
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coal City Village Board met June 26

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Mr. Chris Spencer - Superintendent | Coal City Community Unit School District #1

Mr. Chris Spencer - Superintendent | Coal City Community Unit School District #1

Coal City Village Board met June 26

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call meeting to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting 06/12/24

4. Approval Warrant of List

5. Public Comment

6. Mayor Re-Appointments and New Appointments

-Kyle Harmon -Leanne Vota -Brad Littleton

-CJ Lauterbur -Stpehanie Enerson -Jason Peters

7. Approval of Eagle Scout Project - Hunter Patterson

8. Ordinance 24-14 Variance for Duplexes in Springhill Subd. Lots 46, 47, 48 Covey

9. Resolution 24-07 Supporting Dresden Clean Energy Center License Renewal

10. Resolution 24-08 Granting ComEd an Easement at the Public Works Waters Treatment Plant for upgraded service

11. Ratify the IDOT Repaving Bid for S. Carbon Hill Road - PT Ferro

12. Authorize the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement for a 5 year lease of copier equipment

13. Report of Mayor

14. Report of Trustees

B. Mincey

T. Bradley

P. Noffsinger

D. Greggain

D. Togliatti

15. Report of Village Clerk

16. Report of Village Attorney

17. Report of Village Engineer

18. Report of Chief of Police

19. Report of Village Administrator

20. Adjourn




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