
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of LaSalle Finance Committee met Aug. 5

Webp 16

Jerry Reynolds, Second Ward Alderman | City of LaSalle Website

Jerry Reynolds, Second Ward Alderman | City of LaSalle Website

City of LaSalle Finance Committee met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairman Ptak called the Meeting to order at 6:00 pm


Present: Alderman Bacidore, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane

Absent: Alderman Thompson

Others Present: Finance Director John Duncan, Deputy Clerk Brent Bader, Economic Development Director Curt Bedei, City Engineer Brian Brown, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, City Treasurer Virginia Kochanowski

A quorum was present.

Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Herndon to approve the minutes from July 22, 2024.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Alderman Lavieri asked if the building had three units inside. Mrs. Fanti confirmed that fact. Chairman Ptak said it would be a nice improvement and Alderman Lavieri believes it qualifies. Chairman Ptak said that there is technically two addresses and it qualifies for two Redevelopment Incentive Program (RIP) Grants.

Moved by Alderman Jeppson and seconded by Alderman Herndon to accept the request for $25,000 in grant funds for premises located at 535 First Street and 537 ½ First Street


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane, Chairman Ptak

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson

Abstain: NONE


Chairman Ptak began by saying he spoke to Water Treatment Supervisor Patrick Watson regarding the next request for pump motor skids. The City was originally going to fix the bearings of two pumps for $17,000 but they are roughly 30 years old and Watson felt it would be wiser to replace them. Plus this is an upgrade from 20 horsepower to 30 horsepower. They would also operate more efficiently and save the City money in electrical costs.

City Engineer Brian Brown said the reason the City selected Flow-Technics is they do pump curves and designs so the City does not have to hire a consultant to do additional work for installation.

Alderman Crane said he understands the urgency but doesn’t know if the City should do it not or get another proposal. Alderman Lavieri said the bearings are going and the City doesn’t have much time. Alderman Crane acknowledged that.

Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to accept the bid of $77,419.70 for Flow-Technics to build two new pump motor skids to replace the current pumps and motors at East End Booster Station.


AYES: Aldermen Bacidore, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane, Chairman Ptak

NAYS: NONE Absent: Alderman Thompson

Abstain: NONE


The Committee had no questions on the bills.

The Committee had no further conversation under Old Business or New Business.

Finance Director John Duncan said he would update the full Council regarding Constellation Energy.

There were no questions or comments from the public.

Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to adjourn the meeting.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion is carried.

