
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Ladd Village Board met July 9

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Village of Ladd | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met July 9

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, July 09, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President, Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, Molly Thrasher

In attendance: Village Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Village Treasurer Julie Koch, Superintendent Doug Englehaupt, Attorney Pat Barry, Engineer Adam Ossola, Police Chief Jacob Frund

President’s Report: President Cattani read his report. Cattani was out of town for the last meeting. After reading in the minutes that the statement was made that Cattani said he would not want this project in his yard, Cattani asked Ossola if he ever heard him make that statement since the two of them were together every time, they met with a resident regarding SRTS 2023. Ossola stated he did not hear Cattani say this. Cattani told everyone he would welcome the sidewalk by his house. His neighbors have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old and he would love a sidewalk for their safety. Yesterday route 80 westbound got shut down from an accident and traffic was re-routed down E. Cleveland Street. This excessive traffic was dangerous for anyone walking or riding a bike on E. Cleveland Street. A new sidewalk would make this much safer. Cattani wants everyone to realize the importance of the sidewalk for the safety of the children. He stated it is not a matter of IF a child gets killed it is WHEN a child gets killed. This will improve this concern. If this was to happen Cattani stated he would personally go to every home that opposed this project and ask them what they think of this project now. There were 115 SRTS 2023 Grants awarded and the Village of Ladd rated 5th in priority which points to the need for this project. Approximately 3 families are objecting to this project and it will cost the Village nothing. Maybe we need to ask how the other 783 households feel. The council and President are elected and entrusted to represent the whole Village. We are looking into moving the project to the south side of East Cleveland. There are some rules regarding the SRTS 2023 such as the project required to start from the school, needing to be 5 feet wide, etc. If this project gets abandoned is that going to jeopardize the original project? The Village will have to cover the cost of replacing the 4 blocks of sidewalk from the school to Gas Light Apartments which could run the Village approximately $110,000.00 from the General Fund. The $250,000.00 we have been awarded costs the Village nothing which is rare. Cattani stated he may lose a couple of friends over this but there was a lot of thought and consideration given to this project by the engineers, the Village, and the school. Ruggerio stated he feels the sidewalk should remain on the North Side of East Cleveland due to not needing the children to cross E. Cleveland Street.

Margherio explained that 35 years ago they tried to get a sidewalk on the south side of E. Cleveland Street to get the kids that live out that way a sidewalk to safely bring them to school. Martin stated we should have a meeting to allow the people on the North and South sides of E. Cleveland Street to come in and talk about this. Martin stated that she has spoken to several people on the South side and they are fine with this. Their houses are set back further. We are looking into these possible options. If this jeopardizes this grant, we will not change anything. Nicholson asked how far from the road the sidewalks would need to be. The sidewalk does not have to be straight, it can serpentine through the block. That is why Ossola and Cattani walked this area to look at the situation. Nicholson stated that he feels that these sidewalks will not be cleared in the winter. He feels the children will be out on the road because the sidewalks will not be cleared. It was stated that that is a possibility on any given block. Nicholson feels that it would not be as concerning if it was on Locust Street since it is less busy.

Thrasher motioned/Margherio second to accept the June 25, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher - Motion carried

Abstain: Ruggerio – stated since he was not at the meeting.

Nelson motioned/Nicholson second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $70,121.75

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: Toni Stank addressed the council regarding the blind hills on East Cleveland Street.

She feels this is very dangerous and would like the council to help fix this situation. Landscape companies are parking right on the road in these blind spots. This is very dangerous and someone is going to get hurt. Martin asked if we can send a letter to TNT and D&M Landscaping to try to get them to understand the concern. Stank asked if they could be told to park on the flat areas on East Cleveland Street where you can see easier.

Committee Reports: Nelson reported on a tree at 134 N. Bureau Ave. Englehaupt removed the concerning part and will remove the rest of this dead tree. Nelson spoke about 220 S. Selby Ave. There is a good section hanging over the house. He feels this should be cut down. 419 E. Locust tree was discussed. This tree on the berm has roots that have pushed up the square of the sidewalk. Nelson recommended that we contact Mrs. Koch to see if she would be interested in replacing the sidewalk and how much she would like to do. The Village will remove the existing sidewalk and pay for the concrete but Koch will need to have the area formed and finished and have the concrete company cut the roots so the new sidewalk will lay properly.

Engineer’s Report: Ossola updated the council on the Safe Routes to School 2021 project. He stated the signs were put up today and the flashers will likely be a few more weeks before they come in. They will go up on top of the posts. There are several issues regarding grass and a driveway approach that have been brought to my attention and I will get with the contractor to get things resolved. If there are any more concerns, please reach out to Ossola. The water main project from last year has an ongoing complaint from Deb Lorenzi regarding her grass that was dug up and re-seeded by Superior Excavating still having several bare spots. President Cattani and Englehaupt will look at this area and then a decision will be made as to our next steps. The council does want to return her property to its original condition.

Superintendent’s Report: Nothing to report

Police Chief: Chief Frund told Mrs. Stank and the council that he has reached out via text to D&M Landscape and TNT Lawn to explain the situation to them about the blind spots on East Cleveland Street. They were responsive and hoped this would take care of this situation. He will continue to monitor this area. New Business – Mandatory Body Cameras and In-Car Cameras in 2025. We were going to wait for the grant, apply, and then purchase the cameras. By the time the grant comes out and you figure out what you need, the grant application deadline is past. They are required by State Mandate through the Safe-T Act to get the 3 body cameras and 1 in-car camera. The cost upfront is $50,000.00 plus installation of approximately $15,000.00. The grant covers 100% of these costs. It was stated that we could pay this out of the general fund and then put the grant proceeds back in the general fund.

Retention is also a requirement for 1-5 years based on what is on the footage. Frund is planning to have this retention cloud-based. Frund does not have exact numbers but he needs to move forward on this.

Nelson motioned/Thrasher second to Approve the Purchase of 3 Body Cameras and 1 In-Car Camera to Comply with the Safe-T Act Not to Exceed $65,000.00 currently.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Margherio just requested that we make sure and get the grant paperwork done in the fall. Nicholson asked if this equipment could be moved if a new car is purchased. Frund stated yes.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance

Village Attorney: Atty. Pat Barry reported the council’s decisions regarding the IBEW contract and they feel we would benefit from another meeting to discuss it. No decisions have been made yet. Another meeting needs to be set up. New Business – Deputy Clerk/UB Clerk Wage: Ordinance presented as discussed last meeting.

Nicholson motioned/Martin second to Pass Ordinance 1167 Establishing Wage Rates for the Deputy Clerk/Utility Biller of the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, IL as of 7-1-24.

Ayes: Thrasher, Nelson, Nicholson, Martin, Margherio, Ruggerio, President Cattani - Motion carried

New Business – Façade Grant 209 N. Main Avenue: No action taken. This will be placed on the agenda after the application is received.

New Business – Bureau County Zoning Board of Appeals: The council discussed in detail all the pros and cons of the request from Ladd Solar 2 & Ladd Solar 3 for locating a commercial solar energy facility to generate electric power on a portion of the subject property. The reason the Village was included in this decision is because the south side of the subject property is as close as 2,660’ from the corporate boundary line of the Village of Ladd, therefore requesting up to a 5,260’ setback variation.

Martin motioned/Thrasher second to report no objection to the applications from Ladd Solar 2 and Ladd Solar 3 to the Bureau County Zoning Board of Appeals.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

New Business – Discuss Pay Rate for Cleaning Village Properties: The council was informed of the situation regarding the current rate for cleaning personnel. There are not many hours monthly for this cleaning. She is extremely reliable and trustworthy. Bezely stated that whatever she asks of her she does and is extremely conscientious. She is requesting a bump up in pay for Park Restrooms due to the condition of them at times. She plunges, when necessary, cleans up feces, urine or whatever is needed. She is also asking for a bump up in pay for the Village Hall and the Community Center. After discussion and hearing what a couple other Ladd businesses pay, it was decided to move forward with an increase. She is super accommodating. She is open to adding additional duties. 

Nicholson motioned to increase wages for cleaning the Village Hall and LCC to $20.00/hr. and to $25.00/hr. for the Park Restrooms. Nicholson withdrew his motion.

Thrasher reminded everyone she does not clean the park restrooms in the winter.

Ruggerio motioned/Nelson second to Increase Wages for the Village Hall, Ladd Community Center, and the Park Restroom Cleaning to $25.00/hour.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

New Business - HPTK, LLC requests Letter from Village of Ladd for AT&T First Net Status: The council was provided the signed letter drafted for them in 2019 in support of allowing them to have AT&T First Net. Frund explained what AT&T First Net was created for. It was designed for municipal workers, power distribution systems, law enforcement - fire, ambulance, police. A lengthy discussion ensued.

It was requested that the business owner come to the next meeting and explain things to the council then they will decide on what to do. The council was wanting to hear an explanation for this request.

It was stated that the Village of Ladd uses Emergency Management Services in a situation of a public safety event.

Announcements: Bezely told the council that the FBI – Springfield Division stopped at the Village to discuss cybersecurity protocol. Bezely also told the council that the garage at Kennedy Park garage door was damaged. Overhead Door of Peru came today and made the repair so the door now opens and closes and locks.

Nicholson motioned/Ruggerio second to move out of regular session and into Executive Session Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1), Meetings to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, etc.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

Left Regular Session at 7:30pm

Returned to regular session at 8:13 pm

Roll Call: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher

Present: Bezely, Koch, Frund

Thrasher motioned/ Nicholson second that we adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

The meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm
