
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Coal City Village Board met July 10

Webp 35

David A. Spesia, Village of Coal City – Mayor | Coal City Village Website

David A. Spesia, Village of Coal City – Mayor | Coal City Village Website

Coal City Village Board met July 10

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

At 7:02p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Mayor Dave Spesia called to order the meeting of the Coal City Village Board in the boardroom at Village Hall. Roll call- Dave Togliatti, Tim Bradley, Bill Mincey and CJ Lauterbur. Also in attendance were Mark Heinle, village attorney, Matt Halloran from Chamlin Engineer, Police Chief Chris Harseim, and Matt Fritz, village administrator. Absent; Trustees Dan Greggain and Pam Noffsinger. 

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 

The regular meeting minutes June 26, 2024, were presented. Bradley moved to approve the minutes as written, second by Mincey. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

The warrant list was presented. Togliatti moved to approve the warrant list as written, second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

During public comment, Tammy Moran came to present Back To School Bash event that will be held on August 10, 2024. The event would be held at Campbell's Park from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. however closure of S. Broadway between Park Street and Willow Street will be closed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mrs. Moran explained this event would include a school supply donation drive alongside other activities such as Bikes on Broadway where the police department will check student's bikes. Mrs. Moran also explained food and refreshments are being provided by several sources. Mrs. Moran asked the village to donate the cost of the petting zoo, which is estimated to be around $700 for the event. Chief Harseim stated he sees no safety concerns about this event and will have the department support the event. Mayor Spesia stated he thought the event was valuable to the community. All board members present positively approved of the event. 

Matt Halloran from Chamlin Engineering presented Payment #3 to Brandt Excavating, Inc. to the board for all work performed and completed for Carbon, Elm, & Spring Water Main replacement project in the amount of $149, 226.90. Mr. Halloran explained the next payment is the final payment which consists of repaving Spring Road. Bradley moved to authorize Payment #3 to Brandt Excavating of $149,226.90 for completion of work on the Water Main Replacement Project, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

Mr. Fritz explained recently the failure of Well #5 which needed an emergency repair and replacement of high-speed assembly motor which requires specific pump and check valves. After further research, the cost to rebuild Municipal Well to be use as a backup pump would be $71,571. Mr. Fritz also explained this cost would be partially offset due to insurance covering $25,000 due to the mechanical failure of this unit. The Board asked questions regarding functionality of equipment and Mayor Spesia spoke on the importance of storing the equipment properly. Togliatti moved to authorize the expenditure not to exceed $71,571 to allow Municipal Well to rebuild the motor and pump assembly to become the backup for Well #5, second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

Matt Halloran explained to the Board each year the village sets aside Motor Fuel Tax revenues for general street reconstruction. To utilize the funds, bids were submitted in order to submit for final approval by IDOT. This year's amount is $400,000, the difference between the budgeted amount and the submitted bid is $50,149.92 which is 10% higher than budgeted. Bradley moved to aware the bids regarding this year's street renewal program, to the lowest responsive bidder- D Construction, for $450,149.82 related to MFT bid work and $105,191 for the remainder, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

Mr. Fritz presented to the Board for servicing and repainting of the North Water Tower which includes draining the tower, the maintenance, repairs and repainting of the tower. Bradley moved to award the bid regarding repainting the North Water Tower to Dynamic Industrial Services, Inc. at an estimated cost of $893,000, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

Mr. Fritz explained to the Board that the Village has been working with ownership of the old Bohemian Hall, also formerly Coal City Pharmacy, to rehabilitate the building. Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has a grant with a minimum of 25% match to the state funds up to a maximum of $2 million in state funding for projects such as rehabilitation. Mr. Fritz explained we would contribute around 30% percent of funding for the project. Phase 1 Accessibility Improvement costs would be the Village providing $725,258 to match DCEO- provided grant funds of $1,674,631 to complete a total of $2,299,889. Mayor Spesia explained he met with several people to research the benefit of rehabilitating the building and believes this would be a great asset to our community. Togliatti moved to authorize Mayor Spesia to sign a letter of support pledging 30% local match towards the rehabilitation of the Bohemian Hall should Coal City be selected as a grant recipient of the ReBUILD Downtown Grant, second Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

Mr. Fritz presented the payment of $151,640.45 to The North Central Illinois Council of Governments which is for the outstanding contractor payments affiliated with the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Home Repair and Accessibility Program. Mr. Fritz explained to the Board this is a reimbursement grant due to our audit not being completed. This payment is for outstanding bills for work completed on 3 homes within Coal City. Mincey moved to authorize payment to NCICG for outstanding contractor payments affiliated with the IHDA HRAP program of $151,640.45, second by Bradley. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried. 

Police Chief Chris Harseim presented to the Board the need to hire one additional officer from the Law Enforcement Eligibility List. Chief Harseim explained hiring this officer would complete the roster for the department unless the event of an officer resigning. Chief Harseim explained this would relieve the cost of overtime expenditures and would allow us to keep an officer on the Grundy Proactive Unit. Togliatti moved to authorize Mayor Spesia to request hiring of an additional officer from the Law Enforcement Eligibility List, second by Lauterbur. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia thanked everyone that assisted with the research regarding the ReBUILD Grant for the potential for rehabilitating the Bohemian Hall downtown. 

Trustee Bradley gave his condolences to Reese Swanson's family. 

Matt Halloran from Chamlin Engineering reported updates regarding projects which included Well #7 and Spring Road which he also explained Spring Road's railroad crossing will be getting improved during its closure. 

Police Chief Chris Harseim reported that officer's graduation from the police academy is approaching. Chief Harseim explained the Grundy Proactive unit has brought in two additional officers into their department. Lastly, Chief Harseim went over the following reports: 

• Grundy County Proactive Unti Significant Activity Report 

• 2024 Total CAD Events 

• 2024 Calls Requiring Report 

• 2024 Citations 

• 2024 Criminal Arrests 

• 2024 Traffic Crashes 

• 2024 D.U.I. 

• 2024 Verbal Warnings 

• 2024 P-Tickets

Mr. Fritz reported to the Board of the second scheduled meeting in August will be held on Monday instead of Wednesday. Mr. Fritz also reminded the Board to RSVP for the Baseball Employee Appreciation game. 

Trustee Bradley moved to adjourn meeting, second by Mincey. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Mincey and Lauterbur. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Greggain and Noffsinger. Motion carried Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
