
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met June 25

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Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met June 25

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President Pro Tem, Jan Martin called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Molly Thrasher (5)

Absent: Trustee Andy Ruggerio (1)

In attendance: Village Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Engineer Adam Ossola, Atty. Pat Barry, Superintendent Doug Englehaupt, Police Chief Jacob Frund, and Deputy Clerk Julie Koch arrived at 6:45 pm

Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting and added a special welcome back to Trustee Margherio.

Thrasher Motioned/Nicholson Second to accept the June 11, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio

Nelson Motioned/Margherio Second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $104,956.54

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio,

Nicholson Motioned/Thrasher Second to accept the Treasurer's Report for May 2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio,

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: Rick Smith addressed the council regarding his concerns about the Safe Routes to School 2023 Grant. Smith wants to inform us that he and his wife are against this project. He stated that almost everyone is against this happening. The 5’ sidewalk going in will render his driveway useless. He will be forced to park in the garage or on the busy street. What are the solutions? Will the Village pay to relocate his garage, probably not. He states he was told we received $250,000.00 to spend and we are spending it. He feels that there are better ways to safely get kids to and from school. He is asking the Village to redo sidewalks on Locust Street. He does not feel that this was well thought out. He feels the answers he has been given are unacceptable.

Rachel & Matt Hoscheid addressed the council and stated that the Facebook post at the beginning of June stated accurate and comprehensive information would be provided about the sidewalk project and that any concerns would be addressed. No information was provided. She stated that no one has reached out to the 11 homeowners that will be affected. Rachel stated that President Cattani said to get over it and move on. He stated that he would not want this project in his yard. Rachel feels that the council needs to reach out to the 11 homeowners and meet with them regarding this project. 

Committee Reports: Nelson reported on 220 S. Selby Ave. stating a tree branch is hanging toward her roof. The wrong home was looked at. Nelson will check the correct home and report at the 7-9-2024 meeting. A tree at 234 N. Bureau Ave. was looked at and Nelson advised Englehaupt to cut back the live branches that are about to be in contact with the house. The tree at 202 N. Central Ave. that Trustee Ruggerio brought pictures in to address. Nelson reached out to the homeowner and he feels that there is still life in this tree and he is not worried about the tree at all so no action needs to be taken.

Engineer’s Report: Motor Fuel Project: Ossola reported that the oil and chip project work was done yesterday. The contractor will need to return in 2-4 weeks and sweep the project area. Ossola will ask the contractor if he would delay the sweeping as long as possible to allow the oil to heat up and embed the chips as much as possible. Ossola stated the contractor will want payment so we can pay them and then have them come back and sweep if that is okay. This will allow them to hold off on sweeping the streets longer. Nelson brought up Phil Hocking and if Ossola had spoken with him. He told Nelson that the heavy equipment turning around at the intersections was moving the fresh gravel around. Nelson also brought up the SRTS 2021 Project area which has been seeded and seems to have a lot of weeds in it. He stated they look like beans. Ossola checked out a complaint from 233 S. LaSalle Avenue and stated that there was not much grass growing under all the weeds. Ossola stated that if the homeowner is willing to cut the area with a mower (sometimes the netting gets sucked up into the mower and is a hassle) or a weed trimmer would help. This would cut the tops off the weeds which would allow the grass to come up better according to Ossola. The mesh netting could be removed also if need be. Gensini Excavating was not required to water these areas or mow these areas. The homeowner will have to take over maintenance at some point. If the area has no grass at all, only weeds, we can go back to Gensini and ask them to reseed these areas. The only thing left to do is put up the signs and flashing beacons on Cleveland Street. There are a couple of spots on East and West Cleveland Street where he could use a hand to determine the best spots for these to go. 2023 Safe Routes to School: Nicholson asked Ossola what criteria was used to determine the location on Cleveland Street. Were there other locations that might have been suitable or even preferable to being on Cleveland Street? Nicholson is asking about how this was determined to be the area used on the application. Discussion ensued, Ossola mentioned August of 2023 a lot of discussion with lots of different people made this decision. Margherio stated that he remembers that years ago it was decided that we need to do something to help residents on the South side of Cleveland Street to have a sidewalk to walk or ride on, more than on the North side. The kids on the north side can go one block to the north to Locust and walk to school. Margherio feels like the South side of Cleveland has been alienated by not having a way to walk into town. Margherio feels that sidewalk out to the subdivisions is more of a need. He feels that these homes are where the families are living. Nelson asked if we could modify the grant and move the location of our sidewalk grant based on the discussion tonight. Nelson asked if we would lose the grant if we wanted to move it. Bezely asked to address the council. She stated that the initial discussion on the SRTS 2023 application began a long time ago when a call to the Clerk’s office by a family that just moved into a home on South Selby Ave. asked why there are no sidewalks on East Cleveland Street to allow a safe way for her children to walk or bike to school. This was then discussed with Ossola, Englehaupt, Frund, Koch, Sarosinski, and Cattani. Discussion ensued about many pros and cons as to where to place the sidewalk on the application. Once other surveys from the school teachers, school parents, and the Ladd School Officials were discussed other studies were performed. Bezely mentioned that she understood E. Cleveland Street to be deemed a hazardous Street which would be very beneficial to the application to include this street in the safe routes to school. Bringing a sidewalk where there currently is none, on a street the school is located on would be a perfect application. All the reqirements on the Safe Routes to School Application was satisfied with our proposed application. Bezely stated that she did contact NCICG and asked if the route could possibly be changed. They stated that is may be possible, we could request a different location for the sidewalk but this would be up to the State of Illinois. Bezely said it would have to be exactly like what was submitted (putting sidewalk on E. Cleveland St. where there is no sidewalk). Bezely explained that when grants are applied for you speak with qualified people in the Village to help in deciding what would be in the best interest of the Village and its residents, and then present the information to the council to get approval to move forward. This is exactly what was done for this grant. The minutes reflect this information. Englehaupt reiterated that changing the location of the sidewalk after having been awarded the grant would require us to move it to another area on E. Cleveland with no existing sidewalk. NCICG told Bezely under no circumstances should the Village of Ladd decline this grant. Whether we request it be moved or not, we do not want to pass up this grant because we will not receive another one. That would encompass the Police Department and Public Works Department because we are all under the same SAM number. It was stated that you never make everyone happy. Someone always disagrees. Margherio reiterated that he feels that the south side makes a lot more sense because there is no way for families living on the south side of E. Cleveland to walk or bike to school. The north side of E. Cleveland St. whether they want to or not, they have the option to go to Locust Street and then walk to school. Englehaupt mentioned that the south side of E. Cleveland Street may not have Village Right of Way, it possibly could be easement which may not work with this grant. Those homeowners may own the property from the center of the road to their homes. This is not part of the original plat of Ladd so it is possible it is easement and sometimes easements do not allow public transportation and sidewalks fall under public transportation. There are existing easements which is where our water main, and power is located. Englehaupt cautioned that this may be the case. Nicholson stated that he realizes he was here and voted for this application but now looking at things again he wonders if there might be a solution that would make everyone a little happier and still provide safety for the kids. Discussion ensued in changing sidewalk location to being right off the road like Main Avenue and Ossola stated there must be a 2-foot buffer zone for safety reasons. Ossola also stated that if we are possibly considering asking the State to move the sidewalk to the South side of E. Cleveland this grant requires you to start at the school so the existing 4 blocks of sidewalk would have to be removed and 5-foot sidewalks would have to be installed starting at the school. The sidewalk must be an ADA compliant pedestrian path all the way from the school. Englehaupt feels that we will have to move out to Bruda’s addition which would be a very similar application, but someone will be on the hook to replace sidewalks from Bruda’s all the way down to the school. Rachel Hoscheid stated she has a master’s degree and she took a class in grant writing and she has written grants for the State of Illinois because she works for the State so she feels she is well versed. Hoscheid asked what was the return on the surveys was from parents that stated that having sidewalks to the school is important. Bezely stated she will check with Sarosinski about this information. Koch then explained the teacher tally results. They listed per classroom the number of people who walk to school, who bike to school, who carpools, who uses school bus, who is brought in the family vehicle. Koch stated that the numbers were very similar. The actual parent surveys were not in the grant application folder. Koch will try to obtain this information for Hoscheid.

Superintendent’s Report: Old Business: Kubota Purchase for Village of Ladd: Englehaupt was waiting for the council to decide on the purchase of this vehicle. Leasing costs were calculated and noted on the quote. Nicholson asked if the summer help knows where they will be working at “tomorrow”? He wonders if they could take their car and park it at the work location. Englehaupt stated that he would not do that. He would give them a ride to the job site before he would agree to have the kids drive their cars. Englehaupt felt that this would not be a good thing letting them have their car at the job site. Nicholson wondered if a golf cart would be okay. Englehaupt stated yes. Nelson asked why not get an old pickup truck for $3,000.00 - $5,000.00 to be used for a few months. Margherio would like to table this for a couple reasons. With the union contract currently being negotiated, and a factory that we do not know how stable they are, there are financial issues to consider. This Kubota could be used by the Billing Clerk for meter reading. This could be used to get on easements which need a smaller vehicle to navigate sheds, brush, used for mosquito spraying, police use during special events, etc.

New Business: Quote for New Blower at Waste Water Treatment Plant: Englehaupt explains that the current blower is original to the plant; therefore, it is not available for purchase. This is a necessary replacement to provide oxygen to the lagoons. Nelson Motioned/Thrasher second to Accept the Quote from JC Cross for New Blower Replacement in the amount of $14,439.00.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher – Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio

Police Chief: Bureau County has been low on police officers. Sometimes where are only 2 officers on duty for the County. The speed trailer has not provided any traffic stops. It is possible speeding is happening at other times of the day. Speed bumps or stop signs could be placed, Frund stated it is up to the council. We need to make sure we investigate and know the rules from coming off a township road in the Village Road. IDOT provided no help. They mentioned a book we could look at and stated good luck. If this is something we want to pursue we will really need to investigate this.Nelson asked if there has been improvement noted by the homeowners who addressed the board. Frund stated that he spoke with Mr. Meuser and he stated he is seeing the same speeding cars and people flying through the stop sign. Thrasher asked if Englehaupt had placed 25 mph signs on existing stop signs. Englehaupt confirmed yes. Frund stated he has not seen a consistent problem. All officers are sitting out there watching. Frund updated the council on the Flock Cameras stating they are getting 100,000 to 109,000 hits for plate reads in a months’ time.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance. No recent permits have been turned in. There is a garage going up on 319 S. Iowa Avenue but the permit has not been turned in yet. Flanagan will be contacted once we receive the permit. Nicholson asked if this property is now under 1 PIN number at the County. Koch stated that yes, this property now has 1 Parcel Identification Number.

Village Attorney: Nothing to report until executive session.

New Business: EEF for A&B Garage: The application for A&B Garage is for $2,980.80 of our Electrical Efficiency Funds for the Village of Ladd. Englehaupt was glad to see an application by a customer. Nelson Motioned/Thrasher second to Approve FY24/25 Electric Efficiency Funds for A&B Garage for $2,980.80.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher – Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio

New Business: Pietro “Frank” Alfano 105 N. Main Ave – Request Rental Occupancy: Frank Alfano explained to the council that there have been some delays getting his equipment to open his business. He has a tenant who will be doing maintenance for the business he’s locating the front of 105 N. Main Avenue and requests that he can move into the rear apartment July 1, 2024. He sees the business opening by September 1, 2024. The council is allowing him until October 1, 2024 to get the business open. He only needs to return to update to the council if October 1, 2024 he is not open.

He may have issues based on equipment delivery, etc. The tenant will be helping setup the business.

Margherio Motioned/Nicholson second to Allow Tenant to Occupy the Rear Apartment at 105 N.

Main Avenue Before the Business is Opened by October 1, 2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio

Frankie also mentioned getting an application for a Façade Grant in the future. Once he has exact rules for his business front he can provide a picture and information to submit a façade grant and approval for the design for the front of the business.

New Business: Façade Grant Payment: Bezely requested the board approve payment to Ladd Sound Productions, Mario Data’s Façade Grant which was reviewed by Barry Flanagan and signed off on completion. He has turned in bills and pictures from his project.

Nelson Motioned/Nicholson second to Issue a Check to Mario Data for $500.00 for the 2024 Façade Grant.

Ayes: Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Margherio

New Business: Wages for Deputy Clerk/UB Clerk as of 7/1/2024: Bezely informed the council that she works for home every Wednesday after a meeting in order to type the minutes accurately and timely. This puts added responsibility on the Deputy Clerk. Bezely also stated she has 3 weeks vacation and is not willing to lose any days anymore therefore, Koch is responsible for the office when Bezely is off. This adds more responsibility. The office is extremely busy all the time and Koch has been given added duties by Bezely. She is asking the council for 4% as the other employees have been given and then an increase of $2.00/hr for her title/responsibility as Deputy Clerk. The council asked if this could be addressed after we return from executive session.

Announcements: Bezely asked if anyone from the recreation committee would be willing to take over running the concession stand at Kennedy Park for all baseball games if we can obtain a schedule. Thrasher asked what they are looking for. Amy Bosi no longer has kids in baseball at this level and she did all the ordering, along with opening and running the concession stand in the past several years. There is currently no one providing concessions in Ladd at any baseball games. Thrasher will think this over. Unfortunately the Ladd field is used by many teams and often times at the last minute so trying to provide concessions is really tough. Frund mentioned that for little league games their travel team runs concession stand and all proceeds go to the little league but their travel team benefits by getting use of the field. We will give this some thought and re-discuss. After the last council meeting I was contacted and told that people in the audience could not hear. A sound system for Village Hall was mentioned. Bezely wanted to let the council know that it was stated that a speaker and microphones would be nice. There will be no dedication of the USS Arizona at the Convoy Against Cancer Big Truck Show on July 20, 2024 due to the person taking care of this is having health issues. Bezely stated that at least 3 people called or came in the Clerk’s Office and stated that they are unhappy with Tar & Chip that we do on the roads. It was mentioned that the Village should look for a grant or save up the money until there is enough money to put down asphalt. I stated that we don’t have curb and gutter to hold the asphalt in. The cost increase is approximately 5-10 times more than tar & chip. Tar & chip is redone every 5 years and asphalt is redone every 15 years. The council feels they hear this everytime a Motor Fuel Project is done. This is the most cost effective way, with the money the Village receives from the State of Illinois for Motor Fuel Tax, to take care of the roads. Margherio thanked the Village for the get well cards that were sent to him.

Nicholson Motioned/Thrasher second to move out of regular session into executive session 2 (c) Collective Negotiating Matters Between Public Employers and Their Employees or Representatives at 7:58 pm.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motioned carried

Absent: Ruggerio

Returned to regular session at 8:56 pm. Roll call was taken.

Present: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher

Absent: Ruggerio

New Business: Wages for Deputy Clerk/UB Clerk as of 7/1/2024: Continued: After executive session discussion ensued. 4% increase was decided on. We will address the requested increase for added responsibilities as Deputy Clerk at a later time.

Margherio Motioned/Nicholson second to Increase Deputy Clerk/Utility Billing Clerk Wages by 4% as of July 1st, 2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motioned carried

Absent: Ruggerio

Thrasher asked about where we stand with the Safe Routes to School 2023 Grant Award. The council makes this decision. Discussion ensued. This will be readdressed when President Cattani returns from being out of town. A special board meeting may be scheduled in the future to discuss this grant.

Margherio Motioned/Nicholson second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Ruggerio

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm
