
Illinois Valley Times

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Village of Ladd Village Board met Sept. 10

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Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met Sept. 10

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President, Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, Molly Thrasher

Absent: Trustee Dan Nelson

In attendance: Village Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Village Treasurer Julie Koch, Superintendent Doug Englehaupt, Attorney Pat Barry, Engineer Adam Ossola, Police Chief Jacob Frund Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to accept the August 27, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

Nicholson motioned/Martin second to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $60,817.69

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Tree Committee - Margherio reported on a tree at 300 S. Brush Avenue. Both Margherio and Superintendent Englehaupt looked at the trees reported on the easement. They both feel that no action is necessary. They saw no safety concerns or public hazards. The only thing noted were volunteer trees growing at the base of the tree.

Martin asked Englehaupt to look at the tree in Mike Grivetti’s front yard – she felt it looked “weird.” Englehaupt feels it is a birch tree and it does lean pretty good. Englehaupt will look at it but Grivetti has expressed sentimental attraction to this tree.

Ruggerio expressed concerns about the flags that are hung on Main Avenue at different times of the year, being tattered, and wondered if raising them on the poles would keep them safer from being hit and less tattered. Englehaupt stated raising them would take the bucket truck to put them up. He stated if we raise the poles, we will need to leave them up for approximately 7 months. Englehaupt stated that raising them will also eliminate the summer help from being able to put up the flags due to being too high for them to install. Discussion ensued on the cost of new flags and poles when needed vs. moving them up and replacing all 26 flags annually. The council agreed to just leave them as they are. The cost to replace an occasional flag and/or pole is less than the cost of 26 flags annually.

Engineer’s Report: Ossola brought up the Lead Service Line Inventory which was required to be submitted to the IL EPA at the end of August. The Village of Ladd has 660 water meters. 250 of these water lines are considered okay, 15 are galvanized, and 400 lines are “unknown” either on the homeowner's side or the Village’s side. The IL EPA feels that these 400 unknowns must be addressed. 7% of these total lines that need to be investigated must be taken care of annually. They are giving us. 15 years to have all these lines investigated, replaced if necessary, and submit updates to the IL EPA. Ossola stated that each line will cost the Village approximately $10,000.00 to replace. The Village of Ladd has a signed grant for $30,000.00 to help with costs. Ossola stated that $15,000.00 of the grant would be used for GIS Mapping of the Water Lines in the Village of Ladd. $15,000.00 would be used for someone to go into the homes to investigate all the unknown lines and hopefully reduce that 400 to a much smaller number. We can also use this $15,000.00 to pothole the Village side of the line to find out exactly what the resident has. Ossola wanted to make the council aware of the Village’s responsibility. Englehaupt gave a scenario of if 400 unknown lines turned out to be lead in any way, replacement of these lines could cost the Village $4 million. Cutting down these numbers is key. Nicholson asked Ossola while we were investigating if we find lead, does this replacement have to be done immediately at that time? Ossola stated that those situations can be done at that time or the Village can wait and do all the replacements at once. It would be up to the Village council. Documentation must be done immediately. Discussion ensued. Bezely confirmed with Englehaupt that anyone who wrote unknown on their cross-connection survey was contacted by Englehaupt and he went into their home to investigate what they had and those corrections were made. Englehaupt stated yes, but that he only confirmed what is on the homeowner's side of the water line – not the Village’s side. He reported that after reviewing all the residents’ cross-connection surveys he made changes to the Village’s side when he knew for sure they were reported incorrectly. Ossola told Englehaupt that he would first start by trying to decrease the number of unknown water lines by planning before we start potholing. Englehaupt suggested only doing what is required in hopes that grant money will be made available to cover this mandated work. Ossola feels there is money available to help with this. Discussion ensued regarding “pulling in” replacement lines. Englehaupt stated, so everyone is aware, the Village’s responsibility starts and stops at the buffalo box. Englehaupt stated the village could take it upon themselves to run it in but generally the plumbing inspector steps in. Englehaupt stated he can tap the main, he can hook up his line to his valve box but he cannot touch the other side of the valve box, so this will all need to be contracted by licensed plumbers. It is possible that these costs will not be the Village’s responsibility. Ossola stated that there is a mandate that the Village mustcomply with this but they can bill the homeowner for anything needed on their side. It states that this can be paid by the homeowner over time. It is required by the IL EPA to be done. A waiver was mentioned. This could state that the homeowner denies access or refuses to allow it to be replaced. Ossola stated that notices must go out to all the “unknowns and galvanized” lines. Bezely will speak with Ossola to make sure they comply with this. Atty. Barry asked if a 1” meter would need to be purchased for these homes. Englehaupt spoke about the meters installed in 2008-2009 coming to the end of their battery life. Several of these meters have had the heads replaced but the brass has been left in place. Englehaupt asked Ossola the next step. The Lead Line Inventory spreadsheet was submitted and the replacement plan was submitted at 6 o’clock as of today. This plan will be updated every year. The next time we will need to send information will be April 2025. There is grant work that has a November deadline for the work to be done and grant money paid out. Englehaupt asked how this would look going forward. He used an example of 3 of the unknowns all of the sudden becoming galvanized and we figured we would change them. He asked if the spreadsheet that was submitted could be changed. Ossola stated that yes, either Chamlin or the Village could make changes to this spreadsheet and then they would resubmit the updated spreadsheet every year to show the progression of this work. Englehaupt will take the list of unknowns and try to whittle away to see if some of the unknowns can be verified by potholing them. Ossola had a rough estimate of $200 and some dollars per hour for the machine and he thought it would take a couple hours. The replacement plan needs to be uploaded to the website so residents are aware.

Superintendent’s Report: Nothing to report

Police Chief: Chief Frund mentioned that there are a lot of questions regarding the hit and run. He cannot give any details it is not his investigation. The Flock cameras in town along with the town cameras put things into a timeline and helped Bureau County. Frund has no idea what will happen it is out of his hands. Frund stated that without the Flock and the town cameras, he would not have been able to help them. The Flock cameras pick up/read plates and the town cameras cannot do this, they are not fast enough. Together they worked perfectly. Frund also mentioned that people in town were talking about a call this weekend. There are a lot of rumors. Frund urged the council to call him if someone approached them so he could help squash any rumors. There was an incident this weekend with a juvenile. Frund is unable to speak about it due to juveniles being protected. The vehicle that was taken was returned to the resident and the juvenile was charged with criminal trespass to a vehicle, underage drinking, and taken away on a warrant. Rumors are going around that Ladd Police did nothing. Frund stated in today’s society with the new SAFE-T Act, yes that guy would have still been given tickets and drove away. The days of arresting someone and taking them away in handcuffs to jail are no longer. These people that think the old way is still here, it is not. The rumors Frund heard today are false. The vehicle was returned. There was stuff stated that the Ladd officer said. Frund states this is a lie. The officer is Shawn Emmett, a Bureau County investigator, a very mild-mannered guy, and an excellent cop. If anyone hears anything other than these facts – tell them it is a lie. Shawn handled it because he knew exactly what he was doing. It seems like the town criers go to the council members to spread rumors. Frund would appreciate it if you call him immediately so he can make sure the facts are known by the council.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance

Village Attorney: New Business –Ordinance 1171 was distributed to the council members. Atty. Barry reminded them that at the last meeting, the discussion ended with the garbage rates increasing to $13.00 starting October 1, 2024.

Nicholson motioned/Margherio second to Pass Ordinance 1171 An Ordinance Increasing the Garbage Collection Rate in the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, Illinois

Ayes: Thrasher, Ruggerio, Martin, Margherio, Nicholson, President Cattani – motion passed

Absent: Nelson

New Business – Ordinance 1172 was distributed to the council members. Atty. Barry reminded everyone about the discussion of setting salaries before the April 1, 2025 election. Decisions were made at the last meeting.

Nicholson motioned/Thrasher second to Pass Ordinance 1172 An Ordinance Establishing the Revised Salaries for the Village Clerk and Village President of the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, Illinois Effective May 1, 2025.

Ayes: Thrasher, Ruggerio, Martin, Margherio, Nicholson, President Cattani – motion passed

Absent: Nelson

New Business – Ordinance 1173 was distributed to the council members. Atty. Barry reminded everyone at the last meeting, the council requested stop signs at West Cleveland & Western Ave. 

Martin motioned/Margherio second to Pass Ordinance 1173 An Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the Errection of Stop Signs in Both the Easterly and Westerly Directions of Cleveland Street at its Intersection with Western Avenue in the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, Illinois.

Ayes: Thrasher, Nicholson, Martin, Margherio, Ruggerio, President Cattani – motion passed

Absent: Nelson

Old Business: 202 N. Main Avenue Building Raquel and Jose addressed the council and stated that the renovations were complete. They showed pictures of the business front. It is very nice. This 1,000-square-foot business is available for rent. They asked for the Village’s help in attracting a business that would bring people to Ladd. Their plan B is to put Jose’s business in the newly renovated area but he is not in the office much – he is out installing the flooring; therefore, they would like a business that would bring people to Ladd. Their thoughts are for a nail salon, massage, and a barber or hairdresser. They are willing to section off the front so many people can have their business in there. They will continue to look and the Village was asked to put this information on our website and on Facebook to help get the word out. The bathroom is ADA-compliant. Their contact information can be obtained through the clerk’s office.

Old Business: 105 N. Main Avenue approval of exterior building materials. A drawing and a photo were given to the council which explains the material requested for the business front of Amore Pizzeria. The council all liked what the owner, Frankie Alfano, had chosen for the stone front. Alfano will also be submitting a Façade Grant application to help him purchase clay tile decorative roofing that he wants to put in place of the shake shingles sometime. Alfano invited the council to stop by anytime for a look around. He is hoping to be open by mid to late October. He plans to be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to start.

Martin motioned/Ruggerio to second the Design Drawing and Materials for 105 N. Main Avenue Business.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

Old Business: Village taking over Ladd Cemetery Sammi Sarosinski met with Paul Biccochi regarding the duties of taking over the cemetery. Sammi called the State of Illinois to get some questions answered about this possible transaction. She did not receive a returned call from the State of Illinois. We will plan to discuss at the next meeting on September 24, 2024.

Old Business: CDBG Sanitary & Storm Sewer Separation Grant for the West Side of the Village of Ladd. President Cattani spoke with all property owners to discuss getting an easement to run the sewer lines. Ossola stated that the next step is up to the Village of Ladd whether to move forward in the study process and the design process because we still need to apply for a grant. Easements likely need to be in place to apply. Easements will most likely help the score to put Ladd in a higher ranking for being awarded a grant. There were 5 farmers notified by Cattani. These landowners were all on the south side of the road. Englehaupt asked how much of this area is tillable, and Cattani stated none. Englehaupt asked if we could get ownership to gain a right of way. If we go in the direction of obtaining Right of way we would need to approach the Township. It was decided to just get the legal descriptions of the properties to Atty. Barry to obtain signatures for easements to install the sewer lines out to Adam’s Creek. The Village wants to apply for the next round of grants.

New Business: Trick or Treat Hours President Cattani asked the council what hours they want to set for Trick or Treat on Thursday, October 31st.

Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to Set Trick-or-Treat Hours for Thursday, October 31, 2024, from 5 pm to 7 pm in the Village of Ladd.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

Announcements: Bezely stated that there is a receipt in the council’s packets showing how much each fund received in the 1st installment of property taxes. The Red Cross Blood Drive was a success and the Village is considering having another one in December, 8 weeks following our recent drive to get people who donated to donate again in December. Heidi Templeton was a big help to Bezely in getting people to donate blood, or donate food, and drinks, and by running the cantina. Bezely reported that she, President Cattani, Doug, Jacob, Julie, Adam Ossola, and Tim Harris all met at the Community Center to go over the plans to renovate the building for the Village Clerk’s Office. Bezely asked the council if the 2 vent hoods should be listed for sale so that money obtained could be put towards the renovation instead of these items just being put into the dumpster. Discussion ensued and it was decided to wait on this. Bezely asked the council if a lighted sign would be considered at the new Village Hall if this moves forward in the future. The council stated that yes, a lighted sign would be nice out front. Bezely was asked by engineering to find out so that electrical costs could be determined. Nicholson stated he thinks we still do not have costs yet for this renovation. Nicholson asked how long a flat roof lasts. Northern Illinois Roofing did the flat roof in April 2018 and the length of warranty is 21 years. Ossola mentioned renovations of the Community Center would be somewhere between $500,000-$700,000. Nicholson is wondering what new construction would cost. $2 million was an approximate cost given. Bezely expressed disappointment that one of the trees planted last fall next to the chicken appears to be dead. Margherio will look at it as a tree committee member. Nicholson will investigate getting a couple more trees to replace the ones that died from the Village’s planting last fall.

Margherio motioned/Nicholson second to move out of regular session and into Executive Session Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1), Meetings to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, etc.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

Left Regular Session at 7:45 pm

Returned to regular session at 8:36 pm. President Cattani requested a roll call. 

Roll Call: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher

Absent: Nelson

Present: Atty. Barry, Bezely, Koch

Martin motioned/Nicholson second to Approve the Executive Session Minutes from the August 27, 2024 meeting.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

Atty. Barry stated the only agenda item left to discuss is Passing the IBEW Local 51 & Village of Ladd Labor Agreement but there are still some issues to talk about. Barry will contact Jed Dooley from Local 51 tomorrow to discuss these issues. Ruggerio asked if a Special Meeting should be called to approve the contract before Atty. Barry goes out of town. Atty. Barry stated a special meeting would not be necessary. Barry will let the Village know if he is satisfied with the decisions on the language.

Atty. Barry will be out of town beginning September 18, 2024, and returning on October 4, 2024. Molly Thrasher announced next week is the last farmers' market. Thrasher was complimented on an excellent job. Thrasher stated that the sidewalk is terrible at War Memorial Park. The Village is aware and hopes to get this fixed when the Main Avenue Sidewalk Replacement Grant takes place.

Thrasher motioned/ Nicholson second that we adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried

Absent: Nelson

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm




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