
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Ottawa Arts Committee met July 1

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Mayor Robert Hasty's family | Mayor Robert HastyFacebook

Mayor Robert Hasty's family | Mayor Robert HastyFacebook

City of Ottawa Arts Committee met July 1

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order: 10:08

Present: Jocelyn Campbell, Amanda Weygand, Ryan Searle, & Susan Burton

Via Phone: Anna Wright

City Officials: Alaina Iverson & Tammy Koppen

Public Comment: N/A

Motion to Approve Minutes:

Motion to approve: Ryan Searle

Second: Jocelyn Campbell

All ayes. Motion approved.

Old Business:

Drinkin with Lincoln:

No artists signed up – informed Rich of this.

New Business:

Free Little Art Library

Ribbon cutting ceremony on 6/28

Annette under budget (need final cost)

Still need Signage

Electrical Boxes:

Traffic Signals - ok

IDOT owns boxes and will not allow wrapping or paint.

Ameren may allow boxes to be wrapped.

Need to reconsider this idea.

Holiday Sculptures:

Need a call to artists = end of July

Christmas Tree sculptures


Snow globes

Going this route? Tentative YES.

Looking for cheaper options and will make final decision next week.

Wine & Art Walk

Call to artists going out soon

Sunflower @ Allen Park

Susan is assessing this, does need a bit more work than anticipated.

En Plaine Air

Need to determine dates.


Proposed idea of renting multiple sculptures on a 2-year basis instead of one permanent sculpture.

Ryan Searle – Event in 2025

Idea for Music event at Nells Woodland

Susan Burton – Event in 2025

Idea to assign a city Poet Laureate

Meeting Adjourned at 11:08 AM.
