying for the open commissioner seat to turn in a resume and letter of intent to the Clerk’s Office by May 31st, noting that the council will look at the resumes at the June 3 meeting. 

• Said that he received a call from Rep. Underwood’s office letting him know that the city’s request for help with funding the $40 million wastewater treatment plant was “still on the radar.”

• Congratulated the Oglesby Bulldog track team, noting that 19 athletes had gone to state and had medaled in 3 events. Ella Burke received first place in the discuss. 

• Talked about Bark in Lehigh Park (May 25), the American Legion Memorial Day ceremony and the Starved Rock Disk Golf grand opening on May 28th.  

• Congratulated Rich Watts on his retirement. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Eutis, SECONDED BY Stefanelli to enter into executive session to discuss the “appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel for the public body” 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at 7:53 p.m. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. NAYS: Curran. MOTION CARRIED. 

The council reentered regular session at 8:19 pm. PRESENT: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli,  Curran. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Eutis, SECONDED BY Stefanelli to amend the ordinance that addresses the police chief’s pay retroactive to May 1, 2024. Eutis said that he felt the chief deserved the same increase the officers received, which was 5 percent. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli. ABSTAIN: Curran. MOTION CARRIED. 

A MOTION WAS MADE BY Stefanelli, SECONDED BY Baldridge to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. AYES: Baldridge, Eutis, McDermott, Stefanelli, Curran. MEETING ADJOURNED.
