
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of LaSalle City Council met Aug. 5

Webp 14

LaSalle City Mayor Jeff Grove | City of LaSalle Website

LaSalle City Mayor Jeff Grove | City of LaSalle Website

City of LaSalle City Council met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A regular meeting of the La Salle City Council of La Salle, Illinois was held, Monday, August 5, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. with Mayor Jeff Grove with proper notices being duly and continuously posted.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.



Present – Mayor Grove, Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

Excused Absence – Alderman Thompson

Others Present: Deputy Clerk Brent Bader, Economic Development Director Curt Bedei, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, City Attorney James McPhedran, City Engineer Brian Brown, Police Chief Mike Smudzinski, City Treasurer Virginia Kochanowski

A quorum was present.

Mayor Grove said this time will be for the public to comment and in not wanting to take time away from them, he may address comments made here elsewhere during the meeting.


Dawn Hicks thanked City Engineer Brian Brown, Public Works Director Kevin Fay and Deputy Clerk Brent Bader for speaking with her after the last Council meeting as well as Police Chief Mike Smudzinski for updating the public on the radio regarding the Police Department. Mrs. Hicks said she is concerned about the air quality readings at Rotary Park compared to other monitors.

Dena Hicks asked if the program the City is using for her sidewalk is the same program as the Safe Routes to School sidewalk. City Engineer Brian Brown said no but they still have that program as well. Mrs. Hicks said a portion of Public Comment was cut from the City’s live stream and also had questions about police officers leaving the department.

Police Chief Mike Smudzinski said he could speak to her after the meeting regarding her questions. She had further questions about the City’s HR, pool staffing, and issues with the Rotary Park air monitor.

Angel Farmer made complaints about Alderman Jim Bacidore ignoring her and comments made by Mayor Grove at the last meeting. She mentioned her comments have been cut off during the live stream and requested new microphones in the Council Chambers. She  made further complaints about retired Building Inspector Andy Bacidore during the last meeting and detailed her conversations with Mayor Grove about the meeting as well as Rotary Park complaints. She further detailed issues she has with a proposed ordinance relating to a Code of Conduct at City Hall. She ended with a moment of silence for those negatively impacted by the Council and staff.


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Bacidore to approve the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held July 22, 2024. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to approve a break curb request from Ameren at 26 Gunia Drive to install gas service.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Deputy Clerk Bader notified the Council that Ax Church had turned in a Special Event Permit Application a few hours before the meeting for an event which is set to occur before their next scheduled Council meeting. The applicant requested to close a portion of Tonti Street between First and Canal streets from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, August 18. Physical copies were made available to each alderman and a representative of Ax Church, Megan, was in attendance.

Megan said it was a carnival to celebrate the graduation of students to their next grade.

Mayor Grove said he spoke to Pastor Cameron as well and that the surrounding area was onboard. Deputy Clerk Bader said he would only ask the applicant turn in a Certificate of Liability Insurance which is standard for special event applications on City Property. Alderman Herndon noted they are a very good organization and complimented the charity work they do in the community and asked for a straw vote.

City Attorney McPhedran said the Council can individually share any concerns. No Council members in attendance had any issues with the request.


Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept, approve and place on file Monthly Police Income Report for July 2024 showing total fees collected of $7,129.32.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to accept, approve, and place on file a thank you letter from Illinois Valley PADS shelter. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


City Engineer Brian Brown said this project is paid out of federal funds with 20% coming out of TIF, General, or MFT funds. This project was led through the Illinois Department of Transportation and Advanced Asphalt was the only bidder. The bid came in 0.4% over the Engineer’s Estimate. Engineer Brown hopes to get it under contract in a month and constructed hopefully by a month after that. Alderman Jordan Crane said it’s great we received federal funds for this project as Richard Hallett Road has needed work.

Moved by Alderman Crane and seconded by Alderman Herndon to approve the bid award to Advanced Asphalt of $535,615.70 for the 8th Street from Crosat Street to and including Sterling Street intersection and Richard Hallett Road from U.S. 6 to, but not including, Burgess Drive intersection project. Each and every alderman has a copy.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE



Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Crane to accept the resignation of Police Officer Valeria Aguilera.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee regarding a request from Carrie Fanti of Carrie-All, Inc. for two Redevelopment Incentive Program grants totaling $25,000 for premises located at 535 First Street and 537 ½ First Street.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee regarding a bid from Flow-Technics of $77,419.70 to build two new pump motor skids to replace the current pumps and motors at the East End Booster Station.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE



Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Ptak Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the request of Anthony Sondgeroth for a Variance related to proposed side yard and front yard setback.

City Attorney McPhedran said there were no objections at the hearing.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE



Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Crane to approve authorization of Pay Request #17 for Vissering Construction Company totaling $95,211.36 for work completed to date on Aerobic Digester Conversion project.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to approve authorization of Pay Request #1 for Cruz Concrete, Inc. totaling $47,887.25 for work completed to date on 2024 National Fitness Campaign (NFC) Pad & Sidewalk Program.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to approve authorization of Pay Request #14 for Vissering Construction Company totaling $127,818.79 for work completed to date on Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements 2022 project.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to approve authorization of Pay Request #15 for Vissering Construction Company totaling

$175,815.46 for work completed to date on Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements 2022 project.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Crane to approve authorization of Pay Request #16 for Vissering Construction Company totaling $68,468.26 for work completed to date on Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements 2022 project.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to approve authorization of Pay Request #5 for Otto Baum Company, Inc. totaling $67,270.75 for work completed to date on Masonry Restoration project.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE



Alderman Lavieri said he received a complaint about residents leaving the garbage bins out to the road all week long. He asked if the City can warn or fine those people. Mayor Grove said the Ordinance lets people put out their bins the evening before and he asked if these are people leaving them out longer than just the night of pickup.

Alderman Lavieri said these are people who leave them out for multiple days. Aldermen Jeppson and Reynolds have also seen this. Mayor Grove said aldermen can have that conversation with the resident or report them to Police. Alderman Herndon said a reminder can go in the water bills and Mayor Grove said staff can produce another educational video for social media.

Mayor Grove thanked Deputy Clerk Bader for covering for City Clerk Amy Quinn and Denny’s for providing coffee for the Council and public.

Mayor Grove said there has been no bids for the former Public Works building downtown and wants to consider a Request for Proposals as the building will be a work in progress for any potential buyers. Alderman Herndon asked about the companies the City has hired to promote the City and if they’ve promoted the Public Works building. Economic Development Director Curt Bedei said there are opportunities there and they are attending a Manufacturer’s Show and those with brochures or samples they could accept them at the show.

Alderman Lavieri asked Deputy Clerk Bader to elaborate on a mailer Alderman Lavieri received. Deputy Clerk Bader said mailers have gone out to the community a mailer that says “Water Update” and to contact a “Miss Anna.” Deputy Clerk Bader said that is not something the City sent out and it instead appears to be a third-party company soliciting for business.

Alderman Ptak addressed issues with pool staffing and said we need to have so many lifeguards on duty and the staff of the La Salle Pool goes back to school. Alderman Lavieri said it’s been an issue nation wide recruiting lifeguards. He added the chemicals need agitation throughout the week and it costs much more to operate only on weekends to get enough chemicals in the pool for just a weekend. Mayor Grove added that students get into sports which also takes up their time after school. Alderman Crane asked if the City gets any adult applicants. Mayor Grove said the City had one retired teacher two years ago.

Mayor Grove also responded to public comment about hiring police officers. The City has a Police and Fire Board that conducts the hirings and the applicants go through testing. He added the City has an HR department handled by John Duncan and Jessica Chase of the Finance Department.

Alderman Ptak furthered questions regarding the air monitor and asked where someone goes if they have concerns. Alderman Jeppson said the City manages the air monitor but they are not involved in the investigation component of data collection. Alderman  Crane said that we would call the EPA. Alderman Jeppson said the City is collecting the data and what the citizens do with that data is up to them. He said it ends for the City with operating the device. Alderman Ptak said he understands the City doesn’t need to be investigating it but wonders where it goes. Alderman Crane said Deputy Clerk Bader can call the IEPA or email.

Alderman Bacidore said he wanted to respond to public comment that he doesn’t acknowledge people that slander him all the time. He said he treats people the way he is treated. Mayor Grove gave a warning to Angel Farmer for interrupting following Alderman Bacidore’s comments.

Alderman Crane said he’d like to see a bid or two for demolition of the old Public Works building to determine what it would be compared to waiting for an Request for Proposals. Mayor Grove said he’d like to see the RFP come in first and if Alderman Crane is comfortable with that should nothing come from the RFP. Alderman Crane said he is but he wants to start discussing it.


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Ptak to accept, approve, and place on file an ordinance authorizing variance concerning premises at 578 Union Street (Sondgeroth) within the City of La Salle. Each and every alderman has a copy.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Finance Director Duncan said the City made a decision based on rates received to go on an eight-month contract with Constellation. The City partners with Rock River and Nimic consulting firms with seven other communities to go out to bid. It’s cheaper than the Ameren rate which is 8.150 and the eight-month rate with Constellation is 7.719.

Constellation will be supplying Ameren with power but they will have power delivered and billed by Ameren regardless. The current rate is 8.25. Residents will receive correspondence and they can opt out. Residents don’t have to do anything to receive the less expensive rate or opt out and negotiate directly with the supplier on an individual basis. Alderman Lavieri said Constellation is a subsidiary of Excelon.

Alderman Ptak said it’s only an 8-month contract and the other option was a 32-month contract. The communities all liked the 8-month as it was cheaper rate compared to the 32-month rate.


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept, pay, and file the bills from July 22, 2024: Total Submitted: $572,333.19 (Total Payroll $220,261.77, Bills to be Paid $239,347.74, Total Bills Paid $112,723.68). Each and every alderman has a copy.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson Abstain: NONE


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to adjourn the meeting.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion is carried.


7:16 pm
