
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Seneca Village Council met Aug. 5

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Village of Seneca Village Council met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Seneca Village Council held a regularly scheduled Council meeting at Seneca Village Hall on August 5, 2024 and the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Olson, Commissioners Higgins and Peddicord 

Absent: Commissioners Victor and Weber 

Also Present: Village Clerk Jennifer Peddicord, Attorney Bryan Wellner and Village Engineer Casey McCollom 

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve the July 15, 2024 council meeting minutes as presented. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve the payment of bills as presented. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 


Additional Agenda Item: Commissioner Higgins: Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village and Manlius Township. 





Due to the absence of Commissioner Weber, Mayor Olson presented his agenda items. 

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve an expenditure to Chamlin & Associates in the amount of $1,844.00 for source water protection plan final payment. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve an expenditure to Hawkins, Inc. in the amount of $4,559.22 for water treatment chemicals. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve an expenditure to Landcomp Corp. in the amount of $4,908.62 for annual sludge fees. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve an expenditure to AMJ Spectacular Events in the amount of $1,800.63 for Christmas train for Christmas in the Park. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Higgins to approve an expenditure to A&E Septic Services in the amount of $6,480.00 for vac and wash down clarifier tank and aeration tank. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 


Due to the absence of Comm. Victor, Mayor Olson presented his agenda items. 

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve an expenditure to Wex Bank in the amount of $2,700.77 for fuel expenses. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 


A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve an expenditure to P&M Electric in the amount of $1,955.00 for streetlight repair. Mayor Olson apologized for the delay in approving this payment, as there was confusion as to who was responsible. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

A motion was made by Comm. Higgins and seconded by Comm. Peddicord to approve an expenditure to D Construction in the amount of $421,892.87 for 2024 Street Program (contingent on 7-day waiting period). Comm. Higgins advised that the program includes the balance of Oak Street, Walnut Street and patching in Valley View. Casey McCollom noted that this is the as-bid amount; D Construction will adjust that amount by approximately $80,000.00 to keep it under $390,000.00, which is what was budgeted. He also advised that technically the 7-day waiting period has expired. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber 

Commissioner Higgins advised that the Summer workers, Neely Hougas and Eli Hill, are finished for the year and did a phenomenal job. He is willing to highly recommend them to future employers. 


Comm. Peddicord presented an Ordinance Authorizing Sale and Disposal of Surplus Village Property (2013 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor). This is the old chief car. The fire department is interested in purchasing the vehicle, or it may be put out for bid. 


Mayor Olson presented an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Between the Seneca Regional Port District and the Village of Seneca Regarding the Village of Seneca Façade Improvement Grant Program. This will be brought back at the next council meeting. 

Mayor Olson advised that he will bring back the approval of the Façade Improvement Program Agreement with James Knaparek/Fat Daddyz at the next council meeting, after he has a chance to meet with Mr. Knaparek. 

Mayor Olson read a Proclamation for United Way of Eastern LaSalle County Day. 


Comm. Higgins presented an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Manlius Township Road District and Village of Seneca Regarding Grass Mowing and Related Services. Comm. Higgins advised that Manlius Township Road District will be renting a ditch mower from ALTA Equipment and they will be mowing the I&M Canal for us, as well as the Rat Run ditches. Attorney Wellner will amend the agreement to read as general grass mowing to cover future mowing. This will be brought back for approval at the next meeting. 



A motion was made by Comm. Peddicord and seconded by Comm. Higgins to adjourn the council meeting. 

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Higgins and Peddicord 

Nays: None 

Absent: Victor and Weber

The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 5:46 p.m.
