
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met July 23

Webp 27

Teresa Kernc, Mayor - Village of Diamond | LinkedIn

Teresa Kernc, Mayor - Village of Diamond | LinkedIn

Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met July 23

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon roll call Commissioners present Mark Adair, Dean Johnson, Jeff Kasher and Dave Warner.

Approval of 7-9-2024 Minutes

Mayor Kernc presented the minutes. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to approve the 7-09-2024 meeting minutes and place on file. Ayes: Johnson, Kasher and Kernc. Abstain: Adair and Warner. Motion Carried.

Approval of July 23, 2024, Bill List and Additional Bill List

MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve the July 23, 2024, bill list and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Public Comment


New Business

Speed Bumps on Laura Lane

Mayor Kernc stated a resident reached out to her regarding the installation of speed bumps. Drivers go through the stop sign, speed, etc. and are concerned for safety of children playing and walking across the street as well as other drivers. One resident was hit by a Fedex truck when the Fedex truck went through the stop sign and totaled her car. Kernc took a pole of those who were in attendance in support of the installation of speed bumps. No one was in favor of the installation of speed bumps.

The consensus was to have another “children at play” sign installed. They would also be in favor of a flashing light on the stop sign alerting drivers to stop. Kernc will also request the Grundy County Sheriff's Office for more visibility within the subdivisions of Diamond Estates and Farmstone. A mailing will also be sent in the September water bills reminding residents to follow the rules of the road along with no motorized vehicles being allowed on the bike path.

Final Audit by Mack and Associates

Mayor Kernc welcomed Lauri Pope from Mack and Associates to the meeting. Village of Diamond’s Treasurer Wendy Herbert was also in attendance. Pope reviewed the report and stated the audit was unmodified opinion which means the audit was clean with no issues. Pope thanked Herbert for the collaboration with Mack and Associates working so diligently for the audit. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Accept the Audit Report completed by Mack and Associates. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approve Shenberg Proposal to Install Vinyl Siding for the Village Hall in the amount of $12,800.00

Mayor Kernc stated consensus was given previously, formal approval is needed. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve Proposal from Shenberg Construction to Install Vinyl Siding on the Village Hall in the Amount of $12,800.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Preventative Storm Maintenance-Trees

Mayor Kernc stated there are 2 possibly 3 trees in the village which need to be cut down. Each year the village will review the condition of trees throughout the village and cut them down accordingly. Kernc will get a proposal for this project. Once received, this will be brought to the board for approval.

Approve Apex Construction for Miscellaneous Concrete Work

Mayor Kernc stated there are numerous locations which concrete work needs to be completed in the village. The village will provide the concrete and gravel, however Apex will complete all the forming and finishing work. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Apex Construction for Miscellaneous Concrete work in the amount of $15,000.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Wren Construction for the 12” Storm Sewer Proposal in the amount of $14,528.00 Mayor Kernc stated consensus was given previously therefore formal approval is required. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve Wren Construction for the 12” Storm Sewer Proposal in the amount of $14,528.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Old Business

Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update

Mayor Kernc stated there was nothing out of the ordinary to report.

Legal Counsel

No Report

Engineer Updates

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated he has received recommendations for the Public Works Building.

A meeting will be held to discuss the specifications. Commissioner Kasher stated he would like the building’s dimensions to be 60x120. Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning would like to get a quote for an 80x120 also. Perry stated the specifications will be based on the Morton Building recommendations except for the size of the building. The specifications will be reviewed before placing it out to bid by holding a meeting with Perry, Kasher, Dunning and Commissioner Adair.

Perry continued with update: he stated the bid for Well #2 Abandonment will be presented at the next board meeting, the signal is being installed at IL 113 and Will Road, and the clarifier power washing and painting project is approximately 1 month out.

Public Works Department Updates

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated the large dump truck is being repaired for a sensor replacement. There were various sidewalk sections needing repairs in the village which have been completed. The booster pump has been ordered and 3 public work employees will be out of the office tomorrow for safety training and Dunning will be attending an EMA training.

Clerk Updates

Village Clerk Lori Holmes needs a head count of those Commissioners who will be able to work at the fall fun fest to organize the volunteers and work times. Holmes stated each Commissioner must obtain the Authenticator App and installation process to obtain their village emails. Holmes stated last year the village received $3,250.00 sponsorship donations for the fall fun fest. This year, the village has received $7,250.00, an increase of $4,000.00 over last year.

Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Adair

Commissioner Adair did not have a report however, inquired about the trash on the curb at 1425 E. Division St. Kernc stated a letter has been sent to the owner of the property and the course of action which will be taken if the owner does not remove the trash within the timeline given in the letter.

Commissioner Johnson

No Report

Commissioner Kasher

Commissioner Kasher is concerned about the house on corner of McGinty St. and IL 113. They have a tree which is leaning, and it is tied with a ratchet strap to a Comed pole. Kasher is concerned that the tree could fall and take down the Comed pole. Mayor Kernc will contact Comed regarding this situation.

Commissioner Warner

No Report

Mayor Kernc

Mayor Kernc stated she will be attending the IML board meeting on Thursday and Friday.


MOTION was made to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
