
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Seneca Village Council met July 16

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Village of Seneca Village Council met July 16

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1.) Council Meeting Called to Order

2.) Roll Call

3.) Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

4.) Approval of July 1, 2024 council meeting minutes

5.) Treasurer’s Report: Approval of Treasurer’s Report, payroll and payment of bills

6.) Communications, Petitions, Reports & Additional Agenda Items

7.) Old Business

A. Commissioner Weber

B. Commissioner Victor

C. Commissioner Higgins

D. Commissioner Peddicord

E. Mayor Olson

1. Adoption of Ordinance No. 24-15, An Ordinance Amending Sections 3-8-2 and 3-8-7 of the Village of Seneca Code of Ordinances as it Pertains to Classes of Liquor Licenses and Definitions

8.) Commissioner’s Report and New Business

A. Public Property, Water & Sewer (Weber)

1. Approval of expenditure to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $5,000.00 for annual NPDES fee

2. Approval of expenditure to Automatic Door Authority in the amount of $1,615.00 for repair of doors at Graves Park

3. Discussion and possible action regarding quotation from Automatic Door Authority for replacement of door at Graves Park

4. Discussion and possible approval of expenditure to Chase Olson in the amount of $20,924.00 for cameras at Graves Park

5. Discussion and possible approval of expenditure to Chase Olson in the amount of $19,671.00 for cameras at Crotty Park

6. Approval of Renewal of License Agreement No. 5306 with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources

B. Accounts & Finance (Victor)

1. Approval of expenditure to Wex Bank in the amount of $3,104.69 for fuel expenses

2. Approval of expenditure to Mahoney, Silverman & Cross, LLC in the amount of $2,420.34 for legal expenses

C. Streets (Higgins)

1. Approval of expenditure to Carey Trucking in the amount of $2,546.96 for hauling stone to village

2. Approval of expenditure to D Construction for 2024 Street Program (contingent on 7-day waiting period)

D. Public Health & Safety (Peddicord)

1. Approval of hiring full-time police officers

E. Public Affairs (Mayor Olson)

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 635, Resolution Approving and Accepting a Bid for the Sale of Property Located at 119 S. Hossack Street

2. Discussion and approval of donation to Shipyard Festival

3. Announcement regarding façade program

9.) Public Comment

10.) Executive Session:

1. Litigation – 5 ILCS 120/(c)(11)

2. Semi-annual review of executive session minutes – 5 ILCS 120/(c)(21)

11.) Actions Following Executive Session

12.) Council Meeting Adjourned
